Limping left front leg

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Thanks…. Not sure if I need this or not. I’ll wait until AHBD responds to put it in. Because I’m also not sure how much moisture to add.
I think I should probably start another thread about Rico being gravid.
No keep it on one thread


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Apparently my pics didn’t post


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Scratch those pics - I took the plastic out for now. Not sure if the plastic is a good idea to get her started, or leave it and and let her start herself where she wants.

And I still need to know how much to moisturize and how.
I’m so afraid it will cave in on her if I don’t get it right…

And what size bulb in which to heat it? I have 150’s. I’m going buy another stand. For another dome.

It is in the enclosure now.

I want to get her in there this afternoon/ evening because I work 6-1:30 for the next three days. I don’t know how long they stay in there typically. IMG_4370.jpeg
Will ABHD see this or do I need to reach out?

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Scratch those pics - I took the plastic out for now. Not sure if the plastic is a good idea to get her started, or leave it and and let her start herself where she wants.

And I still need to know how much to moisturize and how.
I’m so afraid it will cave in on her if I don’t get it right…

And what size bulb in which to heat it? I have 150’s. I’m going buy another stand. For another dome.

It is in the enclosure now.

I want to get her in there this afternoon/ evening because I work 6-1:30 for the next three days. I don’t know how long they stay in there typically. View attachment 90035
Will ABHD see this or do I need to reach out?
I flagged her - @AHBD


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Oh mylanta! Finally obtained a valid fecal sample to re-check for parasites since at re-check I couldn’t one there because of work schedule. No parasites!
After running around taking my elderly mother here and there. Vet called and said to bring her in for ultrasound.

I guess there are nodules or something that swell now and then that mimic eggs???
But now that I've catered to her "supposed" whims and given her worms and such and has fat reserves, I'm withholding them until see gets hungry enough to eat greens bwahaha.

Vet also said I don’t need 8-10” of sand and soil. 3” is fine. She just needs a spot to dig into not burrow tunnels.
She was trained by the best in the area.

Now I have her home, and put things back to normal, she still wants to dig…. So I might put a digging spot in.

I do thank you all for everything. It’s been an ordeal for me.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh my, so after all of this, she isn't gravid then? Doesn't that figure. I guess you will be ready in case
she does decide to develop eggs! Some love to just dig because it's natural for them, so if you want to
put a dig area in there for her, you can do that.
Ideally, most of us here like to make it a bit deeper for digging a burrow so they can actually bury their



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Oh my, so after all of this, she isn't gravid then? Doesn't that figure. I guess you will be ready in case
she does decide to develop eggs! Some love to just dig because it's natural for them, so if you want to
put a dig area in there for her, you can do that.
Ideally, most of us here like to make it a bit deeper for digging a burrow so they can actually bury their

Yeah, I freaked out for nothing.
Couln’t see regular vet but the one I saw also said to use some bee pollen on greens…. Guess they like that?
Last edited:

AHBD Sicko
Oh mylanta! Finally obtained a valid fecal sample to re-check for parasites since at re-check I couldn’t one there because of work schedule. No parasites!
After running around taking my elderly mother here and there. Vet called and said to bring her in for ultrasound.

I guess there are nodules or something that swell now and then that mimic eggs???
But now that I've catered to her "supposed" whims and given her worms and such and has fat reserves, I'm withholding them until see gets hungry enough to eat greens bwahaha.

Vet also said I don’t need 8-10” of sand and soil. 3” is fine. She just needs a spot to dig into not burrow tunnels.
She was trained by the best in the area.

Now I have her home, and put things back to normal, she still wants to dig…. So I might put a digging spot in.

I do thank you all for everything. It’s been an ordeal for me.
Yes some dragons just get crazy in the spring + summer with increased activity and digging. As for the vets recommendation of 3" of digging substrate, that's not really correct. It's true that some dragons just lay their eggs anywhere [ some just on a bare floor ] but most dragons DO have the instinct to hide + protect the eggs by making sure to dig deep. If not given a medium - large dig box they are more likely to be stressed, hold the eggs in and also wear their nails down to stubs digging on the floor. It's always better to have a lay box with a good amount for digging. Saying this as someone who had quite a few clutches laid by my girls over the years.


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Yes some dragons just get crazy in the spring + summer with increased activity and digging. As for the vets recommendation of 3" of digging substrate, that's not really correct. It's true that some dragons just lay their eggs anywhere [ some just on a bare floor ] but most dragons DO have the instinct to hide + protect the eggs by making sure to dig deep. If not given a medium - large dig box they are more likely to be stressed, hold the eggs in and also wear their nails down to stubs digging on the floor. It's always better to have a lay box with a good amount for digging. Saying this as someone who had quite a few clutches laid by my girls over the years.
Makes sense.
She just went into her new hide and is trying to dig. How do I help her dig when wants when I can’t find a hide big enough? This is an XL. Take her out when I’m at home all day, put her in box and let her have at it???

AHBD Sicko
Yes you can put her in the dig box . They can drive us crazy going from place to place digging + wandering around sometimes !

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

They do love to dig whether they are gravid or not. It is a natural behavior for them.
How is she doing today?



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They do love to dig whether they are gravid or not. It is a natural behavior for them.
How is she doing today?

She just ate 5 blueberries. It appears she likes them.
She still looks bloated though or else it’s just fat right now.


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This is her today…. Such a weird one…
Totally facing away from me!

AHBD Sicko
Ha ha, she's giving you the side eye ! But yeah, she is quite a bit overweight so try to reduce her feedings and restrict the insects mostly. Maybe just a few medium ones 1-2 X a week for a while.

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