Cushions, Padding.


Sub-Adult Member
So, I have come to the conclusion that no fault of my own that Maya became special needs because I struggled for so long to get him back on track. I know it takes time and I'm hoping for a miracle that he will be back to semi-normal existence. All his basking spots are on the floor of his enclosure. I used a bunch of very thick rolled up fabric on his basking spots. I have a feeling I may need to do more to his tank. But I also don't want to injure him further.
I mostly hand sew cushions, pillows. I'm about to search the fabric I have inside and use pillow cotton to make a nice cushion for him. He has a swollen shoulder pad.
Yes, I would 'ask for an x-ray' to be sure nothing is broken in his shoulder pad. (He doesn't pull away or flinch. So, that's a good thing. It may be inflamed from landing on it. I'm still using the Serrapeptase at .50 mls, but will take less because he gets 'tired' of it. I sneak the remainder in his dandelion greens. (At least he's getting it some way or another.

I've asked countless of people who rescue dragons on FB for help with special needs dragons. Answers are so few and far between. People told me to go to the vet and check his poop. (That can come later) Some people try to reassure me that I'm doing the best I can do for him. I feel so bad because I'm trying so hard to find help and resources that are few and far between. I have thought about asking for financial help and so forth by opening a gofundme for his needs. I have thought of rescues that have rescued dragons and they made a complete turn around with reputable exotic vets. I have thought of 'handing him over' to someone who can take him to their vet for care.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
So, I have come to the conclusion that no fault of my own that Maya became special needs because I struggled for so long to get him back on track. I know it takes time and I'm hoping for a miracle that he will be back to semi-normal existence. All his basking spots are on the floor of his enclosure. I used a bunch of very thick rolled up fabric on his basking spots. I have a feeling I may need to do more to his tank. But I also don't want to injure him further.
I mostly hand sew cushions, pillows. I'm about to search the fabric I have inside and use pillow cotton to make a nice cushion for him. He has a swollen shoulder pad.
Yes, I would 'ask for an x-ray' to be sure nothing is broken in his shoulder pad. (He doesn't pull away or flinch. So, that's a good thing. It may be inflamed from landing on it. I'm still using the Serrapeptase at .50 mls, but will take less because he gets 'tired' of it. I sneak the remainder in his dandelion greens. (At least he's getting it some way or another.

I've asked countless of people who rescue dragons on FB for help with special needs dragons. Answers are so few and far between. People told me to go to the vet and check his poop. (That can come later) Some people try to reassure me that I'm doing the best I can do for him. I feel so bad because I'm trying so hard to find help and resources that are few and far between. I have thought about asking for financial help and so forth by opening a gofundme for his needs. I have thought of rescues that have rescued dragons and they made a complete turn around with reputable exotic vets. I have thought of 'handing him over' to someone who can take him to their vet for care.
Rehabilitation is hard. I lost one if my rescues in February and the other has mbd. I thought I had it under control but her spine has slowing deformed even more over the last couple years. It's heart breaking to see them suffer, but sometimes all you can do is the best you can and make sure they are as happy as possible and give them all the love you can.


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Rehabilitation is hard. I lost one if my rescues in February and the other has mbd. I thought I had it under control but her spine has slowing deformed even more over the last couple years. It's heart breaking to see them suffer, but sometimes all you can do is the best you can and make sure they are as happy as possible and give them all the love you can.
I'm beginning to think that's what Maya is showing signs of, and I have the best UVB. He has calcium, calcium with D3 on a routine basis and a multivitamin as well. I'm trying to handle him only when I have to. (Feeding, cleaning him up after him, and a short time of cuddles. I also made a bed out of his old basking spot box. He seems to be happy with his bed and cushions. Even has his bunny lovely. I've started hand sewing a square purple thick cushion. I'm hopeful he will enjoy using it. He loves every thing I create and make for him.
He senses something wrong with me and my Mom.
I became ill in May. Have been for the whole month of May. It's June now and I had a temporary relief from the cough I experienced in May. It just returned- the cough. It's productive - and I wheeze a whole lot. I notice it goes away when I use the inhaler and drink something hot. He seems to sense it and becomes nervous and will sit up to stare at me and looks over to Mom.
I became so overwhelmed though, trying to keep myself occupied from worrying so much. I've been thinking about CBD oil that Drache said to use. I may give that a try. I have heard some things about how it helps with mobility in dragons that have MS. (I think that's what it's called.)


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It's Muscular Dystrophy that I meant, not MS.
He finally fell asleep at 2 AM- guess he missed his bed. The first two nights, he was okay without it. Now, he needs a new pillow so I intend to buy him one today. He's taken a dose of .40 ml Serrapeptase. He's moving around on his own. Didn't wish to eat breakfast yet. So, I'm not going to force him to.
Last edited:

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
It's Muscular Dystrophy that I meant, not MS.
He finally fell asleep at 2 AM- guess he missed his bed. The first two nights, he was okay without it. Now, he needs a new pillow so I intend to buy him one today. He's taken a dose of .40 ml Serrapeptase. He's moving around on his own. Didn't wish to eat breakfast yet. So, I'm not going to force him to.
I use small cat beds for my guys, they seem to like them.


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I use small cat beds for my guys, they seem to like them.
I bought a bed pillow.
I just can't help but think that he hurt himself and it's not a sprain. I have this 'feeling' it's something else. I had Meloxicam for pain relief but I saw it had expired and threw it out. (It was two years old according to the date on the package.
Or maybe I'm just feeling inflammation from when he rolled over on his back.


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He slept very well on his new pillow and I noticed a 'good' change! I think he bruised his shoulder! It was swollen badly and started to go down. The thing is? I may need some new Serrapeptase because he keeps refusing the Blue Raspberry flavor. He fights me every single time I give him the Serrapeptase. I may go with a new flavor. He may be tired of the flavor.
He spends all of his time under his UVB so that's a good thing. He's pancaked out, front legs spread out. He was also active before breakfast.

Today's breakfast was
Dandelion Greens
Sprinkles of Alfalfa, Spirulina, Moringa, Bee pollen, Calcium, Multivitamin, Kidney support, and Milk thistle.
And thin slivers of red pepper. He really loves sweet red peppers.
Some spritzing of water.
And the surprise of Serrapeptase on his greens and Probiotics.

Still keeping his tank platforms padded from here on out.


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I need some advice on how to pad glass? There's a section of the tank that may need some padding due to one of his legs being weaker than the other. He has started to 'hit the glass' as he starts to move.
What are some ideas, tips to pad the side of the tank he uses so much? I'll be taking some surveys to help me get some funds to get him these things. So, it'll be a low amount of money for now. I was looking at foam yesterday. But, I don't know how safe that would be for using on the heat side?


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I was able to fix his wobbly self. I removed the fleece pants. He's now able to climb and move around by himself. Man. Once he feels good, he really runs around. I had him out. He had the zoomies for his tank.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
I was able to fix his wobbly self. I removed the fleece pants. He's now able to climb and move around by himself. Man. Once he feels good, he really runs around. I had him out. He had the zoomies for his tank.
Thats awesome 🙂


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He really feels ok enough to pull the greens from his dish. I have to take photos of the tank so you all can see what I done so far. It seems to work for him.


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Here's his areas.


  • IMG_20240618_174413046_HDR.jpg
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Today was a 'good day for him'. But a bad day for me. I think I'm worrying again. I opened a gofundme. I think what my intentions are for the gofundme is to get an 'xray' for his bones. Just to be safe and ease me.
Again, I wish rescuers would communicate with owners instead of sending off forms. I know a rescuer- quite a few on FB. When I needed advice, one rescuer- with my state- wanted me to sign a form to rehome Maya. I declined that because I wanted to care for him. I needed help with decor, special needs decor, and whatever they can offer me. Just advice. Not rehoming my boy just because I ask a question about caring for special needs dragons. No one in Messenger wanted to help advise me.

I'm waiting for the new Serrapeptase. I hope I have better luck with this one. He still fights me with this Blue Raspberry. I even disguised it with some of the Repashy. He loves the repashy.


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I'm such a sneak! I sneaked in the blue raspberry serrapeptase today. He took all of .40 mls. He's climbing around on his basking spots. Doing good so far. I think I had a bad off day yesterday! I'll keep the gofundme up for his next vet visit. He will need one sooner or later. I need to remember that it takes time to heal. He ate a little this morning. He usually eats later in the day. He slept real good last night and wanted to sleep in this morning. I take it he was real comfortable on his new pillow.

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