Second guessing my choice of UVB tube


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Theyre not using sand or any substrate for the small ones so i'm afraid thats not it. Unfortunately pet insurance here is a lot more expensive. But I have savings that should cover surgery and xrays etc.
Earliest I can get him is end july
I'd just make sure the breeder is taking care of the babies. With having so many, it can get overwhelming and things can be overlooked. I'd absolutely shop around for pet insurance, there's always something, even of it's a care credit line. But I think you'll do great, even if he'll need surgery. A raging infection due to scale rot is more stressful than a little surgery; even if he needs his tail amputated, I don't believe it'll be much, just a tiny bit.

I swear, Nubby's disability has given him a broader personality, if that makes sense. Like we have 3 girls, 3 boys and they're all babies, love being cuddled, etc. He even sleeps with his tongue sticking out. But Nubby. He's a whollllleeee other ball game. He'll crawl up on to me, get real close to my face and look at me like I'm the only thing in the world, like he's grateful we saved him. He absolutely wouldn't have made it if we left him so you're doing a wonderful thing for that baby.

Here are some photos of him with his tongue out, forcing his love on my boyfriend because something scared him, (newsflash, everything scares him😂😂) and him giving me that complete adoration look. 😂😍


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xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
I'd just make sure the breeder is taking care of the babies. With having so many, it can get overwhelming and things can be overlooked. I'd absolutely shop around for pet insurance, there's always something, even of it's a care credit line. But I think you'll do great, even if he'll need surgery. A raging infection due to scale rot is more stressful than a little surgery; even if he needs his tail amputated, I don't believe it'll be much, just a tiny bit.

I swear, Nubby's disability has given him a broader personality, if that makes sense. Like we have 3 girls, 3 boys and they're all babies, love being cuddled, etc. He even sleeps with his tongue sticking out. But Nubby. He's a whollllleeee other ball game. He'll crawl up on to me, get real close to my face and look at me like I'm the only thing in the world, like he's grateful we saved him. He absolutely wouldn't have made it if we left him so you're doing a wonderful thing for that baby.

Here are some photos of him with his tongue out, forcing his love on my boyfriend because something scared him, (newsflash, everything scares him😂😂) and him giving me that complete adoration look. 😂😍
I knew he was going to be ok when you got him. Spoiled maybe, but ok 🙂 he turned out to be a very good looking dragon. My rescues were always more affectionate than my none rescues also. Anyone who thinks beardies are simple dumb animals just don't have a damn clue


Sub-Adult Member
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I knew he was going to be ok when you got him. Spoiled maybe, but ok 🙂 he turned out to be a very good looking dragon. My rescues were always more affectionate than my none rescues also. Anyone who thinks beardies are simple dumb animals just don't have a damn clue
I meaaaaannnnnnnn.... they're kinda dumb. In a all sharing one brain cell kinda way 😂😂 he definitely is a good looking boi, real dragon-y. I can't wait to breed him, he and Miko would make awesome babies. Can you imagine his coloring with her lack of pattern, it'd be so cool


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I'd just make sure the breeder is taking care of the babies. With having so many, it can get overwhelming and things can be overlooked. I'd absolutely shop around for pet insurance, there's always something, even of it's a care credit line. But I think you'll do great, even if he'll need surgery. A raging infection due to scale rot is more stressful than a little surgery; even if he needs his tail amputated, I don't believe it'll be much, just a tiny bit.

I swear, Nubby's disability has given him a broader personality, if that makes sense. Like we have 3 girls, 3 boys and they're all babies, love being cuddled, etc. He even sleeps with his tongue sticking out. But Nubby. He's a whollllleeee other ball game. He'll crawl up on to me, get real close to my face and look at me like I'm the only thing in the world, like he's grateful we saved him. He absolutely wouldn't have made it if we left him so you're doing a wonderful thing for that baby.

Here are some photos of him with his tongue out, forcing his love on my boyfriend because something scared him, (newsflash, everything scares him😂😂) and him giving me that complete adoration look. 😂😍
i love him. this makes me emotional haha

yeah ive brought my concerns up several times - They keep dismissing them. So im just waiting to be able to take him home at this point

I think all we have here is a regular insurance and its soo so expensive. I also dont think he could even get it considering hes already "sick"

Surgery is definitely on the table. Thank you for making me feel less stressed about it, it really means a lot to me.

Nubby is gorgeous. Glad my little dude has a rolemodel. 💙💙💙


Sub-Adult Member
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i love him. this makes me emotional haha

yeah ive brought my concerns up several times - They keep dismissing them. So im just waiting to be able to take him home at this point

I think all we have here is a regular insurance and its soo so expensive. I also dont think he could even get it considering hes already "sick"

Surgery is definitely on the table. Thank you for making me feel less stressed about it, it really means a lot to me.

Nubby is gorgeous. Glad my little dude has a rolemodel. 💙💙💙
Do you live in the states.? Most vets offer a care credit you can apply for and call regular car/house insurance places and see if they offer pet insurance. His tail will be pre x'd, meaning they wouldn't cover it but for future visits. When they get sick, they can go downhill pretty fast and vet visits can get costly for them so it's worth looking into.

And no need to thank me, if you only knew how often I came on here with dumb questions because these lizards stress me tf out on a regular basis. 😂😂


Original Poster
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Do you live in the states.? Most vets offer a care credit you can apply for and call regular car/house insurance places and see if they offer pet insurance. His tail will be pre x'd, meaning they wouldn't cover it but for future visits. When they get sick, they can go downhill pretty fast and vet visits can get costly for them so it's worth looking into.

And no need to thank me, if you only knew how often I came on here with dumb questions because these lizards stress me tf out on a regular basis. 😂😂
I am in Denmark. To my knowledge we only have one type of insurance and its super expensive

Yes i just spent over $2.000 on vet bills for my late baby and she was at the vet... a lot. 2 x rays, 2 surgeries (sort of minor/non invasive), medication, medication, medication, 8 vet visits. They thought it was an impaction but they ended up finding agressive cancer in the end so I had her put to sleep after all. But all in all i feel like it was okay priced for all the work they did. 2 vets and who knows how many techs was on her case.

Its very comforting that there are people in here who see it like i do. I know im gonna get judged by family for putting the baby through all this and spending the money. It scares me. But my animals mean everything to me and I could not skip this baby. He deserves a life just as much as his "picture pretty" siblings.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
I am in Denmark. To my knowledge we only have one type of insurance and its super expensive

Yes i just spent over $2.000 on vet bills for my late baby and she was at the vet... a lot. 2 x rays, 2 surgeries (sort of minor/non invasive), medication, medication, medication, 8 vet visits. They thought it was an impaction but they ended up finding agressive cancer in the end so I had her put to sleep after all. But all in all i feel like it was okay priced for all the work they did. 2 vets and who knows how many techs was on her case.

Its very comforting that there are people in here who see it like i do. I know im gonna get judged by family for putting the baby through all this and spending the money. It scares me. But my animals mean everything to me and I could not skip this baby. He deserves a life just as much as his "picture pretty" siblings.
That's very true. They're relatively hardy animals so im confident he'll pull through just fine and grow to be a loving baby. We do the same thing. We spend the money on vets when we think they're sick or something is wrong, they definitely mean everything to us.

And what's funny, when we first got Toothless, he was Itty bitty. Like the size of the baby you're going to be getting and we'd let him run around the bed to get used to us, the sounds, colors and smells and for the first like two or three days, when he'd run toward me, I'd jump out of like, fear almost. He was my first reptile ever and i was squeamish. Less than a week later, he was snuggling under my shirt and going to bed. 😂😂 it's crazy how fast they grow on you. If you ever have any questions, especially when you get him, my inbox is always open.🖤


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That's very true. They're relatively hardy animals so im confident he'll pull through just fine and grow to be a loving baby. We do the same thing. We spend the money on vets when we think they're sick or something is wrong, they definitely mean everything to us.

And what's funny, when we first got Toothless, he was Itty bitty. Like the size of the baby you're going to be getting and we'd let him run around the bed to get used to us, the sounds, colors and smells and for the first like two or three days, when he'd run toward me, I'd jump out of like, fear almost. He was my first reptile ever and i was squeamish. Less than a week later, he was snuggling under my shirt and going to bed. 😂😂 it's crazy how fast they grow on you. If you ever have any questions, especially when you get him, my inbox is always open.🖤
Yeah no question about it. Its worth it all.

Omg haha you got a beardie but you were afraid of them? Thank you so much. It really helps to know about your experiences with Nubby

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
Do you live in the states.? Most vets offer a care credit you can apply for and call regular car/house insurance places and see if they offer pet insurance. His tail will be pre x'd, meaning they wouldn't cover it but for future visits. When they get sick, they can go downhill pretty fast and vet visits can get costly for them so it's worth looking into.

And no need to thank me, if you only knew how often I came on here with dumb questions because these lizards stress me tf out on a regular basis. 😂😂


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Oh, in other news, Stella got her new tube installed today and everything is going super well with her <3 <3 got her some locusts, mealworms and dubia roaches too, she loves the dubias but i think shes a little bit too lazy to go for the grasshoppers lol

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
Oh, in other news, Stella got her new tube installed today and everything is going super well with her <3 <3 got her some locusts, mealworms and dubia roaches too, she loves the dubias but i think shes a little bit too lazy to go for the grasshoppers lol
Why work for food that's fast when dubias just set in the bowl 😉

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
oh totally! but they bounce like popcorn i didnt stand a chance
My girlfriend has worked in apartment communities for 35 years. You should have seen tbe fit she threw when i first brought them home lol.

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