Colloidal silver


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My bearded dragon was diagnosed with mouth rot. Had 24 days of enrofloxcin. He seems gun shy about eating. Follow up and he is still dehydrated and showing signs of malnutrition. Started Critical Care tonight and that seemed to stimulate a bit of appetite. He had a few bites of pumpkin. I am a big believer in colliodal silver for me. Can I use it to rinse his mouth/prevent/cure any lingering fungal or bacterial infections? If so, how much do I use?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Sorry your boy has had trouble with the mouth rot but hopefully the Baytril helped out for him.
How is he taking the critical care formula for you?
You can definitely use colloidal silver as a mouth wash & to rinse out his mouth in case there is
bacteria from his mouth rot issues left.
It is safe to ingest also. You can just use 1ML to rinse the mouth out & whatever he ingests or
swallows, that is perfectly fine!



New member
Original Poster

Sorry your boy has had trouble with the mouth rot but hopefully the Baytril helped out for him.
How is he taking the critical care formula for you?
You can definitely use colloidal silver as a mouth wash & to rinse out his mouth in case there is
bacteria from his mouth rot issues left.
It is safe to ingest also. You can just use 1ML to rinse the mouth out & whatever he ingests or
swallows, that is perfectly fine!

Thanks. Do you recommend a specific brand? He is not happy with the critical care, buy we get at least half a serving down twice a day. He is voluntarily taking water from me. I usually mix in either BeneBac or bee pollen with that. His belly seems puffy, squishy since he started taking it. Can it cause bloating or gas? He passed a urine and a possible permit plug today while I wasn't home. He was cleared of parasites when he first saw the vet for being sick

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