Jango (pic heavy)

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Hey all.. not sure who all read my introduction link so I guess i'll start by saying hi, my name is Tammy.. I'm a 38 year old, stay at home mommy of one human, my son Nathan (7yrs) and to Jango. My hubby bought Jango for me on Feb. 29, 2012 at a well known pet store near us.."Gittlers". The lady who took care of us there told us that Jango was only a few weeks old when we got him..so if that's correct he should be about 4 months old.. or somewhere around that i'm guessing. Not sure what kind of beardie he is though. He's currently in a 20 gallon reptile tank with reptile carpet and the lights that came with the tank.. I know I need to get new lights for him asap..just need the $$. He loves his crickets (dusted w/calcium 1x day) and he gets kale and turnip greens with some carrots and cucumber.. once in awhile I give him some apple, wich he loves. his basking side stays between 99 and 105 and his shady side stays about 75.

Jango loves being out of his terrarium and looking out the window, 'specially when the sun is shining and I can have it open.. I always supervise him. I don't trust him enough yet to let him have run of the house but I do let him run around on the couch and once in awhile in my son's bedroom, we block all the holes up and keep a close eye on him, a few times he'd snuggle with my son's stuffed animals and go to sleep, he even fell asleep once on the dresser behind the CD player. I can walk around the house with him hanging onto my shirt or sitting on my shoulder, wichever he feels like doing. Once in awhile I will take him into the bedroom with all the fish... yeah.. we have lots of fish.. mostly Chiclids.. 75 gallon, 55 gallon, a few 20 gallons, 10 gallons and a 5 gallon..oh also got a 29 gallon with gold fish in it.. hubby wants to get another 55 gallon and also wants to get Jango a 40 gallon breeder tank.

On with the pictures:..

Jango when we first came home 2/29/12:

a few days later 3/8/12:

he loves lookin' out the window 3/21/12:

lookin at the gold fish 4/4/12:

Jango's home 4/4/12:

My son and Jango looking out the window 4/9/12:

enjoying the sun on a beautiful day 4/16/12:


Then and now 4/21/12:

sleeping 5/1/12:


playing with the tape measure 5/6/12:

my handsome dragon 5/8/12:

puffin' out his beard 5/9/12:



Happy Mother's Day!


Who's that handsome fella? 5/15/12:

That's it for now.. sorry for so many.. there are many more if you would like to see more you can visit this link:


BD.org Addict
Aw, I loved that story! :D Myah and I sit on the sofa and share salad! She lays on her "people type" heat pad and it's "Bite for me, bite for you" LOL! :lol: She'll stand up tall with her chest out mocking the dog who never gets to eat on the couch! LOL! :lol: House work kills the good hearted mom! I've been pulling ten hour days and oh boy! Can you tell mama's not around! :oops: Shower and supper, clean kitchen, do home work with daughter, sleep! Oh the dust! The wretched dust! :eek: I tell people I keep it there so I know where to put things back! LOL! :lol: A clean house deserves a pat on the back! :D


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Oh I can dust one day and the next it's back just like I never dusted in the first place.. and I even use slightly moist cloth to dust since I have bad allergies to dust and such.

Well Jango didn't want out of his Viv at all today.. I took him out for abit and sat him on the windowsill and he just looked at me like "I don't want to be here today mom".. that's the first.. he then jumped onto me and wanted down on the floor.. where he blackbearded and got stress marks.. so I picked him up and talked to him for abit while petting his beard and stroking his back.. he calmed down some but not all the way like he usually does so I placed him back into his Viv, where he layed under his basking light for a moment, I gave him some crickets and he ate some greens before going into his hide log and going to sleep around 2pm. I still don't have any batteries for my camera and it's driving me nuts.


BD.org Addict
I wish I could lend you some.
I have lots of batteries...and thank you for
saying sorry about Fiona...I still wish I could
have known her better but I know her boyfriend


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I just dropped by to say hello and thank you! Thank you, for what, you may ask... Thank you for a new viv idea for Myah :mrgreen: Your "Happy Halloween" window clings gave me a wonderful idea! I put non-toxic wall decals in Myah's viv. They have a matte finish so Myah can't see her reflection! It looks so lovely! Now little miss "I hate myself" can stop attacking the viv walls and relax! :D You will have to get some Christmas window clings for Jango soon! :wink:


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Thank you BlueDragon09 for the thought, I will get some when my hubby gets paid next thursday.. unless I can get my Mom to buy me some on Saturday..LOL.. that's if we go to any stores.

Holly i'm so glad you found the decals, but sorry to hear Myah's afraid of the big flower, but her viv still looks nice with just the leaves and I hope she don't get frightened of them *crosses fingers*. I'm gonna see if I have a cling for Thanksgiving.. I know i have alot but not sure if any say "Happy Thanksgiving".. i'll have to check and I definately will decorate his viv for Christmas :)

I changed Jango's viv around today..his viv is in a corner in the kitchen next to a door and Jango's cool side is on the side the door is on wich gets abit drafty and that's where he sleeps most of the time in his hide log and when I get him out of bed he has a very cold tummy (he'd stay in bed all day if I let him, wich he probably wishes I would), so I put him over on his hot side where he stretches out onto his tummy and lays for a good hour or two before moving anywhere.. so hubby suggested that I reverse his viv.. make the hot the cool side and the cool side the hot side.. since there is a heater on the wall he thinks it might keep the slate alittle warmer over there with the heat coming up from the heater. I'm still after him to get a heat emitter too. I also suggested putting abit of his old reptile carpet under his log hide to keep him alittle warmer, off the slate but hubby thinks if I do that Jango won't go in it anymore because when he goes in there he likes to scratch at the slate to get comfy...whatever. I tried putting blankies in there but Jango just isn't into blankies.. he just poo'd on them all the time instead of laying on them or cuddling. Anyways.. I did switch stuff around and Jango didn't know what to do at first, then he seemed ok with it after awhile and is sleeping in his hide on the other side where I placed it with no problems.


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JangoMom":174vqvkf said:
Anyways.. I did switch stuff around and Jango didn't know what to do at first, then he seemed ok with it after awhile and is sleeping in his hide on the other side where I placed it with no problems.
We will need pics immediately! :shock: LOL! :D


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Jango didn't do much but lay on his basking log today.. I had him out awhile this morning at the windowsill but he crouched down "hiding" most of the time because he seen the neighbor's cat outside (there driveway is right outside our livingroom window since our houses use to be joined at one time).. after awhile I went over to talk to him and to scratch his beard and he climbed up onto my arm, letting me know he was done at the window so I put him back in his viv where he went onto his basking log and hung out for the rest of the day and continues to lay to sleep the rest of the night.. silly dragon. Going to my Mom's tomorrow, she said she'd buy me batteries if she has the money... yay!


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got up this morning and got ready to go.. took Nathan to Lowe's build and grow program to build his project.. wich was a freaking pain in the neck.. the stupid nails kept bending! Alot of others had problems with it as well so it wasn't just us. After that I took him to Pizza Hut to get his free personal pizza for reading his 4 books for the month of October.. it's for the "book it" program they have in school... they read 4 books for the month, they get a coupon to get a free personal pizza... we then went to my Mom's for the rest of the day.. she had to watch a few of my other nieces/nephew.. they are teenagers but they have been bad lately and can't be trusted to stay home alone anymore.. well my nephew is sick.. with the flu or strep throat.. I just home Nathan or myself doesn't get sick now.. Nathan has a flu shot but I don't. Anyways.. before we left home, I gave Jango his breakfast then a bath and he poo'd in it so yay.. didn't have to worry about him going in his viv and have to sit in there with it all day. I found a Thanksgiving cling for his Viv but I don't really care for it... it's too big and he doesn't really care for it either so I may take it down, it's the only one that said "Happy Thanksgiving"... don't know yet. i'll take a picture first since my mom gave me money to get batteries for my camera.. Yay! Well i'm very tired so i'm gonna head for bed.. have to get up early since tomorrow we're having our Thanksgiving here at home.. Mike has to work Thanksgiving 6pm to 6am for Black Friday. .so he'll be sleeping all day to rest up for it.. Nathan and I will be spending the holiday at my sister's house on thursday with her family and my mom. Night all.. take care.


BD.org Addict
Wow! Someone's busy! Well, I'll say Happy Thanksgiving now as Canada has had their's already and I wouldn't want to forget :wink:


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Thanks Holly.. but Mike and I decided not to have our Thanksgiving dinner today, but tomorrow instead.. it would just be easier. Mike don't get home until 7am and likes to go to bed and just wind down abit before actually going to sleep.. so it's actually about 12pm before he really goes to sleep, mabie abit earlier if he's really tired.. so if we had it today he'd have to be back up pretty early to help get stuff ready and such and Nathan's bedtime is 9pm so it would be a rush rush type of thing...he's off tonight so he'll be able to get up early (he's usually up at 3am on his days off) to get the turkey in the oven and I have to get up to get Nathan off to school so we'll both be able to do stuff throughout the day while Nathan's in school to get our dinner ready in time for supper after Nathan gets home and we don't have to rush...the only thing I don't like about Thanksgiving is it takes longer to make the meal than it does to eat it.. LOL.

Anyways.. here are some pictures of Jango that I took today.. 11/18/12

this is his salad consisting of mustard greens, collard greens, carrots and apples.. I usually put pieces of squash in there too but we're all out until I get paid on thursday..Oh I also squirt some water on it so he gets some water in him.

Jango's viv with his "Happy Thanksgiving" window cling..


I reversed the inside of his viv for winter since it's right by the door, Mike thought it would be warmer for him at night to sleep on the side of the wall and have his basking side by the door..

He slept on his basking log lastnight. I think he was waiting for me to come home but I never got home until after his bedtime so this is where he woke up..


Just gotta love those beard stretches!

Mmmm.. mustard greens.. my favorite!

Out and about.. he loves running through the house, but he doesn't understand why i'm always following him..LOL

One of my favorites! (yes that's my clothes basket behind him with clothes that need put away..LOL :oops: )

Jango loves going under the coffee tablel and hanging out

Look how big he got! (I think he's alittle bit over 16 inches now)

Put him back into his Viv to get warm, he went into his hide instead and poked his head out like this.. I couldn't stop laughing!

He then curled up inside and tried to go to sleep... but just laid there most of the time until about 5pm and fell asleep (lights out is 6:30)


BD.org Addict
JangoMom":33gndy54 said:
One of my favorites!
Wow! Look at the lighting on this one. :love5: Just Awesome. I didn't even notice the clothes!
JangoMom":33gndy54 said:
LOL! :lol: That really is cute! "I hid, then I seeked that dragon in da glass!" :p


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We had our Thanksgiving tonight.. it was nice...even Jango had a few small pieces of turkey.. was gonna give him some sweet potato.. but I forgot to tell Mike not to put brown sugar on a piece or two (he made them when I was getting Nathan off the bus).. so he couldn't have any... he sat and watched us eat the entire time, I felt so bad.
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