Egg binding.??


Sub-Adult Member
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Oh my, wow that is quite a lot of egg laying. Poor thing, she has overactive ovaries for sure! I would
say if this continues, you might want to consider getting her spayed so it doesn't take such a huge toll
on her health in the future as she gets older.

We talked about it but the vet said it's a pretty dangerous surgery, that not many survive the anesthesia or something but man, we don't know what to do with her.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

The surgery is a pretty routine surgery & if the vet is experienced then it shouldn't be a hard
surgery at all. For the most part, there are not very many that have trouble with the anesthesia
as long as it is dosed properly. A lot of reptiles tend to get surgery for a variety of ailments.
Go ahead & try the Raspberry Leaf Extract to see if that might help control hormones a bit better.
Maybe that will reduce the egg laying possibly.



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

The surgery is a pretty routine surgery & if the vet is experienced then it shouldn't be a hard
surgery at all. For the most part, there are not very many that have trouble with the anesthesia
as long as it is dosed properly. A lot of reptiles tend to get surgery for a variety of ailments.
Go ahead & try the Raspberry Leaf Extract to see if that might help control hormones a bit better.
Maybe that will reduce the egg laying possibly.

Raspberry leaf extract, like in the little dropper.? I'll try that because she already feels like she's starting to put on a bunch of weight, which is the first sign of eggs and I'm already dreading it 😮‍💨

We had to take Miko to the vet because overnight, her behavior changed. She refused to come out of the back corner of her tank to bask or eat and if I pulled her out, she'd go right back in there. She does have eggs too and should be laying them anytime, it's been about 4ish weeks since the typical egg behavior started. We thought she was impacted but the vet said her eggs moved a little but doesn't look impacted. She did say she didn't see the calcified egg around them and when she lays them, they'll be jello-y and doughy and that worries me for some reason. She gets plenty of calcium, on some food and salad so I don't know why her eggs are calcified.

Have I mentioned these lizards stress me out.?😅

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Yes, they can definitely cause anxiety & stress especially when they have issues like eggs!
Sometimes they can have a clutch that is only partially calcified, while the rest is not. I am
not sure why this happens but it does.
How is she doing today? Has she had a black beard at all?

Keep us posted on her!


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Yes, they can definitely cause anxiety & stress especially when they have issues like eggs!
Sometimes they can have a clutch that is only partially calcified, while the rest is not. I am
not sure why this happens but it does.
How is she doing today? Has she had a black beard at all?

Keep us posted on her!
Miko hasn't had a black beard, but she did eat and bask a little yesterday and day before. The vet said to give it another week or two and bring her back to get checked again.

Uuuggghhhh these darn babies 🙄😅😅

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is a good sign Miko doesn't have a black beard. Perhaps she will reabsorb some of them? I
wonder if she will end up laying any of them? Definitely keep an eye on her for any sudden downward
spirals in behavior, or apetite.


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