Oola (vet visit 9/18)

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Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Nice! Yeah please post a picture of it with the extra UVB, I'd be interested to see the difference.

I had to share this picture, haha. I found Oola in this position this morning. She doesn't look like she had a very good first night of sleep in her new viv.



Hatchling Member
so the first pic is with just the one UVB and basking and the second pic has Two UVB and basking spot
As you can see the whole right side of the cage was much darker and depressing before especially the back wall



Hatchling Member
Yeah we are on the verge of building something from lizard landscapes. We were thinking castle and do a game of thrones theme. Not sure though


Hatchling Member
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pyffersnpaws":1lb6qsbd said:
I love the new viv and Oola is looking just fabulous

Thanks so much! I saw in your thread that you have been sick. I am glad you are back and feeling better!

I fixed the cracks in Oola's basking platform and, while I was at it, gave the whole thing several extra layers of Mod Podge. She's such a messy beardie, I just know she's going to poop on this thing. Thank you to Tom (the Rock Shop) for designing and building this awesome platform!! I love it and, as you can see, Oola does too. :)


And this is why I chose a viv from CustomCages: I can still see Oola, and she can see me, even when I'm in the kitchen or living room!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I attended the Global Pet Expo in Orlando today and got to talk to Ron Tremper! For those who don't know, he's renowned in the reptile trade particularly for making leopard geckos so popular in the U.S. I was thrilled that he remembered my leo which I ordered from him last summer! I definitely had a fangirl moment.

Got to see lots of displays from the big reptile product companies and got to hold a Rankins for the first time! They are so adorable, but I am still partial to my Oola. :D


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
A few times a week, Oola is out with me on the couch when it's her bedtime. I have a polar fleece blanket which she loves to snuggle into. I got some video of it. I love that shimmy that beardies do when they're getting comfortable! It warms my heart. :love5:

Here's the video:


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Some recent pics of Oola.

Ooh, sexy legs!

Camped out by her food bowl (typical)

I love how orange her beard is getting!!!


Hatchling Member
She is gorgeous, rare coloring on her underside & neat coloring on her legs, all round Beautiful ...


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Oola is almost 19 inches nose to tail tip! She refuses to slow down. She eats bugs just once a day most days, and is starting to polish off her greens instead. But she's still growing like a weed. Today she weighed 378 grams.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Germ":5lybm4ds said:
She is gorgeous, rare coloring on her underside & neat coloring on her legs, all round Beautiful ...

Thank you so much for your comment! I do love how orange her beard and neck are turning.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Also, sorry for all the posts but I thought I'd note how weird it feels to have such an unadventurous beardie when it comes to eating. Oola is incredibly particular about her foods. She'll eat mustard greens and escarole, barely tolerates turnip greens, and hates collards. She loves butternut squash but has refused 4 other types of squash and every other fruit or veggie I've offered. As far as bugs go, she loves supers and hornworms but turns her nose up at discoids unless they're small nymphs or freshly molted (white) larger nymphs. My little diva...


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Oola is an absolutely great looking dragon!

She does sound like quite the diva, looks like one too. :mrgreen:

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