Second guessing my choice of UVB tube


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Your setup looks really nice :)
The 14% is probably not going to hurt her in the short term so you don't need to turn it off until you switch it for a 12% bulb (which is what I would do in your situation).

Personally I use a "multibulb" (a metal halide bulb) for the basking spot and a 12% tube to light out the tank a little better. My tanks are 150x80x80 though.

Your tank looks like it's an all wooden tank so it probably has no screen on top and you mounted your fixture inside the tank.

As for color and morph, she looks like she is a hypo, her nails look clear to me. The het translucent is something you have to just believe, as het means the gene does not display in this animal. The colors have gotten different names in the past but I would probably call that orange.
She is beautiful btw. :)

Those fb groups seem to really give a lot of horrible advice these days. I've read multiple similar stories now :(
Hi, yes that is correct, wood on top so the fixture is inside

how long is your 12% tube? this one is 22.5". Is that enough?

That makes sense. Thank you, she is as sweet as she is beautiful.

My breeder is unfortunately the one who gave me the advice of the current tube. The facebook group was just very technical in their explanation in ways i could not understand, so i went back to here cause i have gotten really good advice and such understanding with my late girl.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
Hi, yes that is correct, wood on top so the fixture is inside

how long is your 12% tube? this one is 22.5". Is that enough?

That makes sense. Thank you, she is as sweet as she is beautiful.

My breeder is unfortunately the one who gave me the advice of the current tube. The facebook group was just very technical in their explanation in ways i could not understand, so i went back to here cause i have gotten really good advice and such understanding with my late girl.
My two tanks are stacked on top, which is why the upper tube is 80cm (the tank gets hotter than the bottom tank) and the lower tube is 115cm.
Stick to Brandons recommendation of between 2/3 to 3/4 of the tanks length.

Also I wouldn't say that the breeder is "wrong". There are different ways to do things and he's probably thinking that the dragon can always climb down or hide if she's had enough uvb. But she might have a hard time getting closer to the bulb than her branch supports if she needs more uvb.
Personally I also like to provide a little more uvb and a little hotter basking spots but give them the space and opportunity to choose themselfes how far or close they want to be. They are smart, they know what they need and will regulate.

How old is she? She has the exact same genetics as my girl (she is 4 months also hypo het trans) and looks so much like her :)


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My two tanks are stacked on top, which is why the upper tube is 80cm (the tank gets hotter than the bottom tank) and the lower tube is 115cm.
Stick to Brandons recommendation of between 2/3 to 3/4 of the tanks length.

Also I wouldn't say that the breeder is "wrong". There are different ways to do things and he's probably thinking that the dragon can always climb down or hide if she's had enough uvb. But she might have a hard time getting closer to the bulb than her branch supports if she needs more uvb.
Personally I also like to provide a little more uvb and a little hotter basking spots but give them the space and opportunity to choose themselfes how far or close they want to be. They are smart, they know what they need and will regulate.

How old is she? She has the exact same genetics as my girl (she is 4 months also hypo het trans) and looks so much like her :)
Oh that makes a lot of sense.

would this be the right one to get? its 117cm long. sorry for the danish, this is my usual supplier lol

I do provide plenty of hiding for her, but still i worry. Cause she can get all up in the uvb. The branch supports her as close as 10-15cm from the tube and she loves to climb so if its too much for her i dont want her to lose out on her joy, you know?

I just worry that its too strong considering she only has 60 cm height in her tank

That is such a funny coincidence, my girl is 3 months. They could almost be sisters!! I got her home last wednesday so everything is still pretty new but she is very satisfied having become an only child and not sharing food with her 5 siblings. I am actually getting her "little brother" from same parents but a different clutch, in about a month. He is pretty similar to her but was the "runt of the litter". I was not supposed to get a second one but the breeder was gonna put him down after he lost some of his tail and toes cause he would not be able to sell him and i couldnt bear it. He is lively and quick and he eats well. He will of course have his own set up. I love my little orange critters.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
Oh that makes a lot of sense.

would this be the right one to get? its 117cm long. sorry for the danish, this is my usual supplier lol

I do provide plenty of hiding for her, but still i worry. Cause she can get all up in the uvb. The branch supports her as close as 10-15cm from the tube and she loves to climb so if its too much for her i dont want her to lose out on her joy, you know?

I just worry that its too strong considering she only has 60 cm height in her tank

That is such a funny coincidence, my girl is 3 months. They could almost be sisters!! I got her home last wednesday so everything is still pretty new but she is very satisfied having become an only child and not sharing food with her 5 siblings. I am actually getting her "little brother" from same parents but a different clutch, in about a month. He is pretty similar to her but was the "runt of the litter". I was not supposed to get a second one but the breeder was gonna put him down after he lost some of his tail and toes cause he would not be able to sell him and i couldnt bear it. He is lively and quick and he eats well. He will of course have his own set up. I love my little orange critters.
Since you already have the fixture, you could just buy the 12% bulb and put it into the fixture you already have. Just pull it all the way to the warm side so it leaves the ~30cm on the cool side blank.

That is an amazing move of you to take in the boy to safe him from being put down, I have a lot of respect for this!

Lovely, and she is already starting to look like a big bold dragon :) I know what you mean and it's never wrong to be a too paranoid until you get to know them and can predict what they will do and what they like.


Original Poster
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Since you already have the fixture, you could just buy the 12% bulb and put it into the fixture you already have. Just pull it all the way to the warm side so it leaves the ~30cm on the cool side blank.

That is an amazing move of you to take in the boy to safe him from being put down, I have a lot of respect for this!

Lovely, and she is already starting to look like a big bold dragon :) I know what you mean and it's never wrong to be a too paranoid until you get to know them and can predict what they will do and what they like.
Oh! yes good point lol. Thank you!

I felt it directly in my heart when i found out about him. Easiest decision i have made.

Right! her mom is a big bossy lady. So beautiful. Citrus colored. The most food motivated animal i have ever met. I do tend to be very paranoid but I wanna do everything as well as possible for them. Its just difficult to know whats what with all the different information you get from different sources. But I trust this place.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Your setup looks really nice :)
The 14% is probably not going to hurt her in the short term so you don't need to turn it off until you switch it for a 12% bulb (which is what I would do in your situation).

Personally I use a "multibulb" (a metal halide bulb) for the basking spot and a 12% tube to light out the tank a little better. My tanks are 150x80x80 though.

Your tank looks like it's an all wooden tank so it probably has no screen on top and you mounted your fixture inside the tank.

As for color and morph, she looks like she is a hypo, her nails look clear to me. The het translucent is something you have to just believe, as het means the gene does not display in this animal. The colors have gotten different names in the past but I would probably call that orange.
She is beautiful btw. :)

Those fb groups seem to really give a lot of horrible advice these days. I've read multiple similar stories now :(
I agree please do no listen to the people on FB -- you will get better advice on this forum

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
Oh that makes a lot of sense.

would this be the right one to get? its 117cm long. sorry for the danish, this is my usual supplier lol

I do provide plenty of hiding for her, but still i worry. Cause she can get all up in the uvb. The branch supports her as close as 10-15cm from the tube and she loves to climb so if its too much for her i dont want her to lose out on her joy, you know?

I just worry that its too strong considering she only has 60 cm height in her tank

That is such a funny coincidence, my girl is 3 months. They could almost be sisters!! I got her home last wednesday so everything is still pretty new but she is very satisfied having become an only child and not sharing food with her 5 siblings. I am actually getting her "little brother" from same parents but a different clutch, in about a month. He is pretty similar to her but was the "runt of the litter". I was not supposed to get a second one but the breeder was gonna put him down after he lost some of his tail and toes cause he would not be able to sell him and i couldnt bear it. He is lively and quick and he eats well. He will of course have his own set up. I love my little orange critters.
Saving the lil guy make me love you and I don't even know you beyond this forum!!!! All living things are precious and deserve a chance to live a happy life, ESPECIALLY beardies!!!!!!!!!
Try not to give them line of sight to each other if it can be avoided, it can cause them stress.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Saving the lil guy make me love you and I don't even know you beyond this forum!!!! All living things are precious and deserve a chance to live a happy life, ESPECIALLY beardies!!!!!!!!!
Try not to give them line of sight to each other if it can be avoided, it can cause them stress.
I totally agree. And he is such a sweet little guy. So gentle, like his sister. They are gonna be next to each other but the tanks have solid wooden sides so no view of each other <3 This is him. I wish i could go get him right now but unfortunately he is too little still. Breeder says the siblings stopped bullying him though which is a relief. But you can see his tail and toes. Its very sad but he is a strong little guy.


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xp29 Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
He has tail rot setting in, it needs to be treated or amputated ASAP if it isn't addressed fast enough it could be fatal. It's not the bite I'm looking at, it's the tissue above the bite. In that picture it looks to be spreading. If it isn't treated it can get into his blood stream and a minor issue can become a very serious issue.
That being said he is a cutie pie. Please keep us posted on him.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
He has tail rot setting in, it needs to be treated or amputated ASAP if it isn't addressed fast enough it could be fatal. It's not the bite I'm looking at, it's the tissue above the bite. In that picture it looks to be spreading. If it isn't treated it can get into his blood stream and a minor issue can become a very serious issue.
That being said he is a cutie pie. Please keep us posted on him.
Breeder is adamant on keeping him there :/ says hes too young to be moved and that it will fall off on its own. But i have worried too.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
Breeder is adamant on keeping him there :/ says hes too young to be moved and that it will fall off on its own. But i have worried too.
The tip will fall off, but the tissue above it looks really bad. I'm seriously worried for this baby.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
The tip will fall off, but the tissue above it looks really bad. I'm seriously worried for this baby.
I'm afraid of that, too but I can't do anything, breeder insists that transportation to a vet and stress of procedure would kill him. I am just hoping he pulls through. I wish i could do more

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
I'm afraid of that, too but I can't do anything, breeder insists that transportation to a vet and stress of procedure would kill him. I am just hoping he pulls through. I wish i could do more
I hope he does to. The breeder should be doing iodine soaks every day at a minimum.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
Can you explain to me how that works? like a regular bath?
Not exactly, you just put the betadine/iodine (same thing) in a shallow dish or cup and hold the dragon so the affected area is submerged in the iodine for 15 minutes or so, then pat dry.

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