Are all beardies naturally curious?


Sub-Adult Member
Hey guys we are in a heatwave in my state and I wanted to let my Amber get some sun and enjoy some exercise and play around outside.

She has a huge huge habit of eating anything and everything especially if it's colorful or green I don't think it's hunger but mostly curiosity.

She's a great salad eater so could that possibly be a reason why she wants to taste everything? Just curious if anyone has a dragon like that and what I could do to prevent any illness or harm from her eating things


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Mine also likes all stuff green :)
What I've done:
- no fake plants in the enclosure
- when outside of his enclosure, supervised all the time (not roaming around alone)
- on the balcony also supervised, dragon sits mostly on my shoulder/belly or on a table (we do not have a garden; if we had, the same would be apply, the same with in a park) and is on a leash (this is especially as we're on the 13th floor, and my dragon might get spooked by large birds that occasionally show up); on that table, there are only herbs and a basking branch for my dragon

Where are you planning to take your beardie out? Is it your garden or balcony? Then I would familiarize myself whether any plants planted there are poisonous and not go there where they are. In a normal lawn with some clover and dandelion I would see no issue.

Are you using a harness?


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
My girl is four months, she's more like trying to eat everything.
My boy is almost two years and he's more one to lick stuff first but he also feels a little insecure outside still (stress lines, darker color, mostly motionless).
Some dragons will need more time to get used to the outside world than others but the natural sun is really good for them.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Mine also likes all stuff green :)
What I've done:
- no fake plants in the enclosure
- when outside of his enclosure, supervised all the time (not roaming around alone)
- on the balcony also supervised, dragon sits mostly on my shoulder/belly or on a table (we do not have a garden; if we had, the same would be apply, the same with in a park) and is on a leash (this is especially as we're on the 13th floor, and my dragon might get spooked by large birds that occasionally show up); on that table, there are only herbs and a basking branch for my dragon

Where are you planning to take your beardie out? Is it your garden or balcony? Then I would familiarize myself whether any plants planted there are poisonous and not go there where they are. In a normal lawn with some clover and dandelion I would see no issue.

Are you using a harness?
I generally let her roam free in my backyard but once she's goes 1 1/2 feet from me I follow her and supervise her like a helicopter parent in case she's ready to get brave and roam even more.

I live in a apartment and my landlord sadly lives below me so he will put/plant things WITHOUT letting me know about it.

He thinks I don't use the yard yet I have lived here for almost 16 yrs and I own dogs and reptiles that use the yard multiple times a day.

I have no leash my yard is fenced in I use the back because there are shade spots and no loud vehicles going by (or sirens). Figured a leash is my next step but I'm concerned to bring her to the park or anything because I have no idea what chemicals they use on the grass

I would love to bring her there and let her roam on a leash but not sure it's a great idea at the moment.

I politely asked my landlord to not use seeds or fertilizer and if he does leave the from or back alone so I'll have a place to go but he did BOTH front and back (he's a dick and doesn't care about animals).

Also if I'm on lets say my back porch I have her on my shoulder back arm leg lap or head (my hat on of course) and she is content but after 20-30 mins she gets antsy and wants to roam in the yard


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
I have no leash my yard is fenced
I'm a bit cautious - some dragons can climb very well. My dragon is such a dragon, would go up a wall if it's not super smooth, or jump up even at close to 500 g.
We live on the 13th floor, balcony has a high railing that is about knee-high concrete and then another meter of a metal railing. I personally would not trust that, he might see a bird (we have vultures here, plenty of them) and run, climb and fall/jump.
A wooden fence might even be easier to climb, or a fence that has gaps near the ground.
Figured a leash is my next step but I'm concerned to bring her to the park or anything because I have no idea what chemicals they use on the grass
I'm also not doing this. Plus, there is likely dog pee, dog waste, or other things (cigarette buds?).

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