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Clapton is acclimating okay I think. He's quick as lightning so I'm not sure how much I should bring him out of his house yet. He's not at all interested in his salad though. I wonder if I should change what I'm giving him. Least he's eating his crickets.

Things to do:
Buy calcium powder
Material to raise surface for basking spot
Scenery decals for back of tank


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Taking my beardie for a walk
Beast(my beardie's name)
Beast(my beardie's name)
I heard about how your beardie tries to bite you when you clean his cage and I have a suggestion that maybe you could create a space that he/she can't escape from and put her/him in there while you clean the cage.
Hi everyone, I have a question please. I have a thick branch I got from outside. It has been in freezing temperatures so I know that it is insect free. I took it off the ground and sat it up during a night we got down to 15 so the entire thing would freeze. Well tonight I put white vinegar all over it too cleanse it since it won't fit in my oven. Do I need to rinse with water tomorrow or is it fine left alone dried?
When I get back from being anywhere my beardie is always on the cold side with dull colors but when I hold her for a bit her colors brighten again and she becomes alert and basks after I hold her. Does she just miss me or is something wrong
If people can call their cats and dogs their "Fur babies" then I can definitely call Swordtail my Scale child
Beast(my beardie's name)
Beast(my beardie's name)
I call my baby Mr.Beast because not only does he love watching him, his name is also Beast!
My pet lizards - bearded dragons + skinks - are all treated as scalebabies and all spoilt rotten.

We dont have a cat or dog , we think 4 legged scalebabies are MUCH BETTER as pets.
Hi my bearded had a stuck sperm plug He was straining like he was constipated but he wasn’t. I had seen sperm plug he passed before. So I took him to vet. They said one of was stuck inside. They got it out. Sent him home. His belly was painful. His beard stayed black. He died on me this Saturday. A week after vet. He was eating and healthy before now he is dead. I don’t understand what happened. He was 3 years old😭
I’m so sorry for your loss 😞
So for the past couple of weeks my baby hasn't "gotten up" and into her basking area when the lights come on...after an hour or 2 I go in and move her myself. The temps are right and so is the humidity level, should I be concerned? She is only 6 months old.
If this is still an issue, try posting on the health or behaviour threads. People are more likely to respond that way 😉
So to any reading this, how on earth do I post a thread 😅 New here, possibly too old for this
Hi there, so you're new but too old , lol. Just kidding, just go to the forum you want and click on it. For example here is the " general " sub forum' Click on that and in the upper right corner of the page it will say post thread. That's where you touch and write the title.
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Hi AHBD, hahaha! Oh, my goodness, I feel so stupid! That was actually easy. Thank you so much for the help, the ads are a bit bewildering. I was able to post my "short novel" and question just now. Super excited to join this community. Have a good one!
I have questions about bubbles on our bearded dragons eye.

So he’s gotten bubbles on his eye. We wiped them off and it’s only been twice in the last few weeks. Should we be concerned? No coughing or congestion. He’s very hungry and sleeps well. He’s 8-9 month range. His humidity is 30-40 day time and as high as 50-55 at night to early morning.
Should we be concerned?
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