Nim's Story - More videos and pictures.

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Hi, I am the slave of six cockatiels and my new dragon Nim. I'm creating this thread to share all the cute things my little Nim does. Ive had him for eleven days now and he likes me. He warmed up to me six days after I got him. He is the smartest lizard I have ever owned. I would post pics but I'm having some trouble. I put a photo on Flickr and then do the image thing but it only flashes the pic then it disappears if anyone could help I would like that. Nim is a six inch ten gram bearded dragon. Who's favorite veggie is dandelion greens. I have an organic lawn so I get the dandelion greens from there.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Dragons and their feeding schedules. They really do have us wrapped around their little claw don't they? I learned that with Nim tonight. Who, by the way, is getting snuggles. :love5: Anyways the stinking lizard did something scary today. One hour before midnight I took him out for a bath. Well, I used a dropper and kind of put the water in his mouth without him licking it. Five minutes into bath time he does this weird thing with his beard. Like he was swallowing. Then he began to get wormy and snuggly in the bath. I freaked out thinking that my baby got water into his lungs or something, and he was dying. I pulled him out and burritoed him. I prayed over Nim, telling God that He can't take another sweet animal away from me. Well, I calmed down and saw that Nim was fine. He was breathing normally, he didn't have a black beard and was acting fine. I'm still shattered after that harrowing experience. But now as I think about it. Nim was probably doing it on purpose. Maybe he was seeing just how much I love him. Well, it worked. I think he feels satisfied that I freaked out over him. Silly lizard scaring me to death! Can't he do something else? I almost felt like having a heart attack. I hope he doesn't do that again. I love him more than the world. More than he could possibly know. My sweet sweet Nimrod. :love5:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Yeah Vash does that I always stick the dropper in his mouth and shoot water in...just seems to swallow
it without an issue.
Hehe, lizards and their way of making us worry then thinking in their little minds "I applaud myself
I did good"


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Yeah well I think he regretted freaking me out. Because during snuggles I poked him many times to see if he was still alive. LOL, that's what he gets for almost killing me. He is tucked in his wonderful bed right now. Probably thinking of a new way to torment me in the morning.

BlueDragon09 Addict
xD well I hope Nim thinks of a nicer way to torment you xD
My boyfriend works early tomorrow morning =/ I'm hating this
morning shift right now..I'm just always so tired xD
oh well better than night shift...I hate that more.
*sigh* I didn't get live crix cuz he was a bad boy this
afternoon trying to bite people and such...we'll see how
he acts tomorrow which will determine the crix he can get on
my boyfriend's next day off.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Well, Vash needs punishment for being a grumpy old man. My Nim will get no phlox tomorrow because of how he tormented me tonight. It was the same feeling I had when Yuzu died. I began to feel sick in my stomach. Now all I am is angry at Nim for terrorizing me. I hope I don't have a nightmare tonight thanks to him. But my anger goes away when he stares at me with those beautiful adorable eyes. Like, "Mommy, I didn't mean it." Ha, yeah right. He meant it well. :D

BlueDragon09 Addict
Yeah we were going to get him crix but I told Rex (yes boyfriend's name) not to stop at the pet store...and Vash just looked
at me like "WHAT?! You''re kidding right?"


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Oh poor guy. That is so funny! :lol: You know, I like this nightly banter we have. But it is almost time for maintenance and I don't want it to go into maintenance while I post something like last night. So I guess I'll go to bed in three minutes. :D


Sub-Adult Member
TheWerewolf":2kq6mk9w said:
My Nim usually has crickets and salad in the morning for breakfast. And then canned crickets for dinner. Sometimes the dandelion greens are for dinner because the day is too hot and I fear wasps. But Nim will also have two phlox flowers with dinner. You are lucky to have a adult dragon that doesn't need so much protein. Feeding Nim all these bugs gets annoying. LOL, mainly because I like them. But I still hate crickets.

Same with Rogue. She gets crickets and a gormet salad in the morning. But I try the dried crickets in the evening and she wont touch them so I have to give her live ones. How did you get Nim to eat the canned ones?


Sub-Adult Member
TheWerewolf":3o0zyxt4 said:
Dragons and their feeding schedules. They really do have us wrapped around their little claw don't they? I learned that with Nim tonight. Who, by the way, is getting snuggles. :love5: Anyways the stinking lizard did something scary today. One hour before midnight I took him out for a bath. Well, I used a dropper and kind of put the water in his mouth without him licking it. Five minutes into bath time he does this weird thing with his beard. Like he was swallowing. Then he began to get wormy and snuggly in the bath. I freaked out thinking that my baby got water into his lungs or something, and he was dying. I pulled him out and burritoed him. I prayed over Nim, telling God that He can't take another sweet animal away from me. Well, I calmed down and saw that Nim was fine. He was breathing normally, he didn't have a black beard and was acting fine. I'm still shattered after that harrowing experience. But now as I think about it. Nim was probably doing it on purpose. Maybe he was seeing just how much I love him. Well, it worked. I think he feels satisfied that I freaked out over him. Silly lizard scaring me to death! Can't he do something else? I almost felt like having a heart attack. I hope he doesn't do that again. I love him more than the world. More than he could possibly know. My sweet sweet Nimrod. :love5:
Zoey does this stuff to me ALL THE TIME. She knows just what to do to scare me the most. It's like she dreams of things as she sleeps that will really freak me out and she spends all day perfecting it. Sad thing is, she knows I will fall for whatever she dishes out. Every time. :shock:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Yeah, but this was the first time Nim did that to me. Evil little bugger. LOL just kidding. I love him SO much! :D

noelerhard":14wdnvr0 said:
Same with Rogue. She gets crickets and a gormet salad in the morning. But I try the dried crickets in the evening and she wont touch them so I have to give her live ones. How did you get Nim to eat the canned ones?

Well, Nim doesn't have to eat it 'cause it is moving. The first time I introduced the canned crickets I cut them up and put them a dish. The dish that is now his sliver platter. He ate them right off. Now he expects them. Like I said, he jumps for the food dish with his little mouth open. It's the cutest thing. :D But because I have trained him that the dish means food, I'll have to put the live food in there too. He's gotten lazy. But he still gets his exercise by running around. I do know he won't be happy to have just salad in the morning and no phlox. I shall not reward him for scaring me half to death.


Sub-Adult Member
TheWerewolf":15vus4l7 said:
Yeah, but this was the first time Nim did that to me. Evil little bugger. LOL just kidding. I love him SO much! :D

noelerhard":15vus4l7 said:
Same with Rogue. She gets crickets and a gormet salad in the morning. But I try the dried crickets in the evening and she wont touch them so I have to give her live ones. How did you get Nim to eat the canned ones?

Well, Nim doesn't have to eat it 'cause it is moving. The first time I introduced the canned crickets I cut them up and put them a dish. The dish that is now his sliver platter. He ate them right off. Now he expects them. Like I said, he jumps for the food dish with his little mouth open. It's the cutest thing. :D But because I have trained him that the dish means food, I'll have to put the live food in there too. He's gotten lazy. But he still gets his exercise by running around. I do know he won't be happy to have just salad in the morning and no phlox. I shall not reward him for scaring me half to death.
LOL to the last part! What is phlox? What does it look like?


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
It's a beautiful wonderful smelling flower. Here is a picture, it has a ambush bug on it.

May not be the best picture of the flower but it gives you a rough idea what it looks like. And I can see why Nim loves them, the nectar is sweet and honey like.
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