Wasp parasites on hornworms

I bought 2 cups of hornworms. i also bought a third one that had food in it but the hornworms were dead. I got the third container free because there didn’t seem to be any in the container. When I got home I opened the containers and started to separate the hornwor so that the food didn’t run out in the other two. i had only gotten two in the empty one when I looked down and saw a couple small worms. Right away I pulled the hornworms out. There was one that was crawling on the hornworm and put it back in the clean container with the other ones. What are they and can they hurt the hornworm? Thank god my other two containers were fine. But I have been seeing this at both Petco and Petsmart. Every once in a while I will see that there is a container where everyone of the hornworms never made it and the hornworms were babies and they never grew. They just died. If a hornworm has these parasites and are fed to a beardie do they affect them?


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Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
I bought 2 cups of hornworms. i also bought a third one that had food in it but the hornworms were dead. I got the third container free because there didn’t seem to be any in the container. When I got home I opened the containers and started to separate the hornwor so that the food didn’t run out in the other two. i had only gotten two in the empty one when I looked down and saw a couple small worms. Right away I pulled the hornworms out. There was one that was crawling on the hornworm and put it back in the clean container with the other ones. What are they and can they hurt the hornworm? Thank god my other two containers were fine. But I have been seeing this at both Petco and Petsmart. Every once in a while I will see that there is a container where everyone of the hornworms never made it and the hornworms were babies and they never grew. They just died. If a hornworm has these parasites and are fed to a beardie do they affect them?
If your buying hornworms at petsmart and petco ypu are paying WAY to much. Those are $4 for $10. Reptile stores are like $14 for $24. Even ordering them is cheaper. Imo you get netter quality also

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