Rescued a beardie and I need help


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Beardie name(s)
Thanks KarrieRee for the rolled up dish towel suggestion! I tried them today and I think she liked it. She was more alert. Still no where near doing well but better. And the great news is after I propped her head up on the towel she was a little more alert and I was able to get her to eat 1/2 ml of critical care. I know that’s not a lot but after what she’s been through it’s a big step forward. I also gave her the anti inflammatory but am holding off on antibiotics until she’s stronger. I will try more critical care tomorrow. Small watered down amounts throughout the day. Thanks again!
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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is great to hear. It sounds like she is feeling a little better. If she is more alert, that is a really good
sign. Small feedings of the critical care is the best way to get food into her right now. That way she can
digest easier. That is a good idea for now, to hold off on antibiotics until her system can handle it better.
Keep us posted on her!



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Beardie name(s)
I would definitely say she’s a little better today. Her color was great all day. I attempted to feed her three times. All told she only ate a little over 1 ml of critical care for the day but that’s an improvement. 1/2 ml in morning, a few drops in the afternoon and another 1/2 ml, maybe slightly more at night. I’m feeling hopeful. She’s loving the towel. It must feel like a little pillow. I gently moved her limbs back and forth too since she’s been so immobile.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That's great she is better today. Small
improvements are good! At least she is
taking some food for you, bless her.
It sounds like she is starting to settle in
also. I'm sure she loves her soft towel!
Keep at it, remember, reptiles tend to get
better slowly.


Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Yes, most of the time, they recover slowly. So it's always good to make small incremental changes,
so it doesn't stress or tax their system too much all at once.
Keep us posted on her!



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Hi everyone. I just came back from the vet for her two week follow up. There was a lump low in her abdomen. She did an xray and it showed an impaction. She also lost weight but that’s no surprise, she couldn’t eat for days and I’ve just only recently gotten her to eat. The doctor said we should think about “sending her to Heaven.” I told her that in the last few days she’s much more alert and awake and eating so much better. She said she’s okay with us trying a little longer to get her back and is putting her on a second pain killer, tramadol. .02 ml. They did another subcutaneous fluid inject - 5 ccs. And they showed me how to do it and want me to do subq fluids every other day. The vet also wanted to see if she could get some of the impaction out. I said I heard that enemas were dangerous and beardies have died that way. She said she knew that and she only uses a little bit of water and is very gentle. I let her do it. She was able to get some matter out that looked like urates. The vet seemed more hopeful after that. Any thoughts from the forum are highly appreciated. I don’t want her to suffer but I feel like she’s moving forward. I’m guessing the impaction was why she hasn’t been able to move much. Thanks!

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hi everyone. I just came back from the vet for her two week follow up. There was a lump low in her abdomen. She did an xray and it showed an impaction. She also lost weight but that’s no surprise, she couldn’t eat for days and I’ve just only recently gotten her to eat. The doctor said we should think about “sending her to Heaven.” I told her that in the last few days she’s much more alert and awake and eating so much better. She said she’s okay with us trying a little longer to get her back and is putting her on a second pain killer, tramadol. .02 ml. They did another subcutaneous fluid inject - 5 ccs. And they showed me how to do it and want me to do subq fluids every other day. The vet also wanted to see if she could get some of the impaction out. I said I heard that enemas were dangerous and beardies have died that way. She said she knew that and she only uses a little bit of water and is very gentle. I let her do it. She was able to get some matter out that looked like urates. The vet seemed more hopeful after that. Any thoughts from the forum are highly appreciated. I don’t want her to suffer but I feel like she’s moving forward. I’m guessing the impaction was why she hasn’t been able to move much. Thanks!
Feed her some plain canned pumpkin w/ a drop of or two of olive oil that will make her poop


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I will do that! Should I also do longer daily baths? Just doing 5 minutes a day as of now. Since last Thursday I have been tilting the tub so that she doesn’t drink. She had been taking in too much and throwing up repeatedly. Should I go back to letting her put her mouth in the water?
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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I will do that! Should I also do longer daily baths? Just doing 5 minutes a day as of now. Since last Thursday I have been tilting the tub so that she doesn’t drink. She had been taking in too much and throwing up repeatedly. Should I go back to letting her put her mouth in the water?
Too many baths can cause the scales to dry out- you can give her water by eye dropper or dropping water on her nose-


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Okay. I’ll stick with 5 minutes. The vet treatments today were so stressful. She got so pale. Her color is a little better now and she’s sleeping. I feel like she doesn’t want to be too hot when she’s stressed. She seems to get more pale. I got her to take both pain meds and a little bit of puréed pumpkin. I’m feeling really bad about having to do subcutaneous fluids every other day. It seems to make her so pale. It seemed like she was gaining traction these past few days and looking better. If the subq makes her feel so bad and it takes the whole day to recover, I don’t know how I’m going to get her in a good place.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Okay. I’ll stick with 5 minutes. The vet treatments today were so stressful. She got so pale. Her color is a little better now and she’s sleeping. I feel like she doesn’t want to be too hot when she’s stressed. She seems to get more pale. I got her to take both pain meds and a little bit of puréed pumpkin. I’m feeling really bad about having to do subcutaneous fluids every other day. It seems to make her so pale. It seemed like she was gaining traction these past few days and looking better. If the subq makes her feel so bad and it takes the whole day to recover, I don’t know how I’m going to get her in a good place.
Tracie needs to address this

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Bless her. My thoughts are, if she is getting overly stressed when she gets subcutaneous fluids, then
you should probably just work on getting oral fluids into her using a plastic dropper or syringe. It may
just be too much on her, all at once to get that much fluid into her.
Since she goes pale, it is definitely affecting her.
Have you been able to get some foods into her too? I am not sure I am on board with giving two pain
medications. What is the other one you are giving her, along with the Tramadol, would it be Metacam?
The Tramadol is opium based & a lot of them tend to have bad side effects.
What are the basking temperatures for her?
We are all pulling for her, let us know how she is doing.


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