Something you guys should know.

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Juvie Member
Original Poster
Comming from the same store that tells people that a 20 gallon tank for an afult and coconut shell substrate is A-ok lol?


Juvie Member
Superworms can't really eat out of a bearded dragon's belly. If you haven't see the way a beardie eats a superworm, they chew them up pretty good when they ingest them!

A lot of times you hear about someone finding a deceased bearded dragon with holes chewed in the stomach - any loose superworms in the cage will quickly and readily take advantage of what they view as a food source. One of the softest spots to go in to the body is through the stomach, so a lot of times people will mistake the superworms eating the beardie as the cause of death, when it was almost always something else. Saying a superworm ate out through an adult bearded dragon's stomach is a lot like seeing vultures eating a dead cow and assuming that the vultures killed the cow. :) Little bitty baby beardies should not be eating adult sized worms, but good sized juveniles and larger beardies do not have any problems at all.

Superworms are a fantastic addition to the diet, personally I would not feed them exclusively (just like I wouldn't feed any one food source exclusively), but when fed in moderation they are definitely a fantastic addition to the diet.



well mine chews on them bout 7 times befor he swallows so why dont you chop one. up. at least 5 times and see if its still able to chew through anything.

but really no they cant chew on ur dragons stomach


Juvie Member
arman, we breed them and haven't had them die off yet. We refresh the stock every year, and we've noticed that at a year old they start pupating of their own accord :)


thank you thank you!! man i cant say enough good things about supers!! no smell and they live forever!!! screw crickets, well maby for a treat.. but its supers and butters from now on... and a few horn and silkies for fun


Juvie Member
They are good. Nothing is as bad as crickets are for dying off they're a pain, but have you tried roaches? They live a while as well, and may be a better choice when it comes to a staple nutrition wise (I only say this as I've had lizards die from an unbalanced diet resulting from supers).


i would do roaches maby.... BUT im canadian and we like to ban things we dont know... its funny i live in the most souther part of canada and the roaches wouldnt live through winter... but still they illeagle... ah well


New member
I always crush the heads of the superworms which pretty much tears them off. I have never heard of them eating their way back through but I was told by a girl at petsmart (who also feeds them to her beardie) that as long as you crush the heads it is fine. But if you don't feel comfortable feeding these to your beardie on a regular basis then I would just stick to crickets or whatever else you are feeding him/her.


Hatchling Member
These super worms (morio worms) are extremely easy to breed! I had 3 morio beetles and they must've produced over 500 worms! I still have loads I'm having trouble getting rid of them!
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