Blondie's Pringles ~ Coco, Lexi, Crash & Psycho

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So the decision was completely up to Carl, because Xena was his babygirl, and I know no-one else in the world can ever replace her... but he has always wanted to raise a baby dragon, seeing as how 3 of our 4 are rescues, and adults when we took them in...

So darn if they aren't totally like, well as fresnowitte says, P-R-I-N-G-L-E-S-!

So Carl picked out his baby... it'll take a little while to name her, we have to see her personality. Welcome into our hearts, little one... almost 14 inches / 166 grams / crazy hyper personality so far ...

As soon as we got her out of the packaging, she made a bee-line for my son's leg & pancaked out, so CJ got the first real snuggles, he's my little seatwarmer:

Look at that sweet face:


Ooh, soft, what's this?

Yum, salad... nom nom nom...

Hey, lady, I cleaned my plate, can I have more?...

Oh, wait, ...
um, what else was I gonna say? ...
Oh, yeah,

There's MORE!

I had to crop that first picture, look really closely...

did you look really really close?



Barbara was worrying about finding this little guy a special home, and Carl fell in love with him/her too... so he's our "little guy/gal"... Quasi now looks huge, and Crash looks like Godzilla compared to these two!

So meet little guy / 60 grams / 11 inches ... so laid back, just watches everything going on, and eats and eats and eats (hand-fed salad today :mrgreen: )


Just a little stress going from Cali to Ohio...

Bath time! This little one loves to swim already!


Ooh, what's this?


Ooh, what's up here -- slowly progressed up the branches, then just watched us and all the activity in the room for about an hour...





Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Goonie":14sao91c said:
Dawn, you may be willing to give Draco back, but would Draco want to go back after a week of being spoiled rotten with you? That's the $20M question :mrgreen:

I'm glad that you were able to grab a bunch of your f-i-l's clothing for the quilt, and that both kids got t-shirts too.
we really have to talk to Alex about adding a "LIKE" button ROFL

Jessyca loves to spend time with Draco, she loves him to pieces... of course she had a really really hard time giving Coco and Lexi back last year... she really fell in love with them... but she has kinda become a surrogate daughter to us, so she's welcome anytime, and she knows it LOL


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Oh, Goodness! As we're trying to get Draco settled in, he's bobbing his little head off because he caught sight of Coco and Lexi... He jumps up to his upper rock, and bobs so hard he falls off the rockpile... then jumps up again and starts all over. Foot stomping, black beard, bobbing is whiplash level. It'll be an interesting night!

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
blondie098":3oy5ad2f said:
Oh, Goodness! As we're trying to get Draco settled in, he's bobbing his little head off because he caught sight of Coco and Lexi... He jumps up to his upper rock, and bobs so hard he falls off the rockpile... then jumps up again and starts all over. Foot stomping, black beard, bobbing is whiplash level. It'll be an interesting night!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Oh Dawn, that is just too funny, falling of his rock bobbing at Coco & Lexi. Well they are little beauties, but maybe he's in female beardie overload! Wonder if he's going to do this his whole visit? Soooo funny! At least he has his hormones in the right place :laughhard:

beardie parents Sicko
Goonie":dt5v0y8p said:
blondie098":dt5v0y8p said:
Oh, Goodness! As we're trying to get Draco settled in, he's bobbing his little head off because he caught sight of Coco and Lexi... He jumps up to his upper rock, and bobs so hard he falls off the rockpile... then jumps up again and starts all over. Foot stomping, black beard, bobbing is whiplash level. It'll be an interesting night!

I agree with your assessment, Gina. Also I am requesting a video of this. That would be classic.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
I will try and get a video of it... OMG he is now sitting on his rock pile, statue still... has NOT moved an inch except for forceful mini bobs at Lexi for the last 1/2 hour... this poor boy may not move for the next week, he may be in exactly this same position when Jessyca gets back from camping LOL

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
Poor kid won't be sleeping either! He'll be afraid of missing out on something.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
we have his viv sitting on the ottoman in front of the entertainment center (our dragons are on permanent tables and viv stands... and he has a 40-breeder size... so I may have to clip a towel on a couple sides of his viv so he gets some peace and quiet... albeit, he is the one going nuts upon seeing the girls...

Jessyca is the one who watched Lexi & Coco when we travelled last year ... Sara watched Crash & Psycho... so since Draco hadn't really seen the two bigger dragons, we felt he was better off on the girls' side of the livingroom this week. I just hope Crash is forgiving for "another dragon" running around the livingroom... we'll see how that goes, I may have to put a towel up over the front of his viv. He tolerates the girls, gets most riled when Lexi is out running. But that's HIS room, so we'll play it by ear LOL


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Oh, Draco is a little guy, Jessyca rescued him from her dad when Drake was about 3 years old... so we guesstimate him at about 4-1/2 now, he's about the size of Coco, a petite little guy, he weighed in between 280-301 grams tonight (she doesn't have a scale, and he wouldn't hold super still to be weighed)... She has been trying to fatten him up, but we think he's just a lean small dragon :D He is a sweetheart, tho... and LOVES to jump, Carlye had him on the couch with her while we got his viv setup, and he was jumping from her to the cushions and all over.

He'll be duly spoilt this week LOL

beardie parents Sicko
You know, Dawn, I think you will have a wonderfully busy and crazy time with your beardie babysitting. It will give us a lot to laugh about.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
beardie parents":2hrv119p said:
You know, Dawn, I think you will have a wonderfully busy and crazy time with your beardie babysitting. It will give us a lot to laugh about.
pics already on FaceBook, Lori -- I don't feel like fighting with photobucket tonite :D


New member
I'm horrid at posting on here... I just wanted to say that Dawn and her family are amazing for taking care of Draco for me this week, and helping me with all sorts of stuff, beardie and otherwise. You guys are an amazing second family! I'm really glad that he gets to spend the week being spoiled. And Dawn promised that she would give him back when I got home! :lol: :lol:

Side note, I didn't think I'd miss him already, but I do! I'm sitting at my computer, and usually at this time of night he'd be either sleeping on my shoulder or sleeping in his viv next to my computer chair... I keep glancing over before I remember, no Draco... :(

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
jfinner1":1vh3dp9m said:
And Dawn promised that she would give him back when I got home! :lol: :lol:
Sure, that's what she says NOW :mrgreen:

jfinner1":1vh3dp9m said:
Side note, I didn't think I'd miss him already, but I do! I'm sitting at my computer, and usually at this time of night he'd be either sleeping on my shoulder or sleeping in his viv next to my computer chair... I keep glancing over before I remember, no Draco... :(
It's never easy to be apart from our babies. I'd been contemplating (for 3 weeks now) whether to drive ~1.5 hrs each way for three days to attend a training seminar next week, instead of staying in a hotel that's within walking distance from the training center.

beardie parents Sicko
Yes, Gina, that's a tough one, especially when you don't have someone you trust to take care of your babies. If I got a free trip somewhere for me and my husband, with flying included, I'd probably refuse because I don't know anyone around here that my girls would be safe with that they would be comfortable with.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'm very lucky to have Jake, that's how I"m going away to visit cousins that I haven't seen in 4 years. It will be good to be on an actual vacation away from home for a change. Doesn't mean I won't worry every minute I'm away.

Gina, is there no-one who can watch over your babies, your parents, maybe? Just for the 3 days? It's a shame to not go to a training seminar if you can manage it.

Jessyca, you know Draco will be in the best of hands & he'll get to Lexi & Coco, too, get his hormones working while you're away. :mrgreen: Dawn will treat him like her own, spoil him rotten while you're camping. I know you'll miss him every minute, but it will do you the world of good to get away for a week. :D :D
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