Nim's Story - More videos and pictures.

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Hi, I am the slave of six cockatiels and my new dragon Nim. I'm creating this thread to share all the cute things my little Nim does. Ive had him for eleven days now and he likes me. He warmed up to me six days after I got him. He is the smartest lizard I have ever owned. I would post pics but I'm having some trouble. I put a photo on Flickr and then do the image thing but it only flashes the pic then it disappears if anyone could help I would like that. Nim is a six inch ten gram bearded dragon. Who's favorite veggie is dandelion greens. I have an organic lawn so I get the dandelion greens from there.

Tonja Addict
I made curtains for both Geico and Emily with matching hammocks, pillows and blankies. I like things to be different from anyone else. Geico's farbic is red with gold dragons all over it and you saw Emily's. The curtains block any light at night, cuts down on glare and reflection inside the viv and makes it a bit unique. I am going to paint Emily's background as a beach scene with palm trees and mtns jutting out into the water with a sandy beach. I think it will be cute when its all done. Will take about 2 hours to paint it and a week to dry and defume. Then I can prop it up behind her viv. Have a palm tree coming in the mail that will replace the plant in her viv now.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! I think Nim has parasites. I left to go do something with my dad at 4:00. I also gave Nim his morning feeding before I left. I returned home a few minutes ago. I checked on Nim and saw a poo that looked like a messy pile of diarrhea. It was dry so I sniffed and smelled something, different. It didn't smell at all like his normal poo. Freaking out I looked at him and saw that it all got on his tail. I took him out and gave him a bath using a soft brush and scrubbed off the poo. He is now back in his cage. But I have a feeling he has parasites. I believe I know from what... those freaking Petco crickets! If he got the parasites from the field crickets he would've had them a week ago. I'm not going to make a vet appointment just yet though. It may just be a freak poo. I will wait and see. And I know the symptoms of parasites, lethargy, weight loss, smelly runny poo, those types of things. And I will be looking out for them this week. I pray that it isn't parasites, I thought I was lucky when he didn't get them from the field crickets. And I thought I was lucky when he didn't get them from the PetSmart crickets. I hope my luck didn't run out. So to the people who follow my thread, please pray that my Nim doesn't have parasites. I am very freaked out. I am being such a worried mother. Especially because if he does have parasites, it is going to be 100 dollars or more. And we don't have that type of money! We are making it through just as it is. I'm not happy right now. Not at all. :(

Tonja Addict
Dang I hope Nim doesnt have parasites. They are no fun for the beardie or for mommy that has to treat them. Clean Nims enclosure really well and bake his logs at 250 in the oven for 20 to 30 mins to kill anyone on or in them. Just keep an eye on Nim, and his poos...really stinky poos usually mean parasites.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Yep, I was going to clean his cage tomorrow. I just have a question about his 'log'. It is the tree you saw in the viv picture. It has plastic leaves and stems. Could I bake that? Or should I just trash it since it is too small and bake a stick from the woods? He needs a new basking area anyway. I do hope that it is a freak poo. But I will be keeping a good eye on his behavior and poo. And it doesn't seem to smell that much. Is that because it is dry? Do only fresh parasitic poos smell horrid?

Tonja Addict
I wouldnt bake anything that is plastic, it would melt or catch fire one. You can take a log <stick> from outside and thoroughly wash it then bake it at 250 for 30 mins. About poo's I have only read they stink really bad and can clear a room when they have parasites. Geicos never had a bad smell..really no smell at all when he had the tapes and pinworms. Only way I knew he had the tapeworms was he would pass the segments and they writhed in the bath water, it was disgusting but no smell. Just keep an eye on him.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Alright. I guess tomorrow Nim will get a new basking area! :D He may not like that. I think it's about time to feed my baby. He needs his dinner. Then in two hours it'll be snuggles. Best part of owning a dragon. LOL, maybe. :wink:

Oh, in non parasite related news. Nim is about to shed his body and head. It is fading. And he is finally peeling on his nose. I can't wait to see what red lies beneath. :D


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
I'll post pictures after his nose shed. And after his body shed. I won't post any yet because he doesn't look pretty when peeling LOL. I just fed him and he still has that appetite I adore. You know, the leaping for the food dish when I lower it in. So I think I'm in the clear. But I'll see what tomorrow brings. :D


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Well, I have something to share, but first, Nimmy news. So, Nim did his nightly poop and it was normal. He is still energetic and I am snuggling him now. Since I am too lazy to get up and get the blanket from his bed, I am covering him with my hair. It's working. :D

Now, a year ago for my 15th birthday I went to the International Cryptozoology Museum. I took pictures and have decided to share them.

First, the Bigfoot replica. It has a funny story behind it but I don't remember it well. Anyways, here it stands, greeting visitors.

The Mothman exhibit. This picture has the Jersey Devil in it too. LOL, forgot why.


The Nessie and kin exhibit.


And a picture of Bigfoot stuff. Also the Jersey devil.

Well, that's it. Not that many, I know, but I didn't really see that I would be sharing them. I just took a few of my favorite exhibits. But that was the best birthday ever. I also got a book written by Loren Coleman he signed too. And I also got a tee shirt with the museum's name on it and Bigfoot. :D


Sub-Adult Member
Thanks for showing me.Really cool,I wish That I could go there.Maine would be a fun place to visit although it is all the way across the country! :lol:
The bigfoot is kind of creepy :lol: . :shock:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Creepier still is that it greets you. Plus it's eight or nine feet tall. That's huge when you think about it. And by greet I mean you enter and there it is. Scariest thing ever, LOL. :D


Sub-Adult Member
I actually think I might have seen mothman now that i think of it lol.When we were driving home from Death Valley National Park,it was really reallly dark(I think death valley is supposed to be one of the darkest national parks in the U.S).Well as we were driving there was this big flying thing with red eyes and it flew right past our window,it was creepy!I was scared all the way back out of the park because all there was were these reflectors on the road to help you drive in the darkness and the drive out of death valley is really long because the whole park is soo big.
But it was still so fun!I want to go again! :lol:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
How big was it? Because it could've been a barn owl. That is (possibly but doubt it) what Mothman could've been. But all the other evidence of Mothman suggests otherwise. If the Point Pleasant incident was the only sighting of Mothman there could be many answers of Mothman being something else. But Mothmen have been sighted elsewhere. There were sightings of this 'bird woman' before the Chernobyl incident. There are Native American drawings of Mothman too. The evidence just leads to something else, something.... ethereal. There is no other way to put it. Did the creature's eyes glow? Dude, I have So many questions to ask you, LOL. :D

Tonja Addict
Just posted pictures of Emilys background I painted for her. Its two panels, one panel is almost done cept laying in the beach..the other the sky, clouds and water are laid in...need to do the beach, cliff and more palm trees on it. ITs gonna be so cute when done. How is Nim doing today. You should be getting your crickets tomorrow :)...1000 of them little boogers lol. Have fun with them and dont make them pets, make them food! lol
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