Ziggy's thread (lots of new pics on PG.20) 09/01/11

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Hatchling Member
They are cool !
Aww !
Poor Baby.. Kemp gets his little 'tude when hes in shed also.
But Im excited to see her new colors too !


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reptilemaster":2nanqlrg said:
Those ar good pictures, Ziggy looks cute :D

Thank you very much for taking your time to look trough pics and to comment! :notworthy:


Juvie Member
Awww just saw all the pictures from back earlier this month :) What a cutey with the cherry stains on her face !! :p And I love her all passed out on your leg with those legs all flopped out behind her !! :mrgreen:

I hope her shed is over by now and all those pretty colors are popping out and she's not having to be cranky and uncomfortable anymore


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Slave2Scarlett":zhqsu175 said:
I haven't been on in forever!! Ziggy is looking great! I love the new pics.. She's growing up to be such a pretty girl!

Thank you very much Ashleigh! :notworthy: I love my little baby girl Ziggy. :love5:


Juvie Member
While I've been slack on posting pictures on my thread.. SO HAVE YOU :) i'm missing my Ziggy fix :) It's about time you helped me out *laughing* Hope you and Zig and your little ball python and the tarantula's are all doing well !


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NCSUCarrie":3utdg2kk said:
While I've been slack on posting pictures on my thread.. SO HAVE YOU :) i'm missing my Ziggy fix :) It's about time you helped me out *laughing* Hope you and Zig and your little ball python and the tarantula's are all doing well !

Yes, haven't had enough will to wrestle with photobucket :? But I'll be posting new pics of Ziggy (and others maybe) soon.
Babies are all doing great, ball python has grown 10cm and is much thicker now. :D


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reptilemaster":2d4sji2a said:
Wow :!: is this the same Ziggy that was so small before :eek: He's so cute :D

Yes she is, she has grown a lot. :D She's a big dragon now. :love5:


Sub-Adult Member
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Heyo guys, I decided to post couple new pics of Ziggy after a long time. :)

So here they are:









Good morning princess :love5:






Never saw her beard this black (wish picture was better), something startled her when we were out in the garden, I think she saw a bird swooping above, poor baby :)






This is where she decided to rest when I had her outside :D





Sorry for horrible smart phone pics =(
Thanks for taking your time to look at pics of my baby Ziggy, I hope you like them, if you do leave a comment. :love5:


Juvie Member
YAY Ziggy pics :) And it was my birthday today too so that worked out even better :D I got my fix for my birthday !
She's a little monster now - So big !! :) She looks like she's doing great and some of the pictures are great. I love her propped up on the baseboards - I'm just resting here a bit thanks !
Poor thing getting scared by the bird and busting out the black beard ! She did a good job scaring away that bird though... it didn't dare land near her !!
I was shocked the first time I saw Sydney break out her scary black beard... esp since she was 1.5 years when I saw it :)
Thanks for sharing !!!


Sub-Adult Member
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NCSUCarrie":2azfdimw said:
YAY Ziggy pics :) And it was my birthday today too so that worked out even better :D I got my fix for my birthday !
She's a little monster now - So big !! :) She looks like she's doing great and some of the pictures are great. I love her propped up on the baseboards - I'm just resting here a bit thanks !
Poor thing getting scared by the bird and busting out the black beard ! She did a good job scaring away that bird though... it didn't dare land near her !!
I was shocked the first time I saw Sydney break out her scary black beard... esp since she was 1.5 years when I saw it :)
Thanks for sharing !!!

Well that was a great timing if there ever was one, being you birthday and all. :blob5: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Carrie!!! Ziggy is sending you hugs and kisses! :love5:
That bird flew to the south a bit sooner when she saw the scary black beard. :D
She's now 16,5" big, but she's still my little baby. :love5:
Thanks for commenting Carrie! ;)
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