The "Bligg" Arrival ... New Pics(pg112)

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Hello Everyone!

For those of you who do not already know... I am about to welcome the newest member of my family.... Bligg!
He is on his way to my house right now... via the big brown viv.. aka as UPS :D

Bligg is one of Barbara's (fresnowitte) babies born out of wedlock to Ms.Tiggs and Blaze. His name I came up with by blending his parents names together.... Blaze + Tigg = Bligg :wink:

Here is the story of Bligg.... the little beardie who has been melting my heart for the past 56 days and will very soon be here at his forever home in Florida!

Bligg was born on July 15th in a small farm house in Fresno, CA.

Here is Bligg making his grand entrance

Here's the hour old and glass dancing already :shock:

Bligg's first shed at 19 days old....Awwww!

One month old and too darn cute!

Bligg on my birthday last month... BTW... Bligg is my b'day present to myself :D

4 days ago..... Would you look at that big boy :shock:

Okay.... I need another cup of coffee and a peek out the window(it's only the 37th time I've done it :roll: )

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
Thanks Vicky... I think he's mighty handsome too!

Hopefulresearch":5f916 said:
Wow. I'm still in awe of his length and bliggness! (biggness...bliggness)...... Never mind
Got it! Cute!!!
Hopefulresearch":5f916 said:
Barbara, do you live next to a nuclear power plant by any chance? What if bligg becomes like crocodile sized! :p
It's all starting to make sense now :shock: :lol:

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Wow, what a very handsome and adorable looking guy he has become. Can't believe the size of him. :shock: Is he eating the 2nd side of beef now???????????

fresnowitte Sicko
Hopefulresearch":08c9a said:
Barbara, do you live next to a nuclear power plant by any chance? What if bligg becomes like crocodile sized! :p
Ha..ha! :lol: Been asked that a million times because of Zak-n-Wheezie...but no! :p

It's all starting to make sense now
Aaah! You asked me to pick out your's fault not mine....unless you want to blame me for being
able to pick out the monster. :twisted:

I can see it now Dawn riding off at sunrise on the back of Bligg.... :laughhard:
instead of a leese she will need reins. :laughing6:

spurlee01 Addict
Dawn, did you survive? Was there much damage? Do you have power yet? (Ok, well, I assume if you are reading this you have power unless your cell phone has internet) :lol:

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
I am here and fine! The storm weakened quite a bit... so it was alot of rain and some wind.

LOL ... I fully intend on riding the Bliggster one day, whether it be in a parade or escaping a flood :lol:

BTW... Diane.. where on earth have you been? Bligg has been eating the whole cow for quite a while now :wink: You should try Autumn on beef. Bligg prefers his grilled med-rare with just a hint of lemon pepper :mrgreen:

diamc Sicko
Staff member
fresnowitte":7d0ab said:
That thread about the 14ft beardie doesn't seem so far fetched now does it? :lol:
No, not as far as BLIGG is concerned. :mrgreen:

Bligg prefers his grilled med-rare with just a hint of lemon pepper :mrgreen:
Dawn, rather than the lemon pepper, you might want to try cilantro, our beardies really like that. :D It has to be the GG bloodlines that are causing him to grow so fast. How much is he eating in a day now honestly?


Sub-Adult Member
We have gone 5 days without new pictures . . . *sniff sniff* Would love to see some new pictures of our resident monster beardie. (When you have time that is :mrgreen: )

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
Sorry everyone... I have been a bit busy lately :oops:
First I would like to say.. Diane, Bligg is eating only about 50 crickets, approx. 20 pw's and two salads a day. He is not eating as much as he was. I don't know what's up with the little booger.

Here are some pics to hold you all over for a while :D

Bliggy and Timmy

Okay... she is about to bring me my worms. Don't forget what I told you!


Timmy, stop looking at MY worms! Remember... only eat the food that closely resembles YOUR color.
That would be GREEN for you. Got it?!


Timmy.. does that worm look green to you?


MOM! Timmy won't stop eyeballing my food!
[Mom]... Bliggy dear, please be nice to Timmy.. he is your friend!


Blah! Blah! Blah! I'll fix you, FRIEND!


Go ahead... try and get some now!
[Mom]... Bliggy, how are you and Timmy getting along in there?
Oh Just peachy Mom! Though I think Timmy is probably full now :roll: :mrgreen:


Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
gulfbrzdawn":98e4d said:
Go ahead... try and get some now!
[Mom]... Bliggy, how are you and Timmy getting along in there?
Oh Just peachy Mom! Though I think Timmy is probably full now :roll: :mrgreen:


. . .
. . .

Did somebody wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Dawn, that last bunch of pics were priceless. He sure likes his Timmy, even if he does try to eat his food! He is just so big, maybe the slowing down on food is just because winter is approaching? Either way, he sure is a beautiful boy and I'm sure you're waiting for him to grow out of his tank! Hugs to all of you; glad your eye is better Dawn, and so glad you didn't get too affected by those nasty storms. All pics of Bliggy are greatly appreciated. I'll be showing him off to our babies, soo how they react! Keep the pics you can, of course!

Deborah & my zoo

fresnowitte Sicko
Dawn loved the little picture story that was to cute. :laughing6:

As for the slowing down on food I'd say that beardies may do this when they have reached a certain size as they know they no longer need to eat like a machine to grow as they are almost there(but I'd say he's still eating a pretty good amount). Did that make any sense? I mean as babies their main objective is to put away as much food as possible to grow big enough to feel safe(he just grew to that size quicker than most). In other words he knows he's a big boy already. :wink:

Sorry haven't had my coffee quota for the day and it's overcast and gloomy to boot. Makes for very slow brain activity.
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