Soon to be beardie owner


Hello community, I have been researching about everything I feel like I could know about preparing to purchase a bearded dragon but I am someone with a lot and i mean a lot of anxiety so i just worry the information I have gathered is not correct so I am not sure what I am asking maybe some information from people who have owner a bearded dragon for a long time, or maybe even some links to places and or breeders to purchase from that is another issue I am having is finding somewhere that is not a pet smart to purchase my beardie. So this is a general information post tell me what you know share anything about being a beadie mom/dad.


Sub-Adult Member
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Sir Henry of Scales
you have come to the right place! info from this forum saved sir henry of scales when i rescued him. there are members here that have owned, or bred, dragons for decades. ignore the info pet stores give you. the most important thing for these wonderful scaly butts are lights and temperatures. have you purchased any equipment yet? if not, we can help you out.

in general, these guys are amazing. they have a wide variety of personalities and can be quite social with their humans.


Original Poster
doc howyou have come to the right place! info from this forum saved sir henry of scales when i rescued him. there are members here that have owned, or bred, dragons for decades. ignore the info pet stores give you. the most important thing for these wonderful scaly butts are lights and temperatures. have you purchased any equipment yet? if not, we can help you out.

in general, these guys are amazing. they have a wide variety of personalities and can be quite social with their humans.
I have not purchased anything but a 40-gallon tank with a mesh top.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
Like hdochow said the lights are the most critical aspect of keeping them, and keeping them healthy. No matter what anyone at a pet store tells you, you can not be successful with the miniature coil/compact uvb bulbs. The Arcadia pro t5 12% desert is a great light, the ZooMed t5 are good also.
For heat any clear white incandescent or halogen will work. For babies and juveniles you need 105 to 110 basking temps sub adults 100 to 105 and adults 95 to 100.
The temps need to be taken with a digital probe thermometer. They are inexpensive and accurate. is a good place to look for a beardie.
My new girl came from Bourbon City Exotics (can be found on she is fantastic. Kevin dunn sells there also, his beardies are stellar. Drangons den herpetculture is his site.
There is a lot of good breeders out there to that don't necessarily list on Morphmarket.
Of you can find local breeders to where you live, you have the advantage of neetingvthe dragons before you pick one. Their personalities are very wide ranging and finding just the right one is an amazing experience. That's more likely if you can meet them before you buy.
Anyway good luck finding your beardie abd feel free to post pics when you do 🙂
Oh and don't hesitate to ask about anything at all. 🙂

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Good luck finding a little beardie! As everyone has mentioned, the UVB lighting & heating are of
utmost importance for the overall health of your dragon. We are all here to help with any questions
you may have on anything you need.
You will absolutely love having a bearded dragon, they are wonderful little souls.



Original Poster
I have found the little guy I want! And I am so excited I still need to get a list together of the minimum things I need (I know I should have everything before I get the beardie) but he was so pretty and just perfect I couldn’t pass him up. I just need help figuring up what bare minimum set up I need to get in order for him to be happy while I continue to get the rest of the items. Does anyone have any pointers on this situation?

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