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  1. D

    Bearded Dragon sac coming out of egg first ???

    Okay it's morning and the baby still hasn't poked it's head out. You can see the grey nose still but it isn't submerged. I'm kind of sad thinking that the baby(s) didn't make it. I will still wait it out for a little bit.
  2. D

    Bearded Dragon sac coming out of egg first ???

    Okay. Thank you. I'll let you know what happens.
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    Bearded Dragon sac coming out of egg first ???

    I believe it looks discolored because of the "snowflakes" on the egg making it look chalky. There's no mold on the egg, just discoloration because it's not pure white. So sorry, I don't have a great camera but you can actually see a little tiny bump on one end with a bubble and a gray nose...
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    Bearded Dragon sac coming out of egg first ???

    I went with a friend to pick up some dragons. There was a lay box laying there and I asked if we were going to take it too. The couple said there was eggs inside there and they didn't care what happened to them at that point, they just wanted everything gone. I asked my friend if he wanted them...
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    Questions about hatchlings

    Well the baby who keeps laying on his/her back actually has a weird bump above it's tail on the spine. Something that looks like impaction BUT it's a hatchling and has only absorbed it's yolk so I'm actually confused with that one. Tomorrow I'll be calling the Herp Vet and see what they say.
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    Bump on hatchlings spine near tail

    I'm going to contact a Herp Vet Monday and see if I can take him/her in. The Herp Vet is about an hour away from here because all the Vets here don't take in sick reptiles. I'll keep you updated but thank you.
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    Bump on hatchlings spine near tail

    I'm hoping it goes away now that it's under the UVB.
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    Bump on hatchlings spine near tail

    I have Bearded Dragon babys hatching and one has a bump on his/her spine near the tail. Does anyone know what this is and why is it there ? Will it go away or is it a spinal deformity ? The baby hatched yesterday. Here are some pics (sorry for bad quality.)
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    Questions about hatchlings

    I have a clutch of baby's hatching right now and have 14 more baby's to hatch because they have been hatching different days. The baby's who hatch are of course restless but they lay on their backs. Is this normal ? I heard a Bearded Dragon shouldn't lay on their back at all or it can mess up...
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    Rocking a dragon to sleep

    This is as odd as the title states. I got another Beardie for my birthday and he's still geting use to me. Slowly but surely. Well, tonight his bed time came and the other dragons went right to sleep in their hammocks and blankys. Him on the other hand did not want to. I put him in his hammock...
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    Identifying a morph

    Okay I'm new to breeding Bearded Dragons. So far I've hatched 2 healthy clutches BUT I'm still getting into identifying the morphs. I was wondering if there are any books that can help with this ? Right now I have 2 female dragons, a baby (too small to sex) and now 2 males because I just got a...
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    How long does it take for a Bearded Dragon to get use to you

    Yesterday I got a new male German giant Bearded Dragon as an early birthday present. He came to me in a 30 gallon tank (awful I know) with calcium sand as the substrate. I set up a extra 75 gallon I had and laid newspaper in it (I want to switch to tile or reptile carpet.) I dumped out the sand...
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