My beardie is dying:( please help

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vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Ok so Alaska then?Yeah not a good idea to take her outside so the UVB is just fine then.You may be right about the pooping I just want to be very sure.To feed her the babyfood there are 2 ways the first is too see if she will just lick it off the spoon.You may have to coax her a bit but it is the least stressfull way.You can even put some right on her nose and she might lick it off.The 2nd way is to force feed with a plastic needless syringe.You will have to slip it throught the side of her mouth and gently squeeze it in slowlyand you will have to thin out the babyfood with water.Either way be sure to wamr it in the microwave for a bit she will take it better this way.
As for the behavior its normal.You are her Mommy she is used to you and not to others especially if she views them as a threat.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Okay I can do that. She does not stick her young out because she can no open her mouth far enough... She opens it up as much as she can. And slurps it through. Maybe with the new light she will improve...
I thought it was normal but she hates my mom. She is always around but thumbellina does not except her. Would it be fine to hold her now since she is much more comfortable? Or is she still to weak?


hay sorry to hear all of this as she is more comfey with you i would holder whilst you try to find her..

it might make her feel a bit better about taking the food.

hope all goes well


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
She ate:D her chicken baby food... I have her laying in the sun on my leg:) I think she is trying to go to the bathroom which I am happy about

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
First of course you can hold her and hooray that she ate thats really great news.As for what to do if she doesnt get better,I wouldnt even consider that right now.I am pretty certain of what is going on with her and the corrections are what she needs.Is it possible for you to post a pic of her for me?I would like to see her condition especially her mouth.Did you manage to get the items you needed to yet?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Yes I am just worried... How do I post pictures? Ya she stuck her young out to eat, and then layed in the sun...

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
I know you are worried but I wouldnt tell you to get all these things unless I really thought thats what she needed to make her better so just try to get through each day and dont worry about what might happen lets just concentrate on getting her through the day everyday,ok?
The easiest way to post pics is to go open up a free account then upload the images there.Once the images are uploaded copy and past the IMG ocde that is directly under the picture when you hover over it.It sounds harder then it is trust me.The IMG code gets copy and pasted right here where you type in the text box and thats it.
So you did get some of the things then?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Yes I know and that's why I want to get it as soon as I can.... It didn't let me... I am on my phone. But I can try again


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Y so I went to the store and bought a light.... It's a powersun uv and was super expensive so I'll be upset if it doesn't work. I also got the Calcium and theremometer but couldn't find the bone aid stuff

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Oh gee remember last night I posted this?
In MVB my recommendations are the Megaray from or the TRex Active Heat.Stay away from all coil and compacts unless you are in the UK then the Arcadia is ok and stay away from the 100 watt Powersun MVB as well.Is it warm where you are?
I am sorry but I really recommend you return the powersun first your tank is to small and second it is causing issues although I heard they may have corrected it I dont know that in your case I would risk it.Exchange it for the linear ReptiSUN 10.0(NOT the reptiglo and NOT coil or compact).
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