Question on Beardie Appearance


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Hi all,

I just got my beardie back again after a year and half (life circumstances happe ed and I didn't feel able to give them as high quality care as they deserved, and a good friend of mine with beardie experience offered to care for them while I got sorted).

I'm going to schedule a vet visit with him soon as he's due, but getting him back again I suppose I got a bit worried that he doesn't look like.. most pictures of adult beardies I see around? He hasn't changed or anything, my friend took great care of him calcium and vitamins and all and this is how he looked last vet visit. The vets didn't have any concerns, but I also go to them because they're the only exotic vets in the area over anything.. so I'd just like a second opinion on if he looks normal to see if I might need to find one a bit further afield to get him checked on.

I guess I'm mostly wondering about his eye shape and posture. This is how they look non-bulging and bulging a bit. (Ignore tht temperature/humidity gage at the back, it's broken and I just haven't removed it. I use an IR temp gun and digital humidity monitor) He also has a more pancaked look than most beardies, but last I went to the vet didn't have any sign of metabolic bone disease reported to me. If it's possibly relevant he had a parasite and some tail necrosis when I adopted him that had to be treated, before he was fully grown.

He's also had an occasional salivation issue that the vets haven't identified as anything (other than confirming it isn't a mouth/gums issue) and black beard more frequently than other beardies I've met, though he never has any stress spots and again it hasn't been identified as anything. For that I was wondering if given this if there was anything you all might suggest that I ask be investigated in particular.

I'm just worried they have something going on in the background that isn't been identified and don't want him to be uncomfortable or hurt..


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AHBD Sicko
Hi there, how old is he and what type + how much supplementation does he get ? Ask your friend how much over the time they had him. Sometimes bulgy eyes and slight bulging throat might indicate over supplementation and/or dehydration. Be sure to offer hydration as often as he'll take it.


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Going on 7 years old. I wasn't given information on type or morph but he's always been pretty pale and less spiky.

He's gotten calcium without d3 twice a week with his bugs and multivitamin once a week also dusted on bugs. He refuses dusted veggies.

He gets misted daily and has available water that is replaced regularly. He is also given regular soaks as he likes them, and will drink during those more reliably. Should I give him soaks daily?


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I meant to say too that the severely shortened snout is abnormal and might make them more prone to difficulty breathing, possibly strain on the heart.
Is there a cause for this, or is it more to do with whatever kind of beardie they are? Is there anything I can do to make sure breathing is easier for him?

He didn't come with much info at the shelter, and I didn't get him from a breeder who could offer it, so I don't really have that background.

(Answer to your other questions qbove)


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So your care sounds fine, maybe your friend wasn't qute as diligent as you were for the 18 months.
Short snout might have been genetic, it's not necessarily a severe health problem.
It's not a new problem, he's had this frequent bulging thing on and off, so if it could be dehydration I might see about soaking him daily if that wouldn't cause him issues and see if anything changes.

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