Premature/deformed Hatchling

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I am new to the forums and just wanted some advice on what to do. This little baby(see links below) hatched in in the morning yesterday. He has a deformed tail and i cant tell what is coming out of his stomach. Like if its a yolk sac or some kind of internal organs. About once an hour he runs around in the incubator for just a couple minutes but then falls asleep. He is alert when he is running around but when he is sleeping he seems dead. Not sure what to do with or how to help him. He is the first to hatch of the clutch that was laid on Janurary 14. Also should i keep him in the incubator for another couple days? Is there any chance of him surviving.
Heres some info on the incubation:
Icubator- Hovobator
Temp- 84
Substrate- Vermiculite
Humidity- Just kept vermiculite a little wet so the eggs wouldnt dry out
Parents not related

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I can't see the pics, sorry.
So has he absorbed his yolk yet?
Is this your first time hatching eggs out?
The yolk sac comes out of a slit in his tummy. It is extremely crucial that he absorb that within the first 24 hours of life, as it gives them needed nutrients as a hatchling. Keep him in a small tupperware incubator with some dampened paper towels so his yolk sac wont catch on any substrate, or dry out.
His tail could be deformed due to inbreeding, or calcium deficiency of the mother upon conception & or laying.



Original Poster
You can try the link again. I tried to redo it. I didnt know that the yolk came out of a little slit on his stomach. If you can see the pic it looks like he absorbed it.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

What is still on his tummy? Is that just substrate?
If he already absorbed it then he should be fine.
How is he doing this evening?



Original Poster
I thought that was just like a dried up egg sac on his belly. Today he is doing better. He is just a little more active but still sleeping a lot.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

You are saying that the egg sac dried up & that is what is on his belly? If that is not softened up he may not make it. That has to close up on his belly & he needs to absorb some of the eggsac but it is pretty dried up.
Have you tried soaking him to see if that will soften up that area? You don't want him absorbing dirt or anything into his system.



Original Poster
I soaked him in the water for a little bit. It did soften a little and hopefully it will fall off and close.
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