Nim's Story - More videos and pictures.

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Hi, I am the slave of six cockatiels and my new dragon Nim. I'm creating this thread to share all the cute things my little Nim does. Ive had him for eleven days now and he likes me. He warmed up to me six days after I got him. He is the smartest lizard I have ever owned. I would post pics but I'm having some trouble. I put a photo on Flickr and then do the image thing but it only flashes the pic then it disappears if anyone could help I would like that. Nim is a six inch ten gram bearded dragon. Who's favorite veggie is dandelion greens. I have an organic lawn so I get the dandelion greens from there.

Tonja Addict
I love phlox..may plant some come spring which for us is after mothers day since we get a snow usually around that time. Hopefully my 2 will like the flower parts of them like Nim does.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Yeah I love phlox for three reasons. One, they attract all sorts of awesome bugs. Two, they smell beautiful. And three, they are a great treat for my Nim. But, we are moving so I have to plant phlox in the new house. This phlox came with our house. The previous owners must've planted it. I never knew it's real name until about a week or two ago. I always called it the perfume flower because the smell smells like perfume. :D I just gave my Nim a larger than normal salad because we ran out of bugs. He isn't too pleased with that as he is still glass dancing. But, like I said, I am not going to catch more wild crickets. I took a gamble and it payed off because my Nim is parasite free. But never do I want to take that gamble again. Mom is coming home with more canned crickets, so he'll get those for dinner. He will just have to glass dance until he learns that he cannot get his way. I know it sounds harsh but that is all I can do. We do have some wax worms, but those are so fatty and he is meaty enough.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Yeah, sounds tough my dragon just had fruit for breakfast I have nothing he can eat for lunch so back to pellets I swear it's back up food I just don't have anything to give him...really. Don't wanna go with the occasional stuff it might make him sick if he keeps getting fruits for meals...I need to go buy some green stuff and all we got is green leaf lettuce so that's no good. I need to go plant so much easier xD


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Yeah. Sometimes I wish Nim could eat human food. You know, chicken, cereal, eggs. It would be SO much easier. I was slow to getting Nim's greens because it is a hot day today. And hot day means wasps. I really do think I am slowly getting over my fear. About time, it's been years since the 'incident' LOL. I don't have pellets as backup. LOL, when we first got the canned crickets we thought it would be backup because we ran out of live so fast. Now that is basically his meat. I hate pelleted food. Our birds don't get pellets, so I think Nim doesn't get pellets. I am worried what 'punishment' I'll get for letting him glass dance. I think he thinks that I'm keeping the food from him. But I've told him multiple times, "If I had food I'd give it to you." LOL, he still doesn't listen.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Haha same with my dragon he's sitting there on the blanket and he's looking at the bowl then at me like "THIS is my lunch where is the green stuff? Rose petals, anything?...bell pepper maybe"


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Yeah, beardies are annoying. But Nim has stopped glass dancing. I'm looking at him and he has a frustrated look on his face. Like, "Grr, mom won't let me eat crickys. I'll just sit here then. Maybe she'll come." LOL, I am really afraid of taking him out tonight. He is going to be so mad. But hopefully he'll forgive me after he has a dinner of seven canned crickets. But still no phlox. LOL. :D

BlueDragon09 Addict
Goodness, dragons are the royal kings and queens, I folded his blanket in the corner and set him there I even gave him breakfast in bed. He can at least take back up food for one day or two days I will get him veggies.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Yep, what more can you do? It is funny how beardies have enslaved us. I am more of Nim's slave then my tiels and Oosy's. :D


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Well, I'm not pleased with the stinking weather. Here it is 9:50 PM and it is raining. The rain came on so suddenly we had a power glitch. Mom called and said she couldn't get the canned, but, she may be able to get 100 live crickets for him. Fingers crossed. Now, mom and I were going to go owling, but if this freaking weather keeps up we won't be able to. And it ticks me off because the last blue moon we had was New Year's Eve 2009. But it was cloudy so I didn't get to see it. I know the blue moon isn't exactly blue. Like where the harvest moon is orange and the blood moon is red. But there is something special about the blue moon. I feel cursed. Whenever I make plans to do something on the full moon it is cloudy. What is wrong with that?! I am so angry that mom and I won't be able to go owling. Maybe the next full moon. But the next blue moon will be in a while. Oh well. I hate the weather.

Tonja Addict
Cloudy here to so cant see it...sorry its raining there and ruining your time out with your mom. IF we dont go up to rocky mtn national park gonna start painting Emilys background tomorrow...hopefully her palm trees will be in her a beachy viv decor type thing ..something different from anyone else.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
I think Em would love that. A nice beachy theme. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up for the blue moon. But I checked the weather yesterday and it looked fine. I forgot about my curse.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Oh, the clouds have passed and that brilliant moon is showing. I am so happy! :D And mom got two different cans of crickets and some live ones! Yay! :blob8: Now all she has to do is come home so we can go owling. I guess my curse is broken. Yay yay YAY! :blob8: :D Oh, I am brimming with joy! I may take a run around the house on this glorious night. I would take a picture of the moon but my camera sucks at that.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
So, August 31 mom came home with bounty for Nim. She brought home, 34 Petco larger the normal (medium, maybe a half inch in length) Nim ate them all that one night. He slowed down on the last few. Mom also brought home two cans of crickets. Large adult size and three week old size. The three week old size I don't even have to cut up! I just throw them in the dish and Nim happily munches away. My sister came over yesterday. She is going back to her home on Monday. So that was why I wasn't on much yesterday. Probably won't be on much today either. I've got to make cornbread. Made some yesterday but we ate it all up. By we I mean five people. Nim also thinks he is a real dragon. So, I had him running on the couch. I was on one side and my brother was on the other. Nimmy ran over to my brother and walked up on his knee. I turned away and then heard claws scratch wood. I turned around and saw my brother looking down over the side of the couch. I bent down and pulled up stunned Nim. I took Nimmy and huggled him. My brother said that Nim tried to leap to the end table by the couch. So Nimmy thinks he can fly. :D Well, I think that's it for now. I guess I better make cornbread soon.


Sub-Adult Member
Tonja":17n697de said:
Cloudy here to so cant see it...sorry its raining there and ruining your time out with your mom. IF we dont go up to rocky mtn national park gonna start painting Emilys background tomorrow...hopefully her palm trees will be in her a beachy viv decor type thing ..something different from anyone else.

Did you end up going?I went there last summer .It was so beautiful.There was lots of wildlife such as marmots,elk,moose,pikas.but it was really cold and snowy in summer(Sorry i'm from SoCal) :lol: .
I always hated when the clouds got in my way too.Thats funny how he thought he could fly.

Tonja Addict
Yes we went :D posted the pictures on geico's thread in photo expressions. We are 45 mins from there so we go often. This was the first time we got to go this yr though due to the massive fires we had.
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