How to prepare squash's (besides butternut) and what is good and/or bad


Sub-Adult Member
Hey guys my Amber loves her butternut squash and I top her salads 2 times a day with slices of butternut squash.

I wanted to broaden her fruit/veggies (never eaten a fruit before) and I heard yellow squash wasn't that healthy which is why I'm asking for help.

How to gut peel and de-seed squash's or if it's just best to buy pre-sliced and/or de-seeded squash like how I get her butternut squash.


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
It's recommended to cut it very fine or to grate it.
You can also try to shortly microwave it (cooking would also be possible but I think microwaving a small amount is easier) until soft and squeeze it e.g. using a fork.
For things like that I simply buy a whole or a large piece and use the remaining for my own food :)
Same goes with other veggies, I just cut off some pieces of the raw veggies in the evening when cooking dinner, put them in the fridge and serve them next day.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
I always have Hokaido and cut it into thin pieces. Raw. They love it.
But never ever reuse the seeds with squash or pumpkin to grow your own ;)


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)

Yes, they "don't breed true" ("sind nicht reinerbig").
However, one can buy seeds that "breed true". One then only must take care they are not interbreeding with other plants from the cucumber family, like summer squash, cucumber which one might also have in their garden or their neighbor's.
(Same goes with other kinds of vegetables.)

I'm curious: What did you got when you tried to grow from the seeds?


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith

Yes, they "don't breed true" ("sind nicht reinerbig").
However, one can buy seeds that "breed true". One then only must take care they are not interbreeding with other plants from the cucumber family, like summer squash, cucumber which one might also have in their garden or their neighbor's.
(Same goes with other kinds of vegetables.)

I'm curious: What did you got when you tried to grow from the seeds?
The seeds grow fine but since pumpkin is toxic in nature and was modified to be eatable, there is a chance the plants you grow will become toxic again. Always plant seeds you bought..
Same with zucchini btw.


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)

Yes, I was knowing about this (seeds germinate, plant grows, fruit will be off). Is, however, not for "breeds true" - there you can do that, reuse the seeds. If doing that, one will usually have to start with the seeds however and not with a pumpkin as those sold in supermarkets aren't breeding true.

(I'm very much used to gardening, parents have are almost self-sufficient, was in a gardening club ("Gartenbauverein") and such ;) )
Same with zucchini btw.

Dito, that's why I mentioned the "summer squash" (from my experience in the US, "zucchini" is often not understood there, but they say "summer squash", so I used that word).

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