Turnip, collard, and mustard greens every day?


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Hey! Just a quick question, I worry non-stop about my beardie. I’m just wondering everyone’s opinions on feeding her a mix of collard, turnip, and mustard greens everyday for her daily salad? I’ve been wasting a bunch of veggies trying to figure out the perfect meal plan for her. My vet said that shes not a fan of too many collard greens but maybe I misunderstood her because I thought that was one of the best things for them? Anyways, I was just wondering if a salad consisting of all three of those greens would be suitable for her everyday meal so I don’t have to waste a bunch of veggies trying to vary them. I could add toppers onto that, like carrots, peppers, or other greens like cilantro or kale. But it would be that greens mix as a daily base. Is that okay? Thanks! ALSO, should I be sprinkling calcium powder on her salads everyday?


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
Hey! Just a quick question, I worry non-stop about my beardie. I’m just wondering everyone’s opinions on feeding her a mix of collard, turnip, and mustard greens everyday for her daily salad? I’ve been wasting a bunch of veggies trying to figure out the perfect meal plan for her. My vet said that shes not a fan of too many collard greens but maybe I misunderstood her because I thought that was one of the best things for them? Anyways, I was just wondering if a salad consisting of all three of those greens would be suitable for her everyday meal so I don’t have to waste a bunch of veggies trying to vary them. I could add toppers onto that, like carrots, peppers, or other greens like cilantro or kale. But it would be that greens mix as a daily base. Is that okay? Thanks! ALSO, should I be sprinkling calcium powder on her salads everyday?
That's the mix I give mine, or if I'm out of something a variation of the 3. Only do calcium on the bugs or the salad, not both on tbe same day.
Beardie name(s)
Copper (Male Leatherback) and Callie (Female HypoTrans Leatherback)
I offer a mix of collard greens, turnip greens, bell peppers (red, yellow and orange), and shaved carrots every day. Even if they do not eat it, it gets them used to having it around, and gets them interested. I personally, do not sprinkle calcium on the greens, since the roaches are dusted.

How old is your beardie? Youngins have a hard time eating them sometimes.


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That's the mix I give mine, or if I'm out of something a variation of the 3. Only do calcium on the bugs or the salad, not both on tbe same day.
Okay great!! Should I give her calcium everyday though? She doesn’t eat her salads as well if I put calcium on it, so she’s mainly been having it on her bugs once a week. I think my vet said that was fine, but I’ve also seen a lot of people giving it once everyday.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I offer a mix of collard greens, turnip greens, bell peppers (red, yellow and orange), and shaved carrots every day. Even if they do not eat it, it gets them used to having it around, and gets them interested. I personally, do not sprinkle calcium on the greens, since the roaches are dusted.

How old is your beardie? Youngins have a hard time eating them sometimes.
She is 3 years! An adult. I give her roaches once a week dusted in calcium, so she has calcium powder once a week. I just worry about not giving her enough of it!


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
She is 3 years! An adult. I give her roaches once a week dusted in calcium, so she has calcium powder once a week. I just worry about not giving her enough of it!
You should give 2 or 3 times per week. A very light dusting.
You should give a multivitamin a couple times per week. I mix my calcium and multivitamin 50/50 in a separate container and use it that way on multivitamin days.

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