Cherri-New Pics 5/24

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Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
LMAO!!!! You all are ruthless! I even got a PM request insisting that I needed to post more pics!(Renee!) I promise you all, tomorrow (Wed.) I will have more pics up! :D


Sub-Adult Member
It's Wednesday...WHERE ARE THE PICS????????????????????????????????????????????? What is taking so long? It has been Wednesday for almost 8 hours now :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5:


Gray-bearded Member
Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet? Are they here yet?


Pants on the ground
Pants on the ground
Lookin’ like a fool with you pants on the ground
Gold in your mouth
Hat turned sideways, pants hit the ground
Call yourself a cool cat looking like a fool
Walking down town with yo pants on the ground
get it up!!
HEY! got your pants off the ground
lookin like a fool, walkin talking
with you pants on the ground
get it up
hey get them pants off the ground
Lookin’ like a fool with you pants on the ground
Gold in your mouth
Hat turned sideways, pants hit the ground
Call yourself a cool cat looking like a fool
Lookin’ like a fool with you pants on the ground

:angry5: :angry5: :protest: :protest: :angry5: :angry5:

I think it is clear of my demands. Meet them... OR ELSE! :twisted:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
OK all you demanding pic hounds who have taken my thread hostage! LOL I am meeting your demands, so please No More Singing! LMAO! Chelly, that was cruel! :laughing6: I give, I give! LOL

This was how she was sleeping when I got home last night. Head hanging over the side of the log and under the leaf. And no, the viv light wasn't on, the brightness is from the flash.


Check out that belly! She's starting to get a little pudge!

Checking out my purse.
Ma, where we goin'? Can we go shopping? I'm sure I can fit in there.

Hey! Are there num-num's in there?

More pudgey belly.

Forgive the more blurry pics, she was on the move and not about to sit still!
Right after bath time today


Then exploring the bed. So much room to check out! Climbing around my bunched up comforter.


Notice the creamy, pudgy belly!

She's decided that mustard greens are kinda good.


I hope this meets the demands of the hostage takers! :lol:

spurlee01 Addict
Wow, she's beautiful!!! I love those sexy sleepy legs. Too sweet! And since you're takin her shoppin will you take me too?


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Thanks Gals! I'm noticing more and more bright orange/yellow in her coloring! She has some of the red/orange but that yellow is really starting to pop! Quite a difference from when I first brought her home.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
About time you showed up Lance! Considering you were harrassing me about pics! LOL Guess I'll have to stay on top of it with the pics or my thread will be taken hostage again! :shock:

Twobeardieguy Sicko
Guess I am gonna have to cough hijack cough your cough thread cough again. :lol: :wink: I just love the pictures! :love5: Such a doll!
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