Oola (vet visit 9/18)

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Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I don't have a lot to update on Oola, other than she's doing fantastic! She continues to be my sweetheart... Very gentle and friendly. I will update with some new pictures this week.

She's also oficially an "adult" now. :) She weighs over 600 grams and is 21 inches long! She now only wants feeders every other day, and will eat only 1-2 discoids or a half dozen superworms at a feeding. I'm thrilled that she's reached that stage; however, I wish she had a more diverse appetite! She only eats turnip greens or mustard greens and doesn't even eat squash anymore. Sigh... She's like a kid with very specific dietary taste.

And I have to mention, I really want to get a second beardie. I don't think I will, due to the extra cost and the intensive care that goes into raising another juvenile, but... It's fun to look at pictures of babies on FaunaClassifieds and dream. :)


Juvie Member
I know exactly what you mean as far as just looking at bearded dragons on fauna I do so everyday! Even though I wont be buying a second beardie I still like to look at the pictures and I thought it would stop after I got Iris but I still look on Fauna! :shock:

Oola is beautiful and huge! I don't see too many large female dragons that size hopefully Iris will grow similar!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Thanks, yeah I am surprised at how huge Oola grew to be. Her previous owner warned me she "should be a pretty big girl" but I really didn't expect her to be this big!! I don't mind at all, though. I love big beardies.

Okay as promised here are some new pictures:






She always sleeps with her tongue out!


A baby picture, long before I got her!

Another little kid picture:

And here are her parents (both dragons and photos belong to Draggintails Inc.)



Sub-Adult Member
Ohhhhh my GAWD. :shock: The one where she is sitting!!! I'M DYING!!!! :laughhard: :laughhard: :laughhard:

She is truly a VERY beautiful dragon!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Dooter":21hm1oxj said:
Ohhhhh my GAWD. :shock: The one where she is sitting!!! I'M DYING!!!! :laughhard: :laughhard: :laughhard:

She is truly a VERY beautiful dragon!
Hahaha thanks! Glad I could make you laugh. :) I couldn't stop laughing while I was taking her picture, I felt evil.

simbles":21hm1oxj said:
The colouring is amazing! Nice Beardie

Thank you!

Okay guys, I need some help. I'd like to start growing my own greens for Oola, using something simple like a few indoor trays with a fluorescent striplight overhead. It's getting silly to spend $4 a week on a bag of greens that goes bad within 2-3 days. What a waste! I think she'd be happier eating fresh greens too. Does anyone do this, and have any advice?


I dont grow my own but I do buy them. What I do is clean all greens then dry them and put them in individual containers (air tight like tupperware) seperating greens. What I do is put paper towel in container bottom then a layer of dried greens. Towel on bottom-dried greens-towel-dried greens... until container is full. I just pat them with paper towel so they still have a little water on them, this will soak up in the paper towels between layers for moisture. This keeps the greens a little moist but not wet. They will usually last almost two weeks for me. I would like to grow my own but for now this is easier for me. This is a little time consuming but in the long run It works for me. I hope this may help, if you decide not to grow. I would like to grow my own maybe in the future. Good luch with your crispy greens :lol:


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Ok thank you for the salad tip! I got a crisper-type container from the store and the greens are lasting much longer, so I'll use that method for now!

Not that I need greens at the moment. Oola went into brumation about a week ago! :shock: I should have known it was going to happen. Last weekend she was in a terrible mood and even gaped at me! She had never shown aggression before, only the rare stink-eye. She refused food and had a few small poops for a few days in a row. Then she promptly went right for a cool corner and has snoozed ever since. She's of great weight and condition so We'll just deal with it. :|


Juvie Member
Oh wow! What an incredibly adorable little baby! What a pretty face and I love the tail. Congratulations. Oola is amazing! I bet she totally holds your heartstrings.


Juvie Member
OMG!!! Just found your updated picture. She has grown a lot, and is beautiful!!! My Hugo turned 6 months, and is 400 grams. I guess our babies are truly growing up!! :D


Juvie Member
Do you mind if I set the picture of that cutie sitting like that as my desktop? That is just the funniest thing. I just want to make sure it is OK with you. I LOVE that picture!


Sub-Adult Member
Your Oola is simply GEORGEOUS! Her coloring is spectacular, and her sidebars are magnificent! :) Such a healthy and BIG girl! And I love her viv too! <3

Btw, I can't beleive no one else has made this reference...

Oola la!
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