Jango (pic heavy)

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Hey all.. not sure who all read my introduction link so I guess i'll start by saying hi, my name is Tammy.. I'm a 38 year old, stay at home mommy of one human, my son Nathan (7yrs) and to Jango. My hubby bought Jango for me on Feb. 29, 2012 at a well known pet store near us.."Gittlers". The lady who took care of us there told us that Jango was only a few weeks old when we got him..so if that's correct he should be about 4 months old.. or somewhere around that i'm guessing. Not sure what kind of beardie he is though. He's currently in a 20 gallon reptile tank with reptile carpet and the lights that came with the tank.. I know I need to get new lights for him asap..just need the $$. He loves his crickets (dusted w/calcium 1x day) and he gets kale and turnip greens with some carrots and cucumber.. once in awhile I give him some apple, wich he loves. his basking side stays between 99 and 105 and his shady side stays about 75.

Jango loves being out of his terrarium and looking out the window, 'specially when the sun is shining and I can have it open.. I always supervise him. I don't trust him enough yet to let him have run of the house but I do let him run around on the couch and once in awhile in my son's bedroom, we block all the holes up and keep a close eye on him, a few times he'd snuggle with my son's stuffed animals and go to sleep, he even fell asleep once on the dresser behind the CD player. I can walk around the house with him hanging onto my shirt or sitting on my shoulder, wichever he feels like doing. Once in awhile I will take him into the bedroom with all the fish... yeah.. we have lots of fish.. mostly Chiclids.. 75 gallon, 55 gallon, a few 20 gallons, 10 gallons and a 5 gallon..oh also got a 29 gallon with gold fish in it.. hubby wants to get another 55 gallon and also wants to get Jango a 40 gallon breeder tank.

On with the pictures:..

Jango when we first came home 2/29/12:

a few days later 3/8/12:

he loves lookin' out the window 3/21/12:

lookin at the gold fish 4/4/12:

Jango's home 4/4/12:

My son and Jango looking out the window 4/9/12:

enjoying the sun on a beautiful day 4/16/12:


Then and now 4/21/12:

sleeping 5/1/12:


playing with the tape measure 5/6/12:

my handsome dragon 5/8/12:

puffin' out his beard 5/9/12:



Happy Mother's Day!


Who's that handsome fella? 5/15/12:

That's it for now.. sorry for so many.. there are many more if you would like to see more you can visit this link:


BD.org Addict
Oh, dear. :( Well, we went and got lots of propane for the BBQ incase there's no power. If you heat up water on the BBQ, you can put it in just about any container. (I use old water bottles; the kind you drink out of) then you can wrap it in a towel for Jango. Mommy warmth is always the best though :mrgreen: Where are you located?


BD.org Addict
I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers through this storm. I pray you stay safe along with your friends and family and Jango. For jango get a emergency blanket..wrap ti around his viv as its silver it will reflect heat back into his viv and will help retain heat for a long while if you can get one at walmart to wrap his viv in...it also serves as an insulator...have one for each of my vivs and each dog and one for each of the humans in this house, you never know.


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Thanks.. I live in south western Pennsylvania.. we won't get the worst of the storm probably but it's still suppose to be pretty bad, our news said to stock up on supplies and be prepared not to be able to go anywhere for atleast 3 days and for power outages. They say we're to get lots of heavy wind, rain and snow. Mike got some hand warmers for Jango last night.. he got 6 in all.. it says on the package they last up to 10 hours. I'm gonna take Nathan trick or treating at Maple Winds Care Center (for the elderly) today at 2pm, they love seeing all the kids dressed up.. so even if we can't go trick or treating in our neighborhood, he'll still atleast get some stuff. It's not looking too good outside right now.. it's 9:50am right now.. only gonna be in the 40's today.. brrr!


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well the rain and winds held off for trick or treating.. abit chilly but still decent even if there was barely anyone handing out treats.. Nathan ususally gets his bag over flowing with candy.. this year he barely got his bag half full. not sure if the weather had anything to do with it or people are just getting stingier (not sure how to spell that..LOL). trick or treat was from 4 to 6pm.. we were home before 5:30pm

Was listening to the news tonight.. we're getting rain now.. and more tomorrow.. suppose to get really bad Monday into Tuesday it says.. we're to get 4 to 6 (or more) inches of rain and/or snow.. 70mph winds.. they say to expect power outages lasting for a few days.. we got plenty of water, bread.. etc.. got hand warmers and food for Jango incase power goes out..and gave him a bath today as well. it don't seem that bad but for around here it is since we don't usually see storms like this.


BD.org Addict
I'm just glad Nathan got to go. My Annie my not be so lucky. We have a plan though, many family visits for treat care packages! :mrgreen: I hope Mon and Tues take it easy on you. It'll be nice when this is finished.


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We're getting lots of heavy rain and it's getting windy here.. I hope Nathan's trampoline don't blow away.. never thought about that :x
I ran down the street to the store and got a few things including a jar of squash baby food for Jango.. just incase.. I have greens and crickets.. but I read somewhere that if the power goes out and they don't have the heat to digest their food, they should just eat babyfood?.. it's easier for them to digest. Nathan's school got out early today because of the storm.. so I'm doubting they'll have school tomorrow. Well here's a few pictures I took..

Had Jango in Nathan's bedroom while I was putting clothes away, he got comfy while he waited for me to finish up 10/28/12:

Jango posing with our pumpkin 10/29/12:


that red thing on the pumpkin is a rubber snake Nathan put on it.


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8:41pm here in PA.. still got hard rains and the wind is increasing.. but we still have power so far.. I forgot all about Nathan's trampoline.. I hope it stays put! No school for Nathan tomorrow. Jango is in bed, snuggled up sleeping soundly.


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12:20pm Tuesday: Still have power, Sandy wasn't as bad here as they thought it would be.. winds had died down but we still have lots of rain and snow at times.


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Thanks Tonja.

Nothing really to add. Today was lazy day for me.. sat around on my computer most of the day while Jango hung out at the window watching cars and trucks go by.. and the train once in awhile. I sometimes sit and wonder what he really looks at and what he's thinking about when he's looking out the window. I know he wonders where the sun is alot.. many times I catch him looking up into the sky like "where's the sun?" He likes being out of his Viv more than in it lately, when I put him back in to warm up he sits under his basking light a few minutes then wants right back out and if I tell him no, he goes and sulks in his log hide.. LOL. Oh.. I found out he loves french fries (baked in the oven with nothing on them), the other day I broke one up into small pieces and placed it in his viv and he munched it down and wanted more, but I didn't give him anymore and he gave me the evil eye. The grocery store didn't have mustard greens again so I got him collard greens and he hates them.. he refuses to touch his salad unless he gets really hungry and now he's out of crickets until Saturday since I can't get any until then.. we are low on gas and we always go to see my Mom on Saturdays so I have to wait until then to get crickets. Mike said about starting to order them off the internet..http://www.carolinacrickets.com.. I go to Petco atleast twice a week and get 60 crikets wich cost $7.60 or something like that.. so that's 120 crickets for alittle over $15 every week.. we can get 500 for alittle less than $22. plus he's gonna get me a cricket container for them as well. Oh.. I also did some laundry today too.. so it wasn't all that lazy of a day.. LOL.. ok.. gonna get to bed.. take care all.


BD.org Addict
Thank goodness all is well! It seems everyone here was worried about someone else! (Rightfully so :wink: )
The pumpkin pic is too cute! Jango: "I gots him mom!" "I holds him downs and you grab da net!" :laughing6:
Myah loves her collard greens and hates just about everything else :roll: Oh she's such a fussy eater! (Not that she's eating right now. :roll: ) tomorrow is my laundry day! Yay! and Boo! I love clean fresh clothes but I really hate putting it all away! :p Have a good night.


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I hate doing laundry too.. specially the putting away part.. usually takes me awhile to do it.. :lol: Washing bed sheets today, so I have to make the beds when done or we won't be sleeping very well tonight. Also gave Jango a bath while I cleaned his Viv out and he poo'd in his bath.. he barely ever poo's in his Viv anymore, I've been giving him a bath every other day and that's when he usually poo's so I think mabie a bath everyday would be better just incase he's holding it for bath time. Made his salad today and put calcium powder and of course he hasn't touched it yet.


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I hate coming on here and seeing my thread way down near the bottom of the page.. oh well.. guess i'm not that interesting. sorry guys.

Gave Jango crickets for breakfast since he's gone two days without any.. then gave him a bath today and he poo'd in it again.. I haven't had to clean poo out of his Viv for atleast a week now.. Yay! Had Jango out alittle bit today, but around 1pm he decided to go into his hide log and go to sleep.. so I left him be and that's where he's been since...it's now 8:30pm.


BD.org Addict
No, dear you are very interesting not everyone posts they all just look it's okay.
I'm gonna add you to my list, I never did it I'm so sorry, I meant to. :oops:


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Thank you BlueDragon09, it's ok. I know people have lives besides their computer :D It's all good. I don't get around much myself.
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