Jango (pic heavy)

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Hey all.. not sure who all read my introduction link so I guess i'll start by saying hi, my name is Tammy.. I'm a 38 year old, stay at home mommy of one human, my son Nathan (7yrs) and to Jango. My hubby bought Jango for me on Feb. 29, 2012 at a well known pet store near us.."Gittlers". The lady who took care of us there told us that Jango was only a few weeks old when we got him..so if that's correct he should be about 4 months old.. or somewhere around that i'm guessing. Not sure what kind of beardie he is though. He's currently in a 20 gallon reptile tank with reptile carpet and the lights that came with the tank.. I know I need to get new lights for him asap..just need the $$. He loves his crickets (dusted w/calcium 1x day) and he gets kale and turnip greens with some carrots and cucumber.. once in awhile I give him some apple, wich he loves. his basking side stays between 99 and 105 and his shady side stays about 75.

Jango loves being out of his terrarium and looking out the window, 'specially when the sun is shining and I can have it open.. I always supervise him. I don't trust him enough yet to let him have run of the house but I do let him run around on the couch and once in awhile in my son's bedroom, we block all the holes up and keep a close eye on him, a few times he'd snuggle with my son's stuffed animals and go to sleep, he even fell asleep once on the dresser behind the CD player. I can walk around the house with him hanging onto my shirt or sitting on my shoulder, wichever he feels like doing. Once in awhile I will take him into the bedroom with all the fish... yeah.. we have lots of fish.. mostly Chiclids.. 75 gallon, 55 gallon, a few 20 gallons, 10 gallons and a 5 gallon..oh also got a 29 gallon with gold fish in it.. hubby wants to get another 55 gallon and also wants to get Jango a 40 gallon breeder tank.

On with the pictures:..

Jango when we first came home 2/29/12:

a few days later 3/8/12:

he loves lookin' out the window 3/21/12:

lookin at the gold fish 4/4/12:

Jango's home 4/4/12:

My son and Jango looking out the window 4/9/12:

enjoying the sun on a beautiful day 4/16/12:


Then and now 4/21/12:

sleeping 5/1/12:


playing with the tape measure 5/6/12:

my handsome dragon 5/8/12:

puffin' out his beard 5/9/12:



Happy Mother's Day!


Who's that handsome fella? 5/15/12:

That's it for now.. sorry for so many.. there are many more if you would like to see more you can visit this link:


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JangoMom":19dsu0e6 said:
I hate coming on here and seeing my thread way down near the bottom of the page.. oh well.. guess i'm not that interesting. sorry guys.

Thats what I thought too,but people just like coming on here to read.All of us think Jango is very cute and Handsome and un-boring. :D


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hey all.. not much to report.. hehe. Gave Jango a nice, warm, long bath yesterday, but no poo.. instead he decided to wait until this morning to poo in his Viv all over his basking log.. thanks Jango. I really thought he was gonna start going in his bath every other day, but I guess not.. oh well.. i'll keep trying. I got a few pictures to share but of course Photobucket won't cooperate with me so I can't share them right now.. but will in the near future.. hopefully.

updated: Ok.. finally got it to work so here are the pictures.. all are from Nov. 6th except the last one is on Nov. 7th..





11/7/12.. this morning he was just being silly..

ok.. for some reason they don't show up for me.. can you guys/gals see them?? if not i'll try to fix them later.. not sure what's up.


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I can see them now as well.. I think it was because my hubby was downloading something and made everything else really slow. Thanks everyone for the kind words... I love Jango so much.. he's like my second child. I have to measure him again sometime.. last time I did he was 16 inches long and that was about a month ago or something like that. My camera died so not sure when i'll be able to get new batteries for more pictures.. hope soon. I also dropped my $400 camera in Jango's viv on the slate (didn't hurt Jango, he wasn't near it) so I hope I didn't break anything on it.. or in it.


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morphmom":vltl0wl4 said:
Your little baby is becoming a full grown big boy dragon! :D
I know :( He's growing up much too fast. I told him just the other day he's no longer a baby.. that he's a big boy dragon now.. I almost cried. This morning he sat on the couch with me and just cuddled.. first time he's done that.. he usually runs somewhere else but he just stayed there on my chest for a good half hour and cuddled until I placed him on the windowsill to lay in the sun. He's now in his Viv, inside his log hide and it's only going on 3pm.. he's been there since about 2pm.. he closes his eyes to go to sleep but keeps opening them everytime I move.. I think he's afraid i'm gonna get my camera and take his picture.. LOL too bad it's batteries are dead.


BD.org Addict
I never had "the baby year" With Myah as she was adopted by us at 1yr old. I wish I could have been there for her but I honestly think I will always take in adults. I call them "second chance dragons" :love5: Growing up fast means they had a darn good BD parent! You should be very proud of yourself.


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Well Holly, I think Myah is very lucky to have such a great mommy like you! I think it's great that people take in older dragons and give them a second chance.. it's so wonderful.. I wish I could do that, but since I have one dragon Mike won't allow me to have any more plus he'd rather me get a baby since it will grow and learn to know us etc with no problems (his words).. but I would never pass a chance to take another one no matter the age if it were me.. I love all animals and to tell you the truth I have never thought about owning any kind of reptile when I was younger besides turtles/frogs (amphibians i know) that we caught at our cottage during the summers.. but when my niece/nephew's mom passed away and my Mom moved in with them about 2 years ago.. I fell in love with their bearded dragon and knew from then on that I wanted one. My brother (their father) also has snakes and I love snakes too but was never allowed to have one.. and Mike will never allow me to have a snake, he's afraid of them. Mike loves Jango, he always talks to him and will hold him once in awhile and let him climb all over him. Well I need sleep so i'm off for now.. take care all.


BD.org Addict
Aw, thank you. My hubby feels the same way. One should be good enough. I wonder what he'd say if I told him one potato chip was good enough!? :laughing6: I've ALWAYS wanted a lizard, or a ball python (The pretty white ones) but hubby will NOT allow it, not for a minute. Which worked out to be a good thing because it lead me to Myah. :D I get jealous of the baby moments people have and yes, Myah was an up hill battle for sure! I thought she was going to be a "look at me beardie" forever. It's taken many months of very hard work to get her to be the snuggle bug we all know today. Still, the grown ones call to me. I'll just live vicariously through the babies of others! :D


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Jango had his bath yesterday and poo'd in it.. after about 15 minutes of fighting with him to stay in his tub.. I put his tub in our big tub so if he gets out he has nowhere to really go, because sometimes I have to run and see what my son wants for a moment while I give Jango his baths and I feel better knowing Jango can't go anywhere when I'm not looking. Today my son and I went to my Mom's to spend the day.. Mike bought Jango mustard greens this morning before coming home from work so Jango's a very happy dragon, it's his favorite.. so before we left for my Mom's I made him a big salad with his mustard greens, collard greens, carrots and squash.. it wasn't in there for even five minutes before he was over chowing it down.. I got things ready to go.. then right before we left I gave him some crickets wich he chowed down, then chowed down more of his salad then went to bask on his log.. before we left I told him bye and blew him a kiss and he jumped down off his log and ran towards me like saying "don't leave me mommy!" I felt so bad :( If I didn't have to stop at a few stores before going to my Mom's I would've probably taken him with us since it was a pretty nice day.. it was in the mid 60's. I just got home about 10:30 and Jango's fast asleep on his basking log.. where he's probably been all day waiting for me to come home.. poor little guy.


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Jango had quite a day today.. he spent most of it out of his Viv.. it was in the mid 60's so I took him outside for about 20 minutes and he was so good, sat on my shoulder and didn't try to run.. good thing because he didn't have a harness on.. his is too small now.. gotta find a bigger one for him sometime. I had the window open (screen in) and he layed on the window sill basking in the warm sun most of the day, never tried to run off or anything.. he just layed there while I cleaned the house and his Viv. He got mad when I had to run to the store to get something for Hubby so he went into his hide log and sulked.. then when I got back I got him out again so he could lay at the window until I had to make supper.. he didn't want to go into his Viv.. he clung to my arm and tried to run up it to get out. Once in he paced all around his Viv clawing at the glass.. I felt so bad. I made chicken for supper and gave him a few bites.. he loves it! His favorite foods are chicken, pork chops and french fries (all oven baked). We don't have them often and when we do I give him a few tiny bites of them, if not he sits in his Viv and glares at me while i'm eating.. his Viv is in the kitchen area by our table. Nowhere else really to put it at the moment but I keep it clean so it don't stink or anything and he gets to see everything that goes on. Our livingroom and kitchen are pretty much one big room except for a small half wall separating them alittle. Our house is really no bigger than a small apartment. Well anyways.. Jango wanted out after supper again but I told him no because it was getting close to bed time and he needed to bask abit after eating.. so he moped around abit before picking out his bed for the night.. LOL. Well I gotta go.. there's no school tomorrow (off for Veterans Day) and Nathan fell asleep on the couch.. so I have to get him in bed and pick up toys for the 2nd time today LOL. Yep I cleaned the house today too .. and done laundry.. now I'm tired and I think I'll go to bed too when I get done cleaning stuff up. Night all.
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