Falkor the bratty luck dragon ;-) & his new friend, Raphael

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Falkor is my 1st beardie & a major brat. He has been with me for about a month now & is a spoiled little thing. LOL I'm not exactly sure on his age as he was purchased from Petsmart & we all know how well they know their animals. He was tiny when he first came home & has grown a surprising amount in just a month.

This is Falkor on his 3rd day home.

& this is Falkor as of today!
I am really amazed by how much he grew! In just a month he is soooooooo much bigger. I wish I had thought to measure him during those first few days but as of today he is 9 1/2 inches.I need batteries for the scale that I have or I would have weighed him.
So what do you experienced folks think? Does he look like he has grown well in the month he's been with me? My basis for reference is limited.

He is such a snuggler that it's hard for me to get pics of him lol

He has such a yellow tint to his head that my daughters think I should have called him Lemon drop. :lol:

I wish that I could get his colors captured right but this camera...
I am glad I had expected him to have a quirky personality. I researched a lot before he came home & I have heard a few friends talking about theirs so it's no surprise he can be such a brat & he really is lucky he is so cute. I wouldn't ever call him exactly lazy but he isn't a high energy baby either. He does his playtime but most of the day he basks & takes it easy waiting for chow time. It must be nice. LOL
I swear if I could just get him to eat the way I want him to it would make my life easier! My dear little one is in love with his greens but other veggies are a no go at this point. They are offered but if it isn't green & leafy he just ignores it. I just started a dubia colony & was hoping to get that off the ground before he ate all the babies but he thinks it should be different. You see I was foolish enough to think that it would be a good idea to incorporate a dubia or two into each feeding just to transition him slowly. He is fed 3 times a day as much as he can eat in 15 mins plus the veggies are available all day. Well since I started him on the dubia or two he is flat out refusing to eat any crickets! I swear I hate those stinky things too but I need them to get eaten. However my dear beardie turns his back on them at every oportunity. I guess I will have to order more dubia & let the crickets grow for his frog brothers. :banghead: In case it isn't obvious I HATE having crickets in my house.


Hatchling Member
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sweetiepie9":136bdp1c said:
I'm sorry to hear about your mom, it must have been very stressful for you at the time. She was lucky to have you, poor lady. So now it's job hunting time, is it easy to find work in your area? I've been lucky that I've worked at the same back for 20 years. They have really good benefits, so even being off I'm being paid full time. I'm getting better, but the darned whole leg today is throbbing, too much activity yesterday, I guess. I get impatient and do too much, then it comes back to haunt me the next day.

It's fun to watch your baby grow, you won't believe, when he's a year old, that he was ever so tiny. I found the same with Rubio, he was the only one I raised from a baby. The others came to be as adults, either adopted, rescued or fostered. I'm just glad I"m able to keep them heathy. Right now Didi didn't wake up this am, so he's back to brumation again. So now I have 3 to take care of today, and Leo hasn't moved from when he woke up, he's in lazy mode, but he'll still eat. Lonzo and Gabriel are also very slow today, it's that winter slow down, you'll see it won't affect Falkor until next winter.

Good luck with everything, you sure have a busy life, 2 kids(right?), a pup and a beardie. But I do understand about staying home, it can drive you crazy.
Take care
Thanks Deb. :) It was but it could have been worse. Mom got to see her 74th birthday so while that is still "young" she did get to live a full life & didn't suffer for long. I learned a long time ago that you have to look at the positives before you look at the negatives. It isn't always easy but it works most of the time.
Work isn't that easy to find but if you stay positive & work hard at it you can find something. Anything would work right now. For the past few months I have been looking in places that I would really want to work but I knew that the chances were relatively slim. I still have time to keep looking so now I'm going to look a few more places that are more my second choice sort. I will find something sometime soon.
I'm glad you have benefits like that. I never got that lucky before. lol I hope the leg is feeling better today. I will overdo it everytime like that. You have to be careful with that but I always forget. :p
Brumation sounds interesting. That's definitely something I will have to research this summer & fall. Falkor's room aka my bedroom stays 75 since I'm a cold blooded mess but I'm assuming that doesn't have much effect on that. It took me a hot minute to get the basking temps right since my room is so warm anyway. Needless to say he's a pretty happy dragon out of his tank anyway. LOL
It is so fun to look at the pictures & see how much he's grown. I still keep being amazed by how much he's already grown & the fact that I don't notice by looking at him. LOL Then again I'm like that with my kids. All 4 of them boggle me too when I notice that they have grown.


Hatchling Member
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More pics of the little brat today :D

Well hello there

What's that up there?

I'm gonna hang out here for a while so stay still

I'm full now. It's just time to watch them.

I have no idea why you won't let me in your shirt. You are just a meanie!

This is my pretty back.

I'm sexy & I know it.

I'm gonna taste that thing.

You know you think I'm a pretty boy.
So in my ignorance I didn't realize there were different colors of beardies & I haven't found a good site with pictures & discriptions of them. I would love to know if Falkor is just normal or a different color. If anyone knows of one I would be really interested in looking at it. So what color would you say he is?


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
He's a normal with pretty colours. You'd have to know his parents and his grandparents to figure out if he's a particular morph. And even then it's hard to tell. I have never looked into it much, it's very confusing and I like my gang just the way they are. His colours are going to change as he grows up, too. Rubio started out being red and now he's yellow, so the changes are big!

So how many kids do you have & what ages? I have just one, he's 29 and his fiancee is pregnant so if all goes well I'll be a grandma in the summer. I have an idea of what you went through with your mom, my hubby got sick in March/11, thought it was stomach flu, turned out to be liver cancer and he was gone in June/11. So it's been a bit of a struggle getting used to being on my own but now I love it, can't imagine not being on my own. With 5 dragons and 2 geckos, they take up alot of my time, when I'm working, it's a rush to get them all bathed & fed (the dragons I mean). The geckos are alot easier and they're my night-time companions. So you could call me the reptile lady living in a dragon den :lol:

He looks great, what nice belly he has & his colours are just starting to pop out even more.

My foot is starting to not be as puffy but still hurts to put weight on it. I see my doc on Tuesday, so will get a better idea, as will need something to support it to get to work.


Hatchling Member
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sweetiepie9":1v7i328n said:
He's a normal with pretty colours. You'd have to know his parents and his grandparents to figure out if he's a particular morph. And even then it's hard to tell. I have never looked into it much, it's very confusing and I like my gang just the way they are. His colours are going to change as he grows up, too. Rubio started out being red and now he's yellow, so the changes are big!

So how many kids do you have & what ages? I have just one, he's 29 and his fiancee is pregnant so if all goes well I'll be a grandma in the summer. I have an idea of what you went through with your mom, my hubby got sick in March/11, thought it was stomach flu, turned out to be liver cancer and he was gone in June/11. So it's been a bit of a struggle getting used to being on my own but now I love it, can't imagine not being on my own. With 5 dragons and 2 geckos, they take up alot of my time, when I'm working, it's a rush to get them all bathed & fed (the dragons I mean). The geckos are alot easier and they're my night-time companions. So you could call me the reptile lady living in a dragon den :lol:

He looks great, what nice belly he has & his colours are just starting to pop out even more.

My foot is starting to not be as puffy but still hurts to put weight on it. I see my doc on Tuesday, so will get a better idea, as will need something to support it to get to work.
Thanks. LOL Finding out his parents is probably impossible so I will pass. He's pretty enough & the entire morph thing just seems confusing. I caught on with the cockatiel colors & genetics but this seems even more complicated. If what I have seen now is a key then it's just too much to bother with at the moment. LOL I didn't realize they could change colors that much. Wow is all I can say. lol
I have 4 kids, 2 boys & 2 girls. Cody is 17, Gabrielle is 9, Mattalyn is 6 & Keith is 3. Then there are 2 dogs, 4 betas, 5 cats, 1 bird, 3 fire belly toads, 1 anole, 1 tree frog & Falkor. We even added some Sea Monkeys to the mix yesterday. LOL They keep me very busy. The kids help out a good bit though.
Congrats on becoming a grandma in the summer. :D I bet you are really excited. Do you know if it's going to be a boy or a girl yet? You will have to pass on the love of reptiles. :lol: At least maybe a bit. I passed on the animal rescuer gene a bit too much.
I'm sorry about your husband. I know that must have been very hard on you. The adjustment for me has been almost as hard as the loss. It's just me & the kids now so it's been a lot different. I bet you stay really busy though with all your babies. Geckos seemed harder to take care of to me. Honestly I don't know why.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Geckos, especially crested geckos and leopard geckos are the easiest reptiles to take care of. The crested gecko need no UVB or heat, as they just need 73-75F in their tanks and they're happy. Their tank just needs to be misted twice a day and they need a water bowl, as they'll soak in the water when they need to. They just don't have the same type of personality as dragons, who have the best personalities of any reptiles, at least as far as I'm concerned.

Wow, you have a houseful! Sounds like you're doing well, you have a house over your heads, your kids & all your pets are healthy, guess you need a job for extra $. I wish I didn't have to work, I have 8 years to go to retirement (I'm 57 and have to wait until I'm 65 to get all my full pensions, I'll have 4). I may need to work part-time but I'll check out that when I'm closer so I can get amounts of monthly pmts. My hubby was American (I'm Canadian, live near Vancouver, B.C. north of Seattle) so I get a widow's pension but have to wait until I'm 60 as I"m not perm disabled. Who knew? I just wish I had enough to live on so I could stay home full-time, but have no choice.

Falkor is beauty, you'll see, he'll just get more colourful as he gets older. He's such a spunky, happy dragon! I just posted more pics on my thread, if you have a minute check it out, here's the thread (it's very long, almost 200 pages, as I started it in 2010 when we got Leo. So I'll give you the last page & you can go backwards a few to get pics of my 5 boys, and my crestie Bunny).

Here's the link: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=123266&start=2760


Hatchling Member
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sweetiepie9":14o8zypf said:
Geckos, especially crested geckos and leopard geckos are the easiest reptiles to take care of. The crested gecko need no UVB or heat, as they just need 73-75F in their tanks and they're happy. Their tank just needs to be misted twice a day and they need a water bowl, as they'll soak in the water when they need to. They just don't have the same type of personality as dragons, who have the best personalities of any reptiles, at least as far as I'm concerned.

Wow, you have a houseful! Sounds like you're doing well, you have a house over your heads, your kids & all your pets are healthy, guess you need a job for extra $. I wish I didn't have to work, I have 8 years to go to retirement (I'm 57 and have to wait until I'm 65 to get all my full pensions, I'll have 4). I may need to work part-time but I'll check out that when I'm closer so I can get amounts of monthly pmts. My hubby was American (I'm Canadian, live near Vancouver, B.C. north of Seattle) so I get a widow's pension but have to wait until I'm 60 as I"m not perm disabled. Who knew? I just wish I had enough to live on so I could stay home full-time, but have no choice.

Falkor is beauty, you'll see, he'll just get more colourful as he gets older. He's such a spunky, happy dragon! I just posted more pics on my thread, if you have a minute check it out, here's the thread (it's very long, almost 200 pages, as I started it in 2010 when we got Leo. So I'll give you the last page & you can go backwards a few to get pics of my 5 boys, and my crestie Bunny).

Here's the link: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=123266&start=2760
I think it was my concern about stressing them out when trying to clean & my house in general. It just seemed like it would be harder to take care of them properly. My house is loud, busy & bright most of the time. The kids are barely even quiet when they sleep. LOL Having Falkor in my room allows him to be around the hustle & bustle since you can't really escape it but not be in the middle of it.
Yes things are doing pretty good. I prepay a lot of bills up front anytime I have extra money. We also do mostly free activities & shop really cheap. The animals bring joy 24/7 instead of things that only last a few moments. We are all homebodies anyway so it works well. My going back to work just lets me keep things paid forward so nothing is ever owing. :)
Thanks. I will have to check out your thread.


Hatchling Member
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jezwolf175":gvbr1rvi said:
I love the pics! Falkor is such a bright dragon. Glad to hear that you and him is doing great. :)
Thanks. :D I hope that you & yours are as well.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster

So I had help feeding Falkor today. My sweet little 3 y/o boy decided he needed to help me make Falkor's salad. Much to his disgust over the greens & the fact that Falkor would actually eat them. :D He thinks it is beyond gross but he likes to tear up the greens for him.
Then as I am about to put the greens in the tank for Falkor I hear my son yell at me. "Mom! You forgot his salt!" It gave me a giggle and I explained to him that beardies don't eat salt but he was very sure I was supposed to give Falkor salt. It took a hot minute for it to dawn on me that my little bit hadn't seen me put the calcium powder on the greens & that was what he was worried about. LOL I see more reptiles in that child's future.


Sub-Adult Member
Aw how cute. My younger sister loves it when she can help feed Fafnir. It's so cute how your son said not to forget about the beardies salt. Aww :love5:


Hatchling Member
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jezwolf175":1f0vwe0h said:
Aw how cute. My younger sister loves it when she can help feed Fafnir. It's so cute how your son said not to forget about the beardies salt. Aww :love5:
Hehe :lol: Thanks. I bet your sister does like to help. It's awesome how beardies seem to really engage the kids.


Hatchling Member
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Hmmmmm....It seems I have a very odd little dragon even more than I thought. LOL There I went & ordered some Phoenix worms, waited patiently for them to arrive & got them first thing this morning. Yay! I was so happy to get them & went to feed Falkor his first buggy meal. His first meal is always veggies. I figure that will encourage him to eat them & he can snack all day long if he wants. So there I go & put them in his bowl & offer them to him. Yea that caused him to look at me like I was trying to feed him dirt. Wiggly, healthy worms with no substrate & a good dust of calcium resulted in a get away with that look? Ugh! I tried hand feeding him a few & he ate them but wasn't too enthused about it. I thought beardies loved those things? ROFLMAO He is such a brat. So I left the bowl in there & I will go back & get it in just a few minutes to see if he ate anymore. If not we will try again later. :roll:


Hatchling Member
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sweetiepie9":2mm363tc said:
You could always put them on his salad to see if he'll eat them more. Give that a try!
I will try that :D Thanks. I put a few Dubia in with them & he accidently ate some. LOL He went after the Dubia like they were the first food he's seen in a year but the worms he looks at like my girls would if I tried to get them to eat them. He is so funny. I'm going to make sure he has plenty of salad & such & try again in a bit. I wonder if he just doesn't like the way they move. Such a spoiled brat.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Just measured Falkor & we are at 10 1/2 inches. Now if I could just find my scale & batteries at the same time. I'm not worried though because he has gotten heavier & looks good to me. Of course input is always welcome. :D

Naptime is now mom.

I refuse to take pretty pictures today.

See the present I left for you in my dish.

Ok I will be a pretty boy now
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