Falkor the bratty luck dragon ;-) & his new friend, Raphael

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Falkor is my 1st beardie & a major brat. He has been with me for about a month now & is a spoiled little thing. LOL I'm not exactly sure on his age as he was purchased from Petsmart & we all know how well they know their animals. He was tiny when he first came home & has grown a surprising amount in just a month.

This is Falkor on his 3rd day home.

& this is Falkor as of today!
I am really amazed by how much he grew! In just a month he is soooooooo much bigger. I wish I had thought to measure him during those first few days but as of today he is 9 1/2 inches.I need batteries for the scale that I have or I would have weighed him.
So what do you experienced folks think? Does he look like he has grown well in the month he's been with me? My basis for reference is limited.

He is such a snuggler that it's hard for me to get pics of him lol

He has such a yellow tint to his head that my daughters think I should have called him Lemon drop. :lol:

I wish that I could get his colors captured right but this camera...
I am glad I had expected him to have a quirky personality. I researched a lot before he came home & I have heard a few friends talking about theirs so it's no surprise he can be such a brat & he really is lucky he is so cute. I wouldn't ever call him exactly lazy but he isn't a high energy baby either. He does his playtime but most of the day he basks & takes it easy waiting for chow time. It must be nice. LOL
I swear if I could just get him to eat the way I want him to it would make my life easier! My dear little one is in love with his greens but other veggies are a no go at this point. They are offered but if it isn't green & leafy he just ignores it. I just started a dubia colony & was hoping to get that off the ground before he ate all the babies but he thinks it should be different. You see I was foolish enough to think that it would be a good idea to incorporate a dubia or two into each feeding just to transition him slowly. He is fed 3 times a day as much as he can eat in 15 mins plus the veggies are available all day. Well since I started him on the dubia or two he is flat out refusing to eat any crickets! I swear I hate those stinky things too but I need them to get eaten. However my dear beardie turns his back on them at every oportunity. I guess I will have to order more dubia & let the crickets grow for his frog brothers. :banghead: In case it isn't obvious I HATE having crickets in my house.


Hatchling Member
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Falkor is doing what he does best. He is growing & being a lazy snuggler. :)

Today he is 17 1/4 inches! :) He's a pretty good sized boy for 6 months old lol It definitely makes me wonder just how big he will decide to be.


Hatchling Member
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So I couldn't resist. My oldest girl hasn't been feeling well & was using the heating pad. When she was done with it she set it on the arm of the chair I was sitting in with Falkor & he decided that it was going to be his new spot.

I am going to have to pry him off of there.

I would say he thinks that is a comfy spot


BD.org Addict
Aw, they look so comfy. How dare you remove them from their comfy spot! :lol: I thought Jace was big. He is 6m as well but only 15"


Hatchling Member
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zandi202":2czbyg7g said:
Aw, they look so comfy. How dare you remove them from their comfy spot! :lol: I thought Jace was big. He is 6m as well but only 15"
He is getting huge on me lol Our newest baby is a little over 1 1/2 years old & he is only about 13 inches.


Hatchling Member
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zandi202":2nd2ycqa said:
Wow, really?
Yes. I don't think our 1 1/2 year old was fed properly as a young one. :-( He was a class pet that ended up going home with a student for the summer & then up to October. Unfortunately I think he was fed the wrong amounts & might have been meant to be on the small side anyway. He has picked up a little bit of weight & doing his first shed now. We have had him since March 7th.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Falkor is going to be big like Rubio, I bet. I'm glad you got your little rescue, and me may grow a bit more. Gabriel was almost two when I rescued him and he grew another inch in the year I"ve have him. Some dragons are just small, like you said, because of ill care when they were growing up.


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zandi202":2dea18m9 said:
That's good that he has a good home now =)
Thanks :) I'm just really glad he isn't showing any signs of MBD. Small or not we love him.


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sweetiepie9":2cybgp36 said:
Falkor is going to be big like Rubio, I bet. I'm glad you got your little rescue, and me may grow a bit more. Gabriel was almost two when I rescued him and he grew another inch in the year I"ve have him. Some dragons are just small, like you said, because of ill care when they were growing up.
I have to admit I am happy he will be a bigger dragon :) At least I know he is healthy & happy in his environment. Falkor is such a good baby. I'm really glad that we got Raphael too. I have my fingers crossed that he will at least be healthy though I would love to see him grow a bit. My oldest girl is convinced he has "beefed" up a bit since we have had him. I know he eats like a champ & socks away the food like it's going out of style. He is even less picky than Falkor & will eat anything you give him. I must order some more Phoenix Worms for him. Falkor won't eat them but Raphael loves them. I've also noticed that he's much more active than Falkor. I'm not sure that he will ever be a real cuddler but that's ok as long as he's happy. Gabriel is gorgeous even if he's small just like Raphael.


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sweetiepie9":2ivzrdjv said:
That is great news. And I really loved the pics of Falkor, especially on the warm pad!
:) Thanks. He was very unhappy with me when I made him go to bed. Talk about getting the stink eye! LOL


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Gabriel ended up being 18" long (from just under 17") and from 280g to 520, he's also my most adventurous dragon. he's the one who climbed the couch, jumped 8 inches to the top of Rubio's tank and jumped into it. Rubio, meanwhile, was underneath the log waiting to bit his tail off! Here's a pic. I was in the bedroom resting my foot (badly sprained ankle) when I heard a CLANG & knew that wasn't a sound I wanted to hear. Gabriel is now not allowed in the living room for outside time unless I'm there to watch him, little brat!


You can just see Rubio's snout underneath the big log. Gabriel had a bit smile on his face when I grabbed him out & didn't understand why I was upset at him :lol:

There's always something going on at my place!


Hatchling Member
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sweetiepie9":13mrl95j said:
Gabriel ended up being 18" long (from just under 17") and from 280g to 520, he's also my most adventurous dragon. he's the one who climbed the couch, jumped 8 inches to the top of Rubio's tank and jumped into it. Rubio, meanwhile, was underneath the log waiting to bit his tail off! Here's a pic. I was in the bedroom resting my foot (badly sprained ankle) when I heard a CLANG & knew that wasn't a sound I wanted to hear. Gabriel is now not allowed in the living room for outside time unless I'm there to watch him, little brat!


You can just see Rubio's snout underneath the big log. Gabriel had a bit smile on his face when I grabbed him out & didn't understand why I was upset at him :lol:

There's always something going on at my place!
I remember laughing my tail end off over Gabriel's adventuring into Rubio's tank. It's a great picture & a very funny story knowing that nobody was hurt. LOL I was glad to see that your ankle has been doing better. :) We have been putting Raphael in a cat carrier while we clean the tank & in a box when he is being petted out in the girl's room since I think he would get himself into that much trouble or more. With 6 cats& a 3 y/o running around I can't be sure they are all out of the room & stay that way and I am terrified at the moment that he would dart off & get hurt. Falkor doesn't attract their attention because he is always still & hisses just as well as they do. LOL He is also much bigger & looks less like a snack. Gabriel & Raphael seem to have a lot in common. :)


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Sounds like it, that sounds like a good idea, putting him in a cat carrier for when you're cleaning his tank. You have a lot more going on at your place than I do, I'm alone, so just be and the dragons and geckos. Because I live alone I have the whole living room partitioned off, so they can't get out anymore, even though Gabriel managed to get out 3 times, until I figured out what he was doing to get past the partitions and fixed the problem. Once he was wandering the hallway :shock: then twice I found him curled up under the computer desk :lol: So that's also why he can't be out unless I have the time to supervise him. And the day after I found him in Rubio's tank, I cut his nails and the morning after he was climbing the couch again :lol: So grounded he is!
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