Ziggy's thread (lots of new pics on PG.20) 09/01/11

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Slave2Scarlett":1qxqafnc said:
Those are great! I love them!

Thank you very much for checking them out! :notworthy:

Hehe, Scarlett is exactly one week younger than Ziggy! :love5:


Juvie Member
Those are all great :) In the first one she looks like she's "Whaaatt ??" :)
In the last one I love the way you put her name :) Very cool ... and of course I love the pictures of these guys with their heads cocked :) Adorable !


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Thank you Carrie and "beardie parents" :)
I just LOVE how they c ock their heads and look at you! Aww :love5:
I'm glad you both like my pics! ;)


New member
Nice! It's so onerous to seek good quality data on the web at this time from educated sources, it is all wannabe's and reused content material with just a few exceptions. I hope you keep up the nice work and I seemingly be back to learn extra of your posts sooner or later!


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Naw, thank you! :blob5: :oops: :blob5:
This is very good forum for beardies, you can find many friendly and knowledgeable people here. ;)
You're welcome to check back in if you want! :mrgreen:


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Hi guys, I'm back with new pics that I took while Ziggy and me were outside in the garden. :mrgreen:






I love this one where she tries to eat grass :mrgreen:

Comments are appreciated as always! :wink:


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carmil07":2p5m8bm5 said:
Fab pics, what a cutie ;) x

Thank you! :mrgreen:

Denduran87":2p5m8bm5 said:
your shirt really makes him stand out. Good looking dragon!

Thank you Dendurana87! :)
Those are my shorts :mrgreen:
She loves being outside, I take her out almost every day (when weather permits of course) ;) We had a great time outside the other day. I love when she starts "ripping that grass, haha :laughhard:


Sub-Adult Member
Stupid studying... No time to come appreciate pictures of pretty Ziggy.

Love this one:


She looks like a dinosaur. :lol:


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Jamiedog":1o1kdkfv said:
Stupid studying... No time to come appreciate pictures of pretty Ziggy.

Love this one:


She looks like a dinosaur. :lol:

Yay, I love that picture too, haha she always puts on her bright colors when we're outside. :mrgreen: They are all our little dinosaurs, I always think of her like that, lol, my own pet dinosaur :love5:

Oh, and good luck with studying. :study: :study: :study: :mrgreen:


Juvie Member
What awesome pictures !!! I just saw them - been out of town to see my little brother graduate from grad school :)
While I was looking at the pictures I was thinking - OH so cute! I really love this picture... oh wait this one is my favorite.... but this one is so awesome too.... AND look at that one.... Awwww such a cute beard! ...awwww eating grass... sooo cute....

I think my actual fav is the 2nd one, but they are all fantastic. Ziggy looks great !
PS: those short rock :mrgreen:
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