My beardie is dying:( please help

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Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I could not fond the light you reccomend... I found it online but my days are numbered. I have already seen a improvement in her, although I don't know what it's from...

The light has an auto shut off mode to where if the tank gets to hot it shuts off... It prevents mbd, and is the the right watt for her tank! It also has a year long warenty.
What were the problems with this light?


Hatchling Member
try getting a zoo med lamp stand, then you can adjust how close and far you are away from your basking spot.. so it doesnt get soo hot in there

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
The lamp stand may work in regards to solving the tank size issue but I want you to read this study on the Powersun:
We have had quite a few beardies take ill after using this bulb recently since they changed its design and I just dont want to see your issues compounded.You can always order the TRex online and probably for less money also you can get the Megaray online also for less money.All MVB bulbs last a year and all MVB bulbs have a one year guarentee thats whh they are such efficient bulbs.

I am very happy to hear she is eating.If you do decide to change out for the Megaray and you call them directly and tell him its an emergeny they will most likely next day ship it for you.Again I am just trying to look out for you and your beardie.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I Read alot of the website an I might switch.
She has also gotten her orangish color back. Before she was black and grey.
Also how do I determine if she is male or female. I just guessed cause she had a flat tummy and no marks to make her different.
How do you kno so much about beardies?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
So the reptisun 10.0 is what u reccomend right?? I'm about to go to the store. I called and rhizome store has them. But what exctly should the bulb itself look like? Really skinny? Fatter? Not a coil I kno

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Yes you want the one that looks like a long tube very similiar to your basic fluorescent bulb/aquarium light.Did you manage to return the Powersun?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Yes I managed to return it, and got the right one. Already she is out basking in it holding herself up. Thank you all for saving my precious thumbellina. How long is it going to take to reverse her symptoms ? And how long should I feed her baby food


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Okay. I don't even have to force feed her. She loves the food. I think she is scared of the crickets now. I Just gave her a bath and she played around in it, and was playing on my hand:) although when I put her back in her cage her tummy was really puffed out! Is that from the water? Or food? I was just curious

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Glad to hear she is basking that great news.With the reptisun you want to posirion it so its as close to the basking bulb as possible and you want her to be able to get within 6-8 inches of it.Did you manage to get the digital probe thermometer as well?One of thr reason I want her on the babyfood is because I want to make sure she isnt having any impaction issues so keep her on it for a while and when she starts pooping normally plus this way we can be sure she is getting calcium.I am happy she is eating it happily.What kind did you get?As for the crix what size are you feeding?Some beardies do get tired of them indeed and it is very possible she is scared of them because they injured her.You can try putting them in the fridge for 30-60 second as this will slow them down and she may not be as threatened by them whatever you do make sure there is never any crix left in the tank with her beyond feeding time actually many of us feed in a seperate feeding tanks/bins to make it easier.There are other feeding options as well like silkworms,butterworms ,phoenix worms which are probably one of the best things you can get for her because they are very high in calcium and will help her MBD issues as well.When you say how long until her symptoms disapate what are they at the moment?How are her legs doing?Any twitching or shaking?It will take time but since she is so young hopefully she will bounce back.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
They are no bigger than the space between her eyes... I am grossed out by worms:/ and crickets but I feel I have to handle them less.... I will keep her on baby food till I'm posative she will eat. Ya the crickets chewed a hole in her log where she hides so I thought she ate them. :/ ewwww.... I will start feeding her in a seperate cage.
She is more awake of her back legs, although they are not the same. She randomly tenses up, but I just think she is trying to go to the bathroom but can't. Also her eyes are still closed alot even tho she opens them more... Her lights are aslo right next to eachother. She lays right in the middle of them


Sub-Adult Member
Glad to hear that your baby is doing good! My beardies always loved baby food. But you have to be careful. Some beardies after being hand fed will not eat on their own anymore. My sophie when she was sick would only eat baby food and now shes back on worms but will not eat them unless they are in my hand. Mabey get some tweezers or hemostats to pick up the worms. And dont forget to dust them with calcium and vitamins because she really needs that right now. The best brands IMO are herpivite multi-vitamins and calcium. I would be scared of crickets too if they ate me!!! :shock: How are the bites doing? Neosporin is a good thing to put on them to keep from getting infected. I hope she does good!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Oh no .... Ya my thumbellina is a brat... I'm worried that might happen..
What if I poke a hole in the worm:/ ick. I'm too grossed out by meal worms.. What other kind is best and where can I get them??? Her bites are alot better... Everyday after her bath I put neosporin on them and they are already healing.... as for her toe. I'm worried about that. It is kinda just hanging on.
And once again thank you for making my thumbellina live for her first Halloween with me.
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