New setup


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
I have something like this, only it's half a pipe and has an extra arch to go into it. This allows Foxy to move around freely inside her. He often likes to relax there and look out of it, watching us.
Just saw that: In the second picture towards the left, it looks like there is a curtain - do you also have a window behind the enclosure? :love:


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Just saw that: In the second picture towards the left, it looks like there is a curtain - do you also have a window behind the enclosure? :love:
Yes that's right.
There is a window to the left of the terrarium, but I was unable to install the terrarium near it.
There is a 50cm wall between the terrarium and the window, it is covered by a curtain and behind the curtain there is a central heating pipe, so I cannot move the terrarium to the left towards the window. The pipe will greatly heat the terrarium in winter. But you are right, I keep thinking about a way to install a terrarium near a window.


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Even if you cannot move it directly to the window, I think just being able to look out there even if from a distance adds something :) Have you tried how your dragon reacts when the curtain is open?
(I always leave the curtains behind and right to the terrarium open during day, and just close them during night which I do mostly because of light pollution from outside - street lights, harbor.)
Does it warm up during summer through the glass? Here it does. (But our summer temps might be well above yours, plus we have for sure more direct sun i.e. without any clouds.)


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Even if you cannot move it directly to the window, I think just being able to look out there even if from a distance adds something :) Have you tried how your dragon reacts when the curtain is open?
(I always leave the curtains behind and right to the terrarium open during day, and just close them during night which I do mostly because of light pollution from outside - street lights, harbor.)
Does it warm up during summer through the glass? Here it does. (But our summer temps might be well above yours, plus we have for sure more direct sun i.e. without any clouds.)
As I already said, there is a 50cm wall from the left wall of the terrarium to the right side of the window, so the sun's rays do not enter the terrarium. This is probably good, the terrarium does not heat up and it is easier for me to control the temperature gradient inside. But on this window Foxy has a pillow on which he likes to sit and look out the window. His greens grow there too, and he sometimes eats them while sitting on a pillow.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
Turns out placing it vertical is fine with him ;)


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Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
I wonder how he plans to get down from there? :unsure:
Fortunately for him the walls are glued with kork, so he can in theory climb up and down wherever he wants.
But it was time for water and some free time, so I picked him up.
That his secret escape tunnel in case you don't feed him enough bugs lmao 😂 🤣
He is still very chilled though, usually he doesn't like change but this time he's fine :)

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