new poopers

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Hatchling Member
picked up a few new additions to the family, we're not keeping all of them we're giving one or two away to family/friends, but Henry is one of the ones that stays and my gf has yet to make a final decision on which one for sure she wants (she likes them all) :lol:





fresnowitte Sicko
Congratulations and good luck to the wife on picking only one. :lol:
Let her know the longer she takes to pick one out the harder it will be. :wink:
An only name the ones your going to keep or you might find that you end up keeping
all of the ones you name. :mrgreen: My family doesn't allow me to name babies because
they know me to well. :lol:


New member
Yeah he said he was only keeping one...but we have three now lol...the girlfriend (me!) did pick only one its the men who have trouble picking just one teehee
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