The "Bligg" Arrival ... New Pics(pg112)

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Hello Everyone!

For those of you who do not already know... I am about to welcome the newest member of my family.... Bligg!
He is on his way to my house right now... via the big brown viv.. aka as UPS :D

Bligg is one of Barbara's (fresnowitte) babies born out of wedlock to Ms.Tiggs and Blaze. His name I came up with by blending his parents names together.... Blaze + Tigg = Bligg :wink:

Here is the story of Bligg.... the little beardie who has been melting my heart for the past 56 days and will very soon be here at his forever home in Florida!

Bligg was born on July 15th in a small farm house in Fresno, CA.

Here is Bligg making his grand entrance

Here's the hour old and glass dancing already :shock:

Bligg's first shed at 19 days old....Awwww!

One month old and too darn cute!

Bligg on my birthday last month... BTW... Bligg is my b'day present to myself :D

4 days ago..... Would you look at that big boy :shock:

Okay.... I need another cup of coffee and a peek out the window(it's only the 37th time I've done it :roll: )

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
Christy... headbobbing and blackbearding :shock: Shame on you! He's just a baby! :lol:

Barb... Bligg is a handsome boy, isn't he? One more reason for me to thank you and his parents too, of course! :mrgreen:

Jacqui... 95% of people with this eye condition have had a previous injury to their cornea that never healed properly. I punctured a hole in my cornea 25 years ago and am paying the consequences of it healing improperly. The top layer of my cornea never quite adhered to my eye, so now it just comes off when it wants to anger me :lol:

Jasper's Mom":411b4 said:
Maybe next summer you can ride him in a parade!
:lol: Thanks for the laugh Sandi.... I needed it :lol:
I haven't been on much and have wondered how Chloe, Bob and Phin are doing. I'm sure being in your care they are thriving. I will check out their thread tonight after work :wink:

Sara... HeHe... if Bliggy grows wings, that would be fine by me! I could jump on his back, fly around the world and meet all the members and their beardies :D Wouldn't that be something?! :lol:

Gina(godmommy)... glad I could provide your Bliggy fix :lol:

Thanks everyone for all the well wishes on my eye. It is doing much better :D

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Dawn, I'm sorry your eye's giving you grief, but glad that it's healed up again. What a painful thing to go through.

Bligg does not look like a 3 1/2 mo old. He's the same weight and length that Sweetie was at 1 yr old :shock: He's sure going to be a big 'un!

Glad your son is better from that terrible virus. It's not as bad here in Vancouver, but alot of people are starting to get sick. We've got the vaccine, but there's a list of priority. I get the shot today,as I'm diabetic. Ick.

I loved all the pics of Bliggy, but the funniest pic is the one you posted on Misty's thread; guess he's bored when you're not around to fuss over him! He sure looks comfy, though. Rubio gets in the same sort of pose when he's chilling out. Bliggy is so cute, glad you got him. Hope Rexie isn't feeling left out, but I'm sure she gets snuggles daily, too.

Take care all of you,
Deborah & my zoo, we all send lots of hugs

fresnowitte Sicko
It's been a couple of days so I thought I'd check in on you and the Bliggster.
I haven't heard much on Rex lately is she trying to brumate this year?

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
Thanks Deborah! My eye is doing much better. I actually go back to the doctor today to have the lens removed and they will assess the damage again. Don't you worry about Rexie... she is never left out. She gets plenty of attention :wink:
Barb... Rex doesn't do a full blown brumation. Just alot of napping on and off. She finally ate some supers yesterday(only 4), that will be her fill for the week :lol:

I will try and get new pics of Bligg up in the next day or two. I have some cute ones of him and Timmy. We have a small hurricane creeping it's way up through the Gulf of Mexico as I speak. It is due to make landfall tomorrow morning...ugh! That's means power outages and lots of yard debris clean up at the end of the week :banghead:

fresnowitte Sicko
I have heard and been watching Ida I worry about you with those hurricanes and tropical storms.
Hopefully Ida will weaken instead of increase wind speed before it hits land...though you are kinda still out there where your at...I mean with water so closely on both sides.
Be safe my friend....

I thought you had said before that Rexie only got super lazy and napped alot...heck that's normal for me even in the Winter. Blazie woke yesterday too and ate about 6 worms and 3 or 4 bites of his salad, basking for a few then climbed out into the window sill for a look see outside. But was back snuggled into his blankie long before evening...none of them have work today yet. Except for babies of course.

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
Thanks Barb! No need to worry... Hurricane Ida is a weak storm(category 1) with sustained winds of 80 mph. She shouldn't strengthen due to the gulf waters being cooler. They feed and grow on the warm waters(yes, they are alive! :lol: ). I've been through enough of them now that a Cat 1 does not scare me. It just means alot of rain.. which has already started, wind.. which takes down trees and branches. The thing I hate is the power being out which is a given during one of these storms. So I am off here shortly to stock up on a few things.
Hubby is happy because he gets to leave work early. They close all the bridges when winds reach 40 mph and we'll be feeling those later this afternoon.
I don't worry too much about water on either side of me. We are pretty high and dry where I am. I am actually a few miles from the Gulf itself. The sad thing is... if the storm hits during high tide the people on the water get a greater storm surge :(
We should be fine though :wink:


Gray-bearded Member
Be safe girl, if you do blow away, just aim north, and make sure you grab babies on your way! We'll keep you warm if you land in our "oz" -- seriously, be safe, hope all goes well, we'll all be thinking good thoughts


Sub-Adult Member
gulfbrzdawn":cb6b3 said:
Jacqui... 95% of people with this eye condition have had a previous injury to their cornea that never healed properly. I punctured a hole in my cornea 25 years ago and am paying the consequences of it healing improperly. The top layer of my cornea never quite adhered to my eye, so now it just comes off when it wants to anger me :lol:

Not to get you even more off topic, but isn't there some kind of lens you can wear at night to keep your cornea from sticking to your eyelid?
Sorry. I tend to be very curious.


gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
Aah Jacqui... you are so smart girl :wink:
I have already gone that route. Unfortunately, the lens would dry up and crumble in my eye :( Which hurts also. The doctor has even plugged my tear ducts to keep my eye better lubricated.
What can I say... my eye just hates me! :lol:
I'm opting towards a corneal transplant... but the doctors don't want to go there yet :roll:


Gray-bearded Member
ooh, Dawn, could you ask for a different color eye? Just like David Bowie :shock: (I'll go back to my corner now...)

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
blondie098":6acd1 said:
Be safe girl, if you do blow away, just aim north, and make sure you grab babies on your way! We'll keep you warm if you land in our "oz" -- seriously, be safe, hope all goes well, we'll all be thinking good thoughts
Thanks Dawn! I think all will be fine. It looks like the storm is trying to weaken.
If by chance I did start to drift.... all babies would be attached to me one way or another :lol:

blondie098":6acd1 said:
ooh, Dawn, could you ask for a different color eye? Just like David Bowie :shock: (I'll go back to my corner now...)
HeHe.... I am thinking a cats eye would be cool :mrgreen:


Sub-Adult Member
gulfbrzdawn":51b2c said:
Aah Jacqui... you are so smart girl :wink:
I have already gone that route. Unfortunately, the lens would dry up and crumble in my eye :( Which hurts also. The doctor has even plugged my tear ducts to keep my eye better lubricated.
What can I say... my eye just hates me! :lol:
I'm opting towards a corneal transplant... but the doctors don't want to go there yet :roll:

Heh it's an evil eye!
So now you have an evil eye and an evil twin.... soon you'll have the whole set! :roll:


vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Hey Dawn
Just wanted to pop on and let you know I think Bliggy is just one handsome fella! I can imagine how he must have you wrapped around his finger by now! Love him!


Juvie Member
Wow. I'm still in awe of his length and bliggness! (biggness...bliggness)...... Never mind
My beardie skeeter is the exact same age as Bligg and he is just below 10 inches!
Barbara, do you live next to a nuclear power plant by any chance? What if bligg becomes like crocodile sized! :p
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