Something you guys should know.

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Juvie Member
My uncle has had a beardie for 4 1/2 years now. Since he was 6 months old he has been fed large superworms as a staple and he is as healthy as ever. What he did was feed him 8-10 every other day, offering vegies every day. When he reached full adulthood he cut it down to 5-6 every other day with more intense focus on vegies

So in all, dont believe EVERYTHING you read about supers.


Sub-Adult Member
My 4 year old adult has been getting supers as his staple feeder ever since he was large enough to eat them, and he's fine so far too! :) A fair amount of people do use supers as a staple for their adults, actually. (It's the relatively high fat content that can lead to problems if they get more than 50 per week, I believe)


Hatchling Member
My girl is just over a year. Two months ago she would eat crickets, dubias, and supers anytime without a problem. Now that the weather has cooled she is sleeping, barely nibbling or eating greens, and the only food she'll touch is supers...once a week. I figure she knows what her body needs and supers it is!!!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
casper31":14wtzh2v said:
My girl is just over a year. Two months ago she would eat crickets, dubias, and supers anytime without a problem. Now that the weather has cooled she is sleeping, barely nibbling or eating greens, and the only food she'll touch is supers...once a week. I figure she knows what her body needs and supers it is!!!
preach! lmfao


Yea I'm almost done with crickets... I hafta clean out the cricket bin every 4 days where as the super bin is like every 3 weeks and I don't have anywhere near the die off like the crickets have.... also jubjub loves um, I have to toss a few supers in with his crickets to get him to eat the stupid crickets...


New member
I also feed by beardie superworms. He actually prefers them much more than crickets. Now he won't even eat crickets but will eat the superworms right away. I give him 6 superworms every other day. I always crush the heads of the superworms and then feed him them because I was told that it's easier for beardies to digest them this way. I also know a couple of people who feed their beardies superworms and have for a long time. I've fed my beardie them for almost a year and he is perfectly fine!


Juvie Member
i give my 3 dragons supers too,they love them, im not sure if there good for babies but i started giving supers to mine when they were about 5 months old :)


Juvie Member
Make sure you all keep up the calcium supplementation... their phosphorus content is real high and can throw the ratio out fast.

Spoilt beardies they are :D


i have a question to all you superworm lovers! me included!!! how long can they live for?? i have some that are almost 2 months old.... now i do find a betel shell everynow and then but man thes things live forever it seems!!!! and way less smelly than crickets!!


I asked a woman at pet smart about super worms, and she said they could eat there way out if I didn't chop the head off.... Is that true?! In all I am alittle nervous about feeding my Iggers them...
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