My beardie is dying:( please help

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Sub-Adult Member
Happy Halloween! My beardie gets special treats. :wink: And you are most welcome. We hope you will stick around! As for worms, I use super worms but im not sure how big your beardie is. You shouldn't feed supers till your beardie is about 14" just to be safe. ANother type of worms are called calci-worms at Petco. They are about $3 for a little tub. A little pricey. And they are very small. But if your beardie is small they should be perfact size. And they have loads of calcium and other vitamins. I hope this helps!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I bought a butternut squash to eat tonight and was gonna feed her some as a treat (she loves it) but he can't eat solids yet. Okay I will get her those calciworms... How do I feed them to her?
She's a baby. Only about 6 inches.


Sub-Adult Member
then she is the perfact size for them! Try to put them in a dish and see if she will eat on her own. I know you dont like worms, but youll get used to them eventually.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Ya so I went and got the calciworms but I am not home yet for her to try them. What if she doesn't eat on her own?

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Well dont think of them as worms...think of them like caterprillars it makes it less worms would be the best for her right now and they are tiny so they can easily be handled with tweezers,goliath worms are good but the get HUGE so you would have to get small ones(they are cateprillars btw)and you might even know them as Tomato worms(big giant green or blue ones),bitterworms are really great for her as well and also silkwormms.They are all soft bodied and will be much easier for her to digest.I want you to do something while she in the bath,ok?When she is in there I want you to massage her belly in a circular motion starting from the armpits and working down towards the vent(where she poops) if you feel any lumps focus on that area as of she is impacted this will help her get things moving.Also you can add a drop or two of olive oil to the babyfoos you are giving.What kind of babyfood are you using right now?

Edit:just saw you got the calciworms thats wonderful.I hope she likes them!And the butternut squash is perfect as well.Are you giving her a protien babyfood as well?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Ya I got the worms. She looks alot better and she is perked up looking at them but not eating them.
She keeps looking at me tho. Does she want me to feed them to her?
I got her chicken baby food....
Olive oil in it?

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Ok chicken is good and next time get some squash or other veggie/fruit to mix with it so she is getting some of that as well.Yes olive oil in the babyfood,two drops.She may be waiting for you to feed them to hear or she is not sure what to do.Give her a few minute to think about it and then try feeding off a spoon or tweezer if she doesnt go at them on her own.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Yes I got a fruit to... If she doesn't eat the chicken I swith to fruit and she eats it. Or the other way around. I picked her and the dish up and showed up to put it in her mouth. I set her back in he cage and she just ate one and is trying for another.
She is just a little slow...

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Thats great.I am glad she is eating on her own.That is definately promising.Hey any luck on getting the pics posted with the photobucket account?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Ya I am very pleased with her... She keeps looking at me , almost like she is asking permission and I'll start to talk to her and she will run up and try to eat.
Also my mom was wondering if we should get a bigger tank, because she is worried it is to hot. Is the 20 gallon okay for now?
And no luck. I don't have Internet at my house, so I'm on my phone and it would not let me do that... I can email pictures straight from my phone tho...

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Hee hee thats funny.She is looking for Mom's permission!
Yes eventually she is going to need at least a 40 breeder tank or bigger.The 20 isnt going to hold her for very long.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Hehe:) she's my baby. After she ate it I had to praise her, or she wouldn't keep trying.
How long will the 20 gallon last her? She is still fairly small.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
She's basking in her light right now and I came to check on her. Her whole body shook (not alot just a little) and her mouth opened and she hasn't closed it yet. Is that normal?

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
What are the temps in the tank?Did you get the probe therm yet?She is opening to thermoregulat but if she continues to keep it open for a very long time then we may need to worry but for now its ok.The shaking?Exactly what happen?How close can she get to the UVB?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
About 100 on the warm side and around 80 on the cool. It never really changes from thy. No I hve not found one of those yet tho every time I go to the store I look.
She can get 6-8 inches to it.... Right now she is laying under it asleep.

Now this Is the reason worms gross me out... But it's also cute what thumbellina did. I was talking to her asking what was wrong and she would kinda shake her butt. An got frightened... She all of a sudden ran to the dish of worms and opened er mouth and a worm crawled out. I thought it was cute she went to the dish to spit it out
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