pooping after phoenix worms

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Hatchling Member
ErinMeetsMachine":b683c said:
I really want to order PW's, but I've been so spoiled by my free shipping of crickets that it's hard for me to pay $20 for pw's and then nearly another $10-20 for shipping... Maybe they'll have them at the reptile show this upcoming weekend.

Wow! where do you get your crix? ~sorry off topic


Hatchling Member
I ordered mine from phoenixworms.com and there was no shipping charges!! 28 bucks for 600...works out to like 3 cents a worm...totally worth it....even cheaper if you buy more!!


Sub-Adult Member
Yeah, I was just looking there and I like that whole free priority shipping thing..

i get my crickets from TopHatCrickets.com They're a local cricket farm 20 minutes away... unfortunately they don't do pick-ups. But for surrounding states they have free shipping. I get 1,000 crickets for $21.10 after tax. Which state do you live in, rin0425?


Hatchling Member
Im in Milwaukee WI...no good anything dealers here believe it or not...i think there is a roach guy somewhere north of me...but I just cant bring myself to have a bucket of roaches in my house...as I have lived in an apartment with a small problem...creepy
good to know about those crickets though...i wonder if that applies to wisconsin...


Sub-Adult Member
Lucky you! They provide free ground shipping to you. Be sure to look at their shipping schedule before ordering.. I thought once that it took quite a while to ship, but it was a holiday AND I placed an order on a day they don't ship. I usually put mine in before noon on monday and get them by wednesday.


Hatchling Member
rin0425":3f7c8 said:
sweet! ill definately need some pins when my eggs hatch...thanks for the tip!

When I read in this thread about pinning or poking a hole on PW, it sounds ridiculous. I didn't think that I would let myself to do that.
Yesterday all of Billie's crix and butterworms are out. I ordered some crix, silkworms, and butterworms online but they haven't arrived yet.
So today during my lunch break I went to the pet store, but the store also out of crix. Arrrgh!!!
Luckily I still have unopened cup of 500 PW's, so here I am today... poking a hole on the PW just for my spoiled lil dragon.


Gray-bearded Member
erdeem":6d90d said:
rin0425":6d90d said:
sweet! ill definately need some pins when my eggs hatch...thanks for the tip!

When I read in this thread about pinning or poking a hole on PW, it sounds ridiculous. I didn't think that I would let myself to do that.
Yesterday all of Billie's crix and butterworms are out. I ordered some crix, silkworms, and butterworms online but they haven't arrived yet.
So today during my lunch break I went to the pet store, but the store also out of crix. Arrrgh!!!
Luckily I still have unopened cup of 500 PW's, so here I am today... poking a hole on the PW just for my spoiled lil dragon.

How did it go?



Hatchling Member
Billie loves it, and I didn't see any worms in her poops. It's a lot of work, though. The worm can crawl out of the dish because when I pinned them they became wet. :?


Hatchling Member
I got my PW's and my beardies love them...so far, none in the poop! my only problem is them getting out of the bowl...sometimes shell run through the water and it turns them from harmless wigglers to worms that can almost defy gravity...if they get into the tank...is that a problem? will they burrow into the sand and then turn into flies on day?
Also, has anyone had issues with the number in their container...one of mine seems to only have had like 60 in it...the rest seem more like 150...


Gray-bearded Member
rin0425":97414 said:
I got my PW's and my beardies love them...so far, none in the poop! my only problem is them getting out of the bowl...sometimes shell run through the water and it turns them from harmless wigglers to worms that can almost defy gravity...if they get into the tank...is that a problem? will they burrow into the sand and then turn into flies on day?
Also, has anyone had issues with the number in their container...one of mine seems to only have had like 60 in it...the rest seem more like 150...

Back on the thread aways, I went through the same problem (well, I was cleaning them with water and wow, they certainly can get around :shock: ). It's best to keep them dry, if you can. I don't keep water in my tank so I suppose that helps. I wouldn't want them free in the tank, and as you have sand you would'nt want to lose track of them, as they certainly have burrowing possibilities. :twisted:

If you read back aways on the thread there have been some who have "count" problems as well. I think they go by weight and usually this means "about 100" but I think it tends to vary some. I just bought the two 500 count tubs and they seem pretty right on. In fact, they seem to be lasting forever. I was a little disappointed however because there have been quite a few smalls, and even some x-smalls in there. *sigh*

Glad you haven't had any worms in poop! :D

The best,

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
beardie osk":7397a said:
Hello folks,

I too have had phoenix worms for my clan, and yes......they come out whole, I thought it was me, lighting, husbandry but it wasn't........ so feeding small amounts at a time helps with the chewing and digestion, BUT WHAT IS MORE DISTRESSING TO ME......... IS I BARELY GET THE AMOUNT MENTIONED WHEN I ORDER THEM. I order 400 at a time and have recieved all different counts in the 100 count containers, one time I only got 23 in a cup, (including the black and dead ones) When I've complained to the seller they blame the originally breeder of PW, so I've been very discouraged to say the least. I have 3 dragons, 2 of which have AV, so I count what my boys eats to log for the vet, that is how I know what I get in a cup. When I saw a pattern of this, I began counting them when I recieved the cups to make sure of the 100 count, very time consuming and dicouraging........if anyone from the breeder site is reading this post, I would love for you to Pm me.

On a positive note, PW's are nutritious if digested and yes they escape if left. I've had to leave a dish of them in the viv's to go to work, so I had to come up with a proper dish to help with escapee's:


This is your plastic old fashion soap dish, and it works well. I carefully roll the worm in my fingers, and put them dry in the dish......... they circle the dish like their running laps, with very few to none escaping. When my boys go on a hunger strikes, the PW's are still in the dish when I come home after work, just lapping.

I forgot where I got it, and have checked stores (like Walmart, etc) when shopping to get another one, but havn't found the exact same one, did get a clear plastic soap dish, the runs where going the opposite way,(vertically), not as convenient for the "lapping" worm. :lol:

Hopefully, that dish will help you, and best wishes to all,
Hope to here from those selling PW's, too. <><

I thought I'd put my past post here to show the soap dish I use so you don't have any escapee's, once in a great while one will get loose, but you can leave them the whole day and you don't have to pierce them either.
They will burrow or find a place to hide, so I wouldn't let them run around at random.
As far as the count being off, you should PM "Dr. Phoenix" to let him know, (he's in past post), this has happened too frequently and maybe ordering direct from him will rectify the problem.

Bugs and hugs, :love5:


hey everyone!!! my female has laid her first clutch of eggs since i have had her, theres about twenty five eggs and she might not be done yet. BABY DRAGONS FOR EVERYONE!!!. i'm glad my daughters here with us, it helps having someone that knows what there doing :D :p


Sub-Adult Member
rin0425":d7a2d said:
I ordered mine from phoenixworms.com and there was no shipping charges!! 28 bucks for 600...works out to like 3 cents a worm...totally worth it....even cheaper if you buy more!!

did they come in cups? sounds like a great deal
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