over dosed with reptaid???

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Hi, i have just received the reptaid XL, but i think i have been over dosing, i.ve given him 0.6ml instead of 0.06ml , will this of harmed him and what shall i do? i feel really bad now, his weight is just over 600g, Have i got the measurements wrong cause 0.6ml is just over the halfway mark on the syringe and 0.06ml is very little reptaid. Please can someone help, i'll give him a couple of warm baths and syringe feed him water to try and flush him out and i'll put the reptaid on hold for a couple of weeks.

Also to be honest he's not too bad he's only had 3 days worth of reptaid at those measures.



Extreme Poster
Fix the doasge and soak more than usual. This product does contain part that will dehydrate your animal.
Keep in mind it is a SUPPLEMENT and not a magic cure all.


BD.org Addict
If it does contain a dehydrant (going by Tom here) you may also want to add pedialyte to the bath or even some oral pedialyte. I dilute to 1/2 water 1/2 pedialyte for oral and about 1/3 pedialyte to 2/3 water for the bath simply because that stuff isn't cheap.
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