The "Bligg" Arrival ... New Pics(pg112)

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Hello Everyone!

For those of you who do not already know... I am about to welcome the newest member of my family.... Bligg!
He is on his way to my house right now... via the big brown viv.. aka as UPS :D

Bligg is one of Barbara's (fresnowitte) babies born out of wedlock to Ms.Tiggs and Blaze. His name I came up with by blending his parents names together.... Blaze + Tigg = Bligg :wink:

Here is the story of Bligg.... the little beardie who has been melting my heart for the past 56 days and will very soon be here at his forever home in Florida!

Bligg was born on July 15th in a small farm house in Fresno, CA.

Here is Bligg making his grand entrance

Here's the hour old and glass dancing already :shock:

Bligg's first shed at 19 days old....Awwww!

One month old and too darn cute!

Bligg on my birthday last month... BTW... Bligg is my b'day present to myself :D

4 days ago..... Would you look at that big boy :shock:

Okay.... I need another cup of coffee and a peek out the window(it's only the 37th time I've done it :roll: )


Extreme Poster
LOVED the pics Dawn!! Bligg is so handsome and I love his little "friend" Timmy! Way too cute, we need a weekly comic book series with these too :mrgreen:

spurlee01 Addict
Lol, Dawn, I was looking at your photo shoot in history and couldn't help but giggle to myself. I got some very odd looks. As for slowing down, Tyson slowed down this time last year but he was only like 3 months old (born in August). Lilly put away 100 a day for a while until she brumated, but I also think that Lilly was catching up for lost time (after all she wasn't Bligg's size until 8 months).

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
Thanks guys! Glad you enjoyed the "Bliggy and Timmy" story :D

Maybe you are right Barb. Maybe Bligg is slowing down on food because he's gotten big enough. Then again... maybe he's tired of hearing me call him "my big Bliggy boy". Gosh.. I hope he's not on some kind of strike :shock:

HeHe.. Katrina.. a comic book series..LOL, we'll see :roll:

fresnowitte Sicko
Dawn are you not feeding him PW's as well? Remember PW's are very nutritious and satifying this may have something to do with the amount of crickets he is no longer consuming. :wink:

Jiffy Addict
Dawn, those pics and that story were awesome! Poor TImmy, Bligg wont share his food with him. :wink:

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Dawn the "Bliggy and Timmy" story was adorable, you're a natural. :D Sure seemed like you summed up exactly what Bligg was thinking, his expressions tell all. I also think we need a weekly comic strip. :wink: Those pictures were stunning.

Barbara has a good point, sounds like he is enjoying the PW's so much and getting what he needs from them that he has cut himself back on the crickets. My next order will certainly be a LOT of PW's as I'm sure Misty has missed them.

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
Barb... I am feeding the pw's... but only like 20 of them and I am doing that every other day now. Bligg has been going to bed earlier as well. Something tells me Bliggy thinks he is all grown up now and is wanting to know what all the hype about brumation is :shock: I told him he is still a baby, but he doesn't seem to be accepting it too well :lol: I think this is why he is shunning poor Timmy.... big boys don't play with stuffed animals :roll: I went through the same situation with Aaron(son) :wink:

Jennifer... Bligg's not real big on sharing when it comes to his food. I always thought it was cute when he would eat veggies from my hand. Now I am starting to think he only snatches them from my fingers for fear that I might try and eat them :shock: :lol:

Diane... a weekly comic strip, huh! I might be able to manage that :wink:


Sub-Adult Member
Hello Dawn! Missed you! I thought I'd better pop in and check on your alligator, err.. I mean beardie. He looks great!

fresnowitte Sicko
I was thinking the same thing Diane.....

I'm really looking forward to is those weight and measurement pic's. I can't believe how fast he has grown. What was his last weight in 229grams? :shock:

diamc Sicko
Staff member
I missed that, 229 grams? Wow, no wonder he's slowed down his eating of the crickets, he must have quite the fat stores already. :eek:

fresnowitte Sicko
I think Dawn told someone in another thread his lastest weight. Can't remember... :?

I do really look forward to those weekend weigh ins Dawn...Hint...hint!

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
Sorry guys :( You will have to wait until tomorrow for pics and weights. I have a house full up people showing up in a few hours, so I have lots to do... LOL ... so what am I doing here, I ask?!!!!! :roll:
"I will not come back on I will not come back on I will not come back on"
Okay... I'm feeling stronger already. I CAN do this!
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