Vegetable experts need your opinion on this vegetable!

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It's not there. That's why I posted here. I was hoping someone could tell if the vitamins and nutrients from the plant are safe to BD's. :oops:


Sub-Adult Member
I read the two postings you had about this plant and I believe it was the second one (but anyway) but the one of them that had the most information was very informative about this plant. I personally would not recommend feeding it to your dragon. I would not feed it to my dragons. There are several reasons but just a couple were that it says it has 3 times the potassium of a banana and bananas should only be fed ocassionally so that kinda made me not want to try it. Then if you read all the way to the bottom of the page under toxicity it was talking about toxicity in certain animals but did not say which animals and I was not willing to risk my dragons being those animals. There were several other medical things that it mentioned that made me nervous too so like I said in my opinion I would not feed it.


Original Poster
• Niazinin A, niazimicin and niaziminin A and B isolated from the ethanol extract produced hypotensive, bradycardic and negative inotropic effects in experimental animals.

Is this the one? I missed this. Yeah, probably not a good idea to feed this to BD's.

here's the other one..

ª Has dose-dependent negative inotropic effect, in isolated frog heart study.

negative inotropic effect = weakens the contraction of heart muscles right?


Sub-Adult Member
yea, those are a couple of the ones that just kinda made me nervous and I just wouldn't risk it if it were my dragons.

hope this helps.
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