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Extreme Poster
So what do the salads look like that everyone makes for their dragons?

My kids love their salad:



Dude...whats the deal with your salad, that's the one thing I haven't beardie isn't keen on any salad I've made him.....hook me up with your secret recipe hahahahaha


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Dude? :roll:

It's not a secret. Collards, zucchini and mustard greens. Use a mini chopper and there ya go.


haha..sorry about the dude thing..just had to go with the odds hahaha

I have a really stupid question now though, when it comes to buying mustard/collard greens...are we talking grocery store in a bag labelled collard/mustard greens? or are we talking pet store?


Juvie Member
I use endive (purchased at grocery store) and I switch up the squash I give him. Right now I am using butternut squash. Every couple weeks I will add in a treat like some fruit or snap pees. Puff is a baby probably about 6mths now, got him about 2mths ago and loves his greens. I also use a small 'onion' chopper thing. Got it from Wal-Mart. Smaller pieces the better, makes it easier for them to eat!


Nice Puff I'll definitely get some variety....

So I went and bought some collard greens and zucchini, chopped it up nice and small (he's 1 year old so not tiny tiny) and put it in his will he eat it is the question haha...only time will tell.

Does your dragons usually go right at the salad when you put it in? or does it just gradually disappear throughout the day?


Sub-Adult Member
I'm trying to figure out what greens to feed my dragon. Where I live I have never seen collared or mustard greens. Although I have seen endive, kale and chickory. I hope my local plant store sells alfalfa and mustard plants, so I can start a garden for my Beardie.


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Depends. 2 out of 4 of them go for it right away, while the other 2 eat it throughout the day. My male is in brumation (hibernation) right now so he's not eating. My 3 females are getting big and fat eating their salads and crickets. One of my females would much rather have her salad than her crickets though.

You can feed them endive. Kale & Chickory are also on the approved list, just can't feed them as often as the endive.


Well I guess time will tell..haha...

I actually just got Godzilla from a buddy who couldn't keep him anymore...and the room he's in now is much busier than where he was before, others have told me he probably is just adjusting to the new surroundings. Thanks for all the tips though.

Mustard greens must be a rare commodity because the guy at the grocery store didn't even know what I was talking about! haha...


Juvie Member
jeLcoke":19016 said:
Nice Puff I'll definitely get some variety....

So I went and bought some collard greens and zucchini, chopped it up nice and small (he's 1 year old so not tiny tiny) and put it in his will he eat it is the question haha...only time will tell.

Does your dragons usually go right at the salad when you put it in? or does it just gradually disappear throughout the day?

My little mans salad disappears throughout the day :roll: Good luck with the new salad :D


Extreme Poster
Mistyck":f440d said:
So what do the salads look like that everyone makes for their dragons?

My kids love their salad:


Is this for an adult? I just had to ask because I used to do this for Jada when she was younger but now she is almost 7 months old and she quit eating her salads until I upped the size of greens. So now I have to hand or scissor cut her salads. :shock: I would much rather use my processor. I spoon feed Magick and Semi salads like what you posted but they are just plain spoiled so I plan on making Jada eat hers on her own.
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