What tricks can your beardie do?

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Hatchling Member
not sure if this would be considered a "trick" but what the hell... he poops in the same spot ahaha, which is very helpful since i double up the paper towels in that area, and umm he's been taught to associate my feeding tongs with "I'm being fed now!"...goes crazy when he sees me take them out. yep that's all he knows :mrgreen:


BD.org Sicko
One of my females will go up on her hind legs like a dog when I hold a superworm over her head and grab it out of my fingers! :D


Hatchling Member
Spazz is paper trained, if you set her on paper out of her tank she do'se her dudy then we let her run, It took Rose 3 months
but it was wouth it


Sub-Adult Member
Freeie":fd978 said:
Mine does a disappearing act.

LMFAOOOO omg I can't breathe !! lol

I wouldn't call mine a trick.. but umm... ahem... this may sound stupid but when I first got MJ.. I wanted her to just love me :oops: and be sooo attached to me,.. that I guess you can say that I.. err... trained her to only fall asleep in my arms. I'd wrap her in her blankie and hold her and rock her like a baby :oops: . Even when she was only 5 inches long, I'd ball her up IN MY FIST and that's how she'd fall asleep. I somewhat regret now, because now I feel like I have a HUMAN BABY instead of a beardie as she can't sleep unless I put her to sleep. I now have to leave early from friend's house, shopping, happy hours, parties, etc... before her bed time or else she'd stay up all night. trust me, I tried to break this habit and my baby ended up staying up for 24 hours :shock: even with her lights off! I had my camera rolling to believe it my self !

Oh and.. let's just say she cant sleep in her viv.. (only on my bed).. the minute I put her back in her viv she'll wake up.


Hatchling Member
Rumplestilzkin":dd748 said:
that's interesting - did you teach him to "go" in one area, or is he just a neat freak?
I never actually taught him this but he just decides to ha oh nd also I remembered one day I found in my old beanie baby box a mini leopard sleeping bag which was suppossed to be for my beanie babies and I put it with a small pillow in one of the corners and he sleeps there every night no where else


Sub-Adult Member
One of my beardie Legarto has a trick he does. He has a knack for sitting in the same spot hardly moving for hours. I will go and do something come back in 3 hours he is still there. I say go somewhere for 8 hours come home he is still in the same spot. In the morning he is still there. I must have the most talented beardie.


Sub-Adult Member
ghr15":48fdc said:
One of my beardie Legarto has a trick he does. He has a knack for sitting in the same spot hardly moving for hours. I will go and do something come back in 3 hours he is still there. I say go somewhere for 8 hours come home he is still in the same spot. In the morning he is still there. I must have the most talented beardie.

:laughhard: :laughhard:


Extreme Poster
ghr15":c4588 said:
One of my beardie Legarto has a trick he does. He has a knack for sitting in the same spot hardly moving for hours. I will go and do something come back in 3 hours he is still there. I say go somewhere for 8 hours come home he is still in the same spot. In the morning he is still there. I must have the most talented beardie.

LMAO! maybe he moves so fast you cant seem him move! Like Flash in the Incredibles.


Sub-Adult Member
What is funny is legarto likes to sit on this concrete hide I made him that has a little staircase. If I move him somewhere else in his cage and come back later he moved back to that spot.
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