Should I be concerned…

Should I be concerned that I have had my bearded dragon since February 17th and he hasn’t shed with me yet?

I think there's a variety of factors that contribute to this.

What is your beardies age?

What is it's current set-up and diet?

They shed to grow so these things can have a huge influence.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Should I be concerned that I have had my bearded dragon since February 17th and he hasn’t shed with me yet?
Dragons grow at their own rate --- correct surface basking temps - diet and UVB and humidity in the tank are all important for the dragons growth etc


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Currently he gets a salad every morning sprinkled with dragon fuel.

His main feeders are Dubia roaches, some crickets every now and then, a couple meal worms and BSFL.

Mondays and Fridays I lightly dust his morning bugs with herptivite and Herpashy calcium LOD, Tues-thurs I dust morning bugs with herpashy calcium nod.

Cool side of enclosure sits between 75-78 degrees, basking temp between 108-112 and humidity between 35-40 with the help of a humidifier at times.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Currently he gets a salad every morning sprinkled with dragon fuel.

His main feeders are Dubia roaches, some crickets every now and then, a couple meal worms and BSFL.

Mondays and Fridays I lightly dust his morning bugs with herptivite and Herpashy calcium LOD, Tues-thurs I dust morning bugs with herpashy calcium nod.

Cool side of enclosure sits between 75-78 degrees, basking temp between 108-112 and humidity between 35-40 with the help of a humidifier at times.
How old is mushu? If he's a baby under a year he needs calcium D 3 5 x per week lightly coated on the insects-- vitamins w beta carotene 2 x per week ONCE per feeding lightly coated - if he's 6 months surface basking temps should be 95-100-- humidity is good if that is being read by a digital probe hygrometer placed on center back wall of the tank

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