Falkor the bratty luck dragon ;-) & his new friend, Raphael

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Falkor is my 1st beardie & a major brat. He has been with me for about a month now & is a spoiled little thing. LOL I'm not exactly sure on his age as he was purchased from Petsmart & we all know how well they know their animals. He was tiny when he first came home & has grown a surprising amount in just a month.

This is Falkor on his 3rd day home.

& this is Falkor as of today!
I am really amazed by how much he grew! In just a month he is soooooooo much bigger. I wish I had thought to measure him during those first few days but as of today he is 9 1/2 inches.I need batteries for the scale that I have or I would have weighed him.
So what do you experienced folks think? Does he look like he has grown well in the month he's been with me? My basis for reference is limited.

He is such a snuggler that it's hard for me to get pics of him lol

He has such a yellow tint to his head that my daughters think I should have called him Lemon drop. :lol:

I wish that I could get his colors captured right but this camera...
I am glad I had expected him to have a quirky personality. I researched a lot before he came home & I have heard a few friends talking about theirs so it's no surprise he can be such a brat & he really is lucky he is so cute. I wouldn't ever call him exactly lazy but he isn't a high energy baby either. He does his playtime but most of the day he basks & takes it easy waiting for chow time. It must be nice. LOL
I swear if I could just get him to eat the way I want him to it would make my life easier! My dear little one is in love with his greens but other veggies are a no go at this point. They are offered but if it isn't green & leafy he just ignores it. I just started a dubia colony & was hoping to get that off the ground before he ate all the babies but he thinks it should be different. You see I was foolish enough to think that it would be a good idea to incorporate a dubia or two into each feeding just to transition him slowly. He is fed 3 times a day as much as he can eat in 15 mins plus the veggies are available all day. Well since I started him on the dubia or two he is flat out refusing to eat any crickets! I swear I hate those stinky things too but I need them to get eaten. However my dear beardie turns his back on them at every oportunity. I guess I will have to order more dubia & let the crickets grow for his frog brothers. :banghead: In case it isn't obvious I HATE having crickets in my house.


Hatchling Member
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zandi202":z3wcx3k5 said:
Lucky you. I have to wait still. My town just refuses to hit 60. :roll:
Well we are in the lovely south so it's bound to stay this way. Very shortly it will be 90 & holding.


Hatchling Member
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Today my dear Falkor will be getting his first taste of the outdoors. :) I think my kids & I shall procrastinate on housework & have some playtime. I hope he enjoys it.


Hatchling Member
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Falkor took to the outside just like every out of tank thing he does. He latched onto me, found a comfy spot & stayed put. LOL

Boy did he decide to darken up!

He is such a cuddler no matter what we are doing.

You think I should move? Yea not gonna happen.

I swear I could wear him anywhere!

The kids have started calling him my broach.

He just isn't thinking he should get down & do anything. Lazy brat! LOL
I am hoping that he enjoyed it. We waited for my girls to get off the bus & decided to go in since the wind kicked up a bit. 20 minutes was all we could manage for today but it's a start until the weather really warms up.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Even 20 minutes is alot of great UVB for him, he's a snuggler like my Gabriel is, I could wear him as a broach too!


Hatchling Member
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sweetiepie9":2a4p5l01 said:
Even 20 minutes is alot of great UVB for him, he's a snuggler like my Gabriel is, I could wear him as a broach too!
He seemed to enjoy it & took it all in stride so we will do more as the weather allows. Once summer gets here he will be out for a long, long time. Wearing them is awesome. I was in an almost constant state of giggles over the looks I was getting from the neighbors. LOL Talk about confused people.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'll bet, I can see the looks now :lol: "What in the world is she wearing, it's moving :shock: what a strange broach" :lol: Beardies are very funny. I can't wait for sun up here, I live near Vancouver, BC in Canada, we get Seattle weather, so lots of rain. It looks like it may be sunny today, I'll have to see, but it's still overcast...that's what it's like up here. My boys LOVE being on the balcony, so I'll have to clean that up soon. They get free roam separately on the balcony, it's all beardie proof and I have 2 that love impatients, so I get them a few plants for the summer, too. It's funny to watch them chowing down on flowers!


Hatchling Member
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sweetiepie9":3ccqmhgx said:
I'll bet, I can see the looks now :lol: "What in the world is she wearing, it's moving :shock: what a strange broach" :lol: Beardies are very funny. I can't wait for sun up here, I live near Vancouver, BC in Canada, we get Seattle weather, so lots of rain. It looks like it may be sunny today, I'll have to see, but it's still overcast...that's what it's like up here. My boys LOVE being on the balcony, so I'll have to clean that up soon. They get free roam separately on the balcony, it's all beardie proof and I have 2 that love impatients, so I get them a few plants for the summer, too. It's funny to watch them chowing down on flowers!
LOL Yes the looks were priceless especially since I doubt many people in the neighborhood have seen many larger lizards. Your balcony sounds awesome. I wish we had something like that but we just have yard so if it's the least bit wet we won't really be going out much. We are in North Carolina & it is super hot & humid here in the summer & cold & wet in the winter.


Juvie Member
I've had some really nice weather these last few days [ San Francisco Bay Area California :D ] But my guys a little to small still to take out I think :|


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
For people with yards I've always seen others recommend cardboard boxes of plastic tubs, with 1/2 in the shade so they don't over heat. Mine won't go near real grass, they freak out, much prefer the balcony as they feel safe. Real sun is such a bonus for beardies, makes them feel better and more energetic. Can't wait until the sun starts here, it's been pouring rain for 3 days now, typical weather for up here, though.


Hatchling Member
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sweetiepie9":242foxup said:
For people with yards I've always seen others recommend cardboard boxes of plastic tubs, with 1/2 in the shade so they don't over heat. Mine won't go near real grass, they freak out, much prefer the balcony as they feel safe. Real sun is such a bonus for beardies, makes them feel better and more energetic. Can't wait until the sun starts here, it's been pouring rain for 3 days now, typical weather for up here, though.
Here these days it's around 70 or 75 then the next it is cold and raining. :p You have to love the south for that. LOL Falkor just likes to hang on & sit on me.


Hatchling Member
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Raphael has been doing really well. :) We are very happy to say that it looks to us that he has gained a little weight & is having his first shed since he came to stay with us on March 7th.

He seems to be coming around really well to everyone though he isn't the happiest about being handled much. Even if he doesn't turn into a snuggly dragon we will love him the same.


Hatchling Member
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zandi202":msz8m7wj said:
He's handsome.
Thank you :) He is very small. I don't think he was fed enough as a young one. He is 1 1/2 old & nowhere near what he should be. He isn't even hitting small adult size in my opinion. I could be wrong as we haven't been able to get a good measurement on him yet. We are fattening him up a bit though.
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