The "Bligg" Arrival ... New Pics(pg112)

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Hello Everyone!

For those of you who do not already know... I am about to welcome the newest member of my family.... Bligg!
He is on his way to my house right now... via the big brown viv.. aka as UPS :D

Bligg is one of Barbara's (fresnowitte) babies born out of wedlock to Ms.Tiggs and Blaze. His name I came up with by blending his parents names together.... Blaze + Tigg = Bligg :wink:

Here is the story of Bligg.... the little beardie who has been melting my heart for the past 56 days and will very soon be here at his forever home in Florida!

Bligg was born on July 15th in a small farm house in Fresno, CA.

Here is Bligg making his grand entrance

Here's the hour old and glass dancing already :shock:

Bligg's first shed at 19 days old....Awwww!

One month old and too darn cute!

Bligg on my birthday last month... BTW... Bligg is my b'day present to myself :D

4 days ago..... Would you look at that big boy :shock:

Okay.... I need another cup of coffee and a peek out the window(it's only the 37th time I've done it :roll: )

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
Oops! I had a pic of Bligg to post and forgot :oops: Before I do that I did want to mention I weighed and measured my little rascal this morning and am happy to report that he is 18" long and 280 grams. I wonder if he will reach 300 grams by the 15th, when he turns 5 months old?! :roll: :D

Anyway... this is how I find the Bliggster every morning. He sure loves his carwashing thingamabob(thanks to Hopefulresearch :D )


Jiffy Addict
He is huge Dawn! And I love the car washing thingamabob! :wink:
And I see you just made your 5000th post! Congrats. I just knew that you would make it on one of my threads, just to rub it in! :roll: :wink: I was almost disappointed in you! :lol:

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
Jiffy":87802 said:
And I see you just made your 5000th post! Congrats. I just knew that you would make it on one of my threads, just to rub it in! :roll: :wink: I was almost disappointed in you! :lol:
AHA! While you were making this post I was in OFF TOPIC making one for you! :wink: :mrgreen:

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
First let me say that Bligg is a BEAST!I cant believe it!Also big CONGRATULATIONS you are now an :wink:

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
My god-beardie is already 18 inches and 280 grams?! Good grief woman, what are you feeding that boy?!? Whole bisons?

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
fez09":75cf3 said:
18 inches at 5 months old :shock: :shock: Good grief!!!!
What are you so surprised about Katrina? Fiona isn't too far behind! :wink:

vickson420":75cf3 said:
Also big CONGRATULATIONS you are now an :wink:
HeHe... I was caught off guard by the "addict" part. I couldn't figure out what it was you thought I was addicted to .. LOL .. it took a few minutes to sink in :roll: Just one of those blonde moments I guess!

Goonie":75cf3 said:
My god-beardie is already 18 inches and 280 grams?! Good grief woman, what are you feeding that boy?!? Whole bisons?
Yes Gina... your god-beardie is growing out of control. He might have to come spend the summer with you while we are building his new viv. I am having an engineer draw up the floor plans for it now. Still haven't figured out yet where the viv is going. I might have to buy the piece of property behind my house... not quite sure yet :dontknow:


Extreme Poster
Wow thats one big boy! I bet he hits 20 to 24 inchs forget about a 4x2x2 you will need a 4x4x4 after hes done LOL

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Bligg is just so huge, I'm sure he'll be over 26" long by the time he's 2 yrs old. WOW :shock: that'll be bigger than his daddy! Must be something about Florida air, right Dawn?

I'm enjoying the updates and everything else about this thread, so thanks for sharing, we all appreciate it!

Deborah and my sleepy dragons

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
Okay... I know you guys are going to freak out, but........ I have pics to post! :mrgreen: I know! I know! Pics posted two days in a row... what is this world coming to! :lol:

Let me start by saying that I had ordered small supers last week for the Bliggster. I absolutely hate crickets and have had just about enough of their nasty, smelly little bodies in my house! So, after talking to Barb... due to being worried about giving Bligg the supers, I decided to get them. Well, they arrived and I couldn't wait to feed them to Bligg... especially since the poor guy only got a salad for breakfast(didn't get more crickets... was awaiting the worms).

I only gave him 8 of the freshly shed ones. I wanted to see how he would handle them first.
Here he is wondering what the heck I have just put in his bowl.


Geez! You don't realize how long their tongues are until you get a shot of them eating :shock:




and we are going in for the last one now...
"There is no escaping, my friend! I am Bligg and I strike fast!"



I think he liked them :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I know the action shots are a bit blurry, but they're actions shots, right?! :wink:

fresnowitte Sicko
An I strike fast...LMAO! :lol:

I'm sure he will do just fine with them Dawn the other's have been eating them with absolutely nooooo problems. :D

Glad they came in today I'd hated to see the pic you'd have posted of the evil eye/death glare he'd be giving you later if they hadn't. :lol:


Sub-Adult Member
awwwww Bliggy likes his new yummies, YAY :blob5:

I can't wait until I can start feeding Moose, supers, Ive just been giving roaches but ordered 500 crix for something different, I think he's getting tired of roaches and salad.

I loved the eating ones...haha I just love Bligg :love5:
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