pooping after phoenix worms

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Gray-bearded Member
annieoakley123":22763 said:
rin0425":22763 said:
I ordered mine from phoenixworms.com and there was no shipping charges!! 28 bucks for 600...works out to like 3 cents a worm...totally worth it....even cheaper if you buy more!!

did they come in cups? sounds like a great deal

Hi Annie!

They do come in little cups. :)

I believe for the XS, and S it's 600 for 28, and for mediums and larges it's 400 for 28. Just keep 'em in the cup, no feeding, and they last a long time. :)



Sub-Adult Member
THANKS EM! i ordered them from mulberryfarms.com and they charge likE 10 bucks shipping. I will FO SHO be getting a LOAD of those worms!! Snuggles LOVES THEM!!! I think im almost out of the 100 i got on friday! Ah


Gray-bearded Member
annieoakley123":b7558 said:
THANKS EM! i ordered them from mulberryfarms.com and they charge likE 10 bucks shipping. I will FO SHO be getting a LOAD of those worms!! Snuggles LOVES THEM!!! I think im almost out of the 100 i got on friday! Ah

Yum yum for Snuggles! :wink: Those little worms really helped to kick start Cloudy's appetite (well, that and upgrading her husbandry). Anymore, her daily food in-take has been rather alarming. No less than 100 feeders a day for a week now. Can you say growth spurt???? :shock: At any rate, the girl can eat and she is growing like a maniac! Which of course for us is amazing news as she was soooo slooowww in getting there. :D

The best,


Gray-bearded Member
ErinMeetsMachine":5b6ad said:
I ordered some yesterday from phoenixworm.com. They have free priority shipping so I'm hoping to see them soon!

I usually get mine in two days. :)

So, we ordered a small batch of larges for the first time to see and I feel that they are definitely a step up from the medium, however still a small worm of course. Beardie surely enjoyed her big juicy worms this am, after days and days of the "dregs" of our last order. Last time, I ordered the 2 - 500 count cups, medium because it's a great deal (48 for the 1000 of them), but was disappointed that many of the "medium" worms were actually smalls and ex-smalls. I've had to feed her upwards of 70-80 for her to feel like she's had a meal. Anyone else order the 1000 for $48 and have this problem?

I ordered the 4 - 100 count cups this time, large and all looks to be in order. :D

The best,


Sub-Adult Member
I didn't get the larges because I know they don't keep as long. Since this is my first batch I'm trying it out and if she really likes them I'll get a big order of the larges.


Gray-bearded Member
ErinMeetsMachine":8fafe said:
I didn't get the larges because I know they don't keep as long. Since this is my first batch I'm trying it out and if she really likes them I'll get a big order of the larges.

Indeed, that another reason I went for the smaller order as I'm not sure how long they'll last. If they're the correct size, she'll eat perhaps 40-45 a day so we get through them very quickly. That said, I'm gun shy on ordering the bigger supply since the last of "mediums" had some many smalls and xs, but the price is certainly right. I might write them and inquire before making another big order.

Good luck with the PWs, Erin!



:D bummer, i've lost 10 eggs since they were laid, so far; i'm still hoping i'll at least have 10 babies. theres 15 eggs left maybe they'll all hatch. time will tell
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