Reptaid Discussion

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Hatchling Member
fc3schick87":db4f702j said:
frill dragon was diagnosed with giardia. after 5 day treatment of flagyl giardia is gone but he still has ALOT of coccidia in his fecal smear. he is eating but not passing fecal. i started him 2 days ago on reptaid and his apatite seems stronger. before he was just eating every few days, but today he actually ate infront of me. attacked the cricket as soon as i dropped it in.

giardia can cause 2ndary infection since it causes such harsh diareah, and coccidia can also cause irritation and inflamation in the gutt. i was given baytril for him, but i HATE using it because it kills their appetite and doesnt always rid of bacteria in their body, also leaving them quite dehydrated.

tomorrow is day 3, i'm bringing images of fecal exam to vet to talk to him about everything.

hopping reptaid help rid of the coccidia, as well as reduce risk of infection from inflamation from giardia+coccidia
Im getting my dose this week!
Just discovered my baby has loads of pinworms and signs of a few tapeworms.
will try with reptaid before the panacur session... :D
so i was told to stop flagyl and baytril on my reptiles who have giardia. i continued flagyl on the male but the female who wasnt to bad, got reptaid instead of flagyl and baytril.

the female started getting worse. she hasnt passed fecal in 4 days . i've taken her off reptaid 2 days ago and started her on flagyl instead. she also hasto have metoclopramide as a digestive stimulant to get her constipation moving...

follow the vets instructions. . . dont skew away from a trusting vets instructions...

the male is free of giardia and has been doing great since my last post up. he hasnt been on reptaid.... i didnt start him on it because i noticed the female wasnt doing to good.


Extreme Poster
Just discovered my baby has loads of pinworms and signs of a few tapeworms.
will try with reptaid before the panacur session...

Why would you not use panacur first? Panacur is not harsh. Panacur will kill the pinworms and worms if dosed properly.


Juvie Member
I'm thinking of doing Reptaid for my girl, Riza.... She always has had stress marks for the 17 days we've had her and they only almost go away when she's sleeping... Her colours are dark half the time and she's pretty lethargic, only really moving around when she needs the restroom or hunting crickets, so half the time she just wants to sleep when being held.
I need to get a fecal+vet trip done on her, but at the moment I can't really afford it.
So I want to get reptaid to see if it will help her any. :D

Does anyone know if they sell Reptaid at expos?

fresnowitte Sicko
Yes they do have some vendor's that sell the Reptaid at shows. However are you sure that your UVB type, distance from, and temps are correct? And that your beardie is well hydrated? Dehydration and the other items I've mentioned can also cause your beardie to behave in such a manner.

Even when choosing to use the Reptaid for parasites it's always best to get a fecal to see what you are working with. Also this will allow you to have a second fecal done after treating to see if it helped. Not all beardies respond to the Reptaid the same.

diamc Sicko
Staff member
That was very good advise Barbara. fluffpuffgerbil, you should really consider what she mentioned, she knows what she's talking about.


Juvie Member
fresnowitte":3dm8lunr said:
Yes they do have some vendor's that sell the Reptaid at shows. However are you sure that your UVB type, distance from, and temps are correct? And that your beardie is well hydrated? Dehydration and the other items I've mentioned can also cause your beardie to behave in such a manner.

Even when choosing to use the Reptaid for parasites it's always best to get a fecal to see what you are working with. Also this will allow you to have a second fecal done after treating to see if it helped. Not all beardies respond to the Reptaid the same.

Thanks for the advice Barbara! :D

And I've got a new Reptisun 10.0 I got at least a week ago I think. She can get 6-8 inches within it(or lower if she pleases), her temps are normally 100-110* taken with a digital thermometer(it's not a probe, but it's accurate!, trust me.... The brand is Accurite, too). And the cool side is 77* give or take a few.

And I should get her a vet trip+fecal? The thing is with this vet is they have to do a well check first with a beardie before the fecal+the fecal is $49....Which isn't bad. :D It's the best vet for reptiles around and I already took one of my beardies there. So guess I'll see about a vet trip+fecal first.

She is well hydrated, as she has baths several times a week, maybe every other day/three days.

She came from a really bad petstore(Alley cat), though without any heat lamps... just a UVB and on barkchips...She's over one year old, so she had a home before the petstore.


Hatchling Member
pscaulkins":3trjzwbl said:
Just discovered my baby has loads of pinworms and signs of a few tapeworms.
will try with reptaid before the panacur session...

Why would you not use panacur first? Panacur is not harsh. Panacur will kill the pinworms and worms if dosed properly.

This is what I ended up doing - you can follow the progress day by day here, with pics and movies 8) :D

2nd day now and wow, she has soo much energy already! More than I have ever seen before - she just gets more and more of a "personality" and her hunger is immense still


Hatchling Member
I have 6 dragons. 4 out of 6 of the dragons are/were perfectly healthy prior to the Reptaid. All Beardies are in their own enclosures with proper set ups and lighting and heating needs. All given proper suppliments. These are my babies and nothing but the best for all of them. I've tried Reptaid for one week on each of them. Here are my conclusions thus far.

Sly:3 year old male in semi-brumation currently. Tried waking him up and feeding him Reptaid daily but he wasn't interested. Will try once he is out of brumation.

Lemon: 1 1/2 year old female. Also in brumation - she's right down. Wasn't interested. Will try once she is out of brumation as well.

Butch: 9 month old male. Did not see much difference in him. Appetite slightly increased. Colour became brighter.

Tabby: 9 month old female. Also did not see much difference in her. Colour became brighter and appetite slightly increased.

Vikky: 3 year old female. She has had some problems from when we first got her in the summer. She had a bad spot on her tummy that looked infected. She also came to us with Mites (which by the looks of it are now gone). The reptaid helped to heal her tummy infection. Mind you she did have betadine baths and we also put polysporin on the infection. Her appetite did not increase but her colour did brighten some. I will give a second round of Reptaid for a week to see if that helps her more. I did notice that the two toes that she has lost the nails on is becoming slightly discoloured. We apply polysporin daily and we are giving her betadine baths. She has some retained shed as well where the tummy infection was previously and we apply some aloe vera plant on it daily.

Lance: 4 1/2 year old male. This fella is our special needs boy. He has no teeth and is syringe fed baby food daily. He had a possible URI - he had crusty deposits around his mouth and also looked like dried droplets under his sleeping spot... He also had a couple different mouth sores from the syringe feeding I suspect. After one week his appetite more than doubled - went from eating 10-15ml's per day to 20-30ml's per day. His mouth sores were completely gone in the week. His possible URI is gone as well. Will give a second round of Reptaid for a week to help him more as he's still not as active as he should be.

So, my personal conclusion is this: healthy dragons don't see much difference in them with the reptaid other than increased appetite and colouring changes. The sicker dragons it has helped tremendously. I'm impressed with this natural suppliment and would recommend it to anyone who had a sick dragon as long as their husbandry is and has been up to standards. I know a lot of changes can happen to a dragon if husbandry was wrong and you correct it. (Personal experience there too.) I'll use it again on my two dragons who need it but probably won't on my healthy ones.


New member
well I am sold on this stuff, I have a female beardie 3 years old,I picked up, was underfed nothing but crickets, she was run down bad drasticly under weight and wasnt gaining after I got her eating good, now after the 10 day dose and half into the second round of ten days she has gained weight and more active...when I got her her tail bone was protruding, legs were nothing but bone with skin over them, now she has body mass on the legs and the tail is full, its a huge difference in her


Juvie Member
Well, I got my Reptaid XL Thursday and started to give it to Riza! So far not much changes have been noticed except that I think she has more red/orange/yellow on her beard! It's so pretty! But I'm doing the two ten day treatments, and I still hae aways to go. :D
But so far she's doing good! She'll gape when basking so I can just squirt it into her mouth then and then she bites it and gets the rest that gets stuck out! :D
Makes it easy where I don't have to pry her mouth open. XD

So far so good! I hope it works!~


Hi, i have just received the reptaid XL, but i think i have been over dosing, given him 0.6ml instead of 0.06ml :? , will this of harmed him and what shall i do? i feel really bad now, his weight is just over 600g, Have i got the measurements wrong cause 0.6ml is just over the halfway mark on the syringe and 0.06ml is very little reptaid. Please can someone help, i'll give him a couple of warm baths and syringe feed him water to try and flush him out and i'll put the reptaid on hold for a couple of weeks.

Also to be honest he's not too bad he's only had 3 days worth of reptaid at those measures.



Extreme Poster
Correct the dosage and you should be fine. Dosage is very important because this product contains parts that will dehydrate your dragon.

Everyone please keep in mind that this product is an herbal SUPPLEMENT it does not replace vet care nor does it claim to I believe. It is an aid not a cure.


Juvie Member
I treated my 4 month old bd with a diluted solution of Reptaid xl. Elliot gave me the instructions on how much to dilute it and the dosage amount. I gave it to him twice per day for two weeks to treat upper respiratory infection and coccida. We went to the vet for a follow up and he is completely clear of coccida and his lungs are clear. He also has no more mucus in his mouth. I switched to Reptaid due to the antibiotics seeming to make Skittles worse. I have also used on my sub-adult dragon as well when he seemed to be coming down with something and he bounced right back after giving him the Reptaid xl. I will still take them to the vet if I think they are sick, but I will also try Reptaid first before giving them regular medicine that makes them feel bad or as with Albon could kill them.
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